Applicability Determinations
An applicability determination is a formal EPA response to questions about how regulations apply to a particular situation. Below are EPA's responses to written requests for applicability determinations under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. They illustrate the facts that EPA considers when deciding how CSAPR applies to power sector entities. Each of the following determinations is based on application of 40 CFR 97.404, 97.504, 97.604 and/or 97.704 to the specific facts in each case and may not apply to other cases.
- Kinder Morgan SACROC Carbon Dioxide Treatment Plant (Facility ID (ORISPL) 56233) (pdf)
- Portside Energy Facility (Facility ID (ORISPL) 55096) (pdf)
- Veolia Energy Edison Street facility (Facility ID (ORISPL) 880006) (pdf)
- Veolia Energy Philadelphia, Inc., Schuylkill Station (Facility ID (ORISPL) 50607) (pdf)