Organization of EPA's Region 1 Office in Boston
Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and 10 Tribal Nations
Organization Chart
Leadership and Organizational Responsibilities
Office of the Regional Administrator
- (617) 918-1111
Deputy Regional Administrator: Karen McGuire
How we're organized:
- Immediate Office:
- provides the overall supervision of the Region, with all Division Directors reporting to the RA;
- implements planning, programming, implementation, control, and direction of technical and administrative aspects of Region 1 programs and activities;
- develops plans, establishes internal operating policies and procedures, and resolves operational problems;
- manages Regional resources, and continually evaluates Regional programs and activities; and
- selects, assigns, provides direction and guidance to EPA staff as necessary to achieve program objectives.
- Public Affairs Branch
Programs we administer:
- Public affairs
- Superfund community involvement
- Tribal affairs
- International affairs
- Congressional and intergovernmental relations
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Special Emphasis Programs
Air and Radiation Division
Director: Lynne Hamjian
How we're organized:
- Air Quality Branch
- Energy and Resilience Branch
- Air Permits, Toxics and Indoor Programs Branch
- Grants and Program Support Branch
Programs we administer:
- State and Federal Implementation Plans (SIPs/FIPs)
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) designations
- Air permits
- Air toxics
- New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
- National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
- Maximum Attainable Control Technology (MACT)
- Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA)
- Air grants
- Radon
- Indoor air
- Voluntary programs consultation, technical assistance and outreach (Energy Star, radon, asthma, etc.)
- Programmatic grant support, including state, tribal, air, and water grants
Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division
Director: James Chow
How we're organized:
- Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Branch
- Water Compliance Section
- Air Compliance Section
- Waste and Chemical Compliance Section
- Toxics, Pesticides and Drinking Water Compliance Section
- Multi-Media Assistance and Support Section
Programs we administer:
- Enforcement of broad range of environmental statutes, including air, water, wetlands, drinking water, waste, toxics and pesticides
- Inspections, compliance assurance and assistance
- Risk Management and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
- Tips and complaints
Environmental Justice, Children's Health and Environmental Review Division
Director: Carol Tucker
How we're organized:
- Immediate Office:
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- EJ Community Programs and Engagement Branch:
- EJ Community Programs (Beta Section)
- EJ Community Programs (Gamma Section)
Programs we administer:
- Environmental justice
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Children's health
- Environmental education
Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division
Director: Elizabeth Deabay
How we're organized:
- Quality Assurance Branch
- Field Services Branch
- Lab Services Branch
Programs we administer:
- Quality management
- Scientific integrity
- Field sampling
- Lab services
Land, Chemicals, and Redevelopment Division
Director: Stephanie Carr
How we're organized:
- Land, Chemicals and Redevelopment Branch
- Brownfields and Sustainable Materials Management Section
- RCRA Waste Management, UST and Pesticides Section
- RCRA Corrective Action and TSCA Section
Programs we administer:
- Hazardous waste management
- RCRA facility corrective action
- Underground storage tanks
- Brownfields
- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
- Asbestos demolition/renovation
- Pesticides
- PCB guidance, technical assistance and remediation plan review oversight
- Pollution prevention
Mission Support Division
Director: Arthur Johnson
How we're organized:
- Information Services Branch
- Information Resources Section
- Information Technology Section
- Customer Service and Facilities Branch
- Comptroller Branch
- Human Resources Branch
- Contracts and Procurement Branch
- Grants Management Branch
Programs we administer:
- Strategic planning and process improvement
- Budget
- Finance
- Financial aspects of cost recovery
- Management Control and Financial Integrity (FMFIA)
- Facilities and security
- Health and safety
- Human resources
- Information technology and information management (including geographic information systems)
- Customer service support
- Management of grants and interagency agreements
- Contracts and acquisitions
Office of Regional Counsel
Regional Counsel: Carl Dierker
How we're organized:
- Counseling Branch
- Legal Enforcement Branch
- Superfund and Site Remediation Legal Enforcement Section
- Regulatory Legal Enforcement Section
Programs we administer:
- Legal counsel
- Litigation
- Ethics
- Regional Hearing Clerk
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Superfund and Emergency Management Division
Director: Bryan Olson
How we're organized:
- Emergency Planning and Response Branch
- Emergency Response and Removal I Section
- Emergency Response and Removal II Section
- Remediation Branch
- New Hampshire/Rhode Island Superfund Section
- Maine/Vermont/Connecticut Superfund Section
- Massachusetts Superfund Section
- Operations Branch
- Federal Facilities and GE Housatonic River Section
- Budget/Cost Recovery, Enforcement, and Information Management Section
- Contracts Section
- Technical Support, Site Assessment, and Remedial Policy Section
Programs we administer:
- Superfund site assessment and cleanup
- Emergency response
- Oil spill prevention and planning
Water Division
Director: Ken Moraff
How we're organized:
- Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance Branch
- Drinking Water Quality and Protection Section
- Municipal Assistance Section
- Water Infrastructure Section
- Surface Water Protection Branch
- Ocean and Coastal Protection Section
- Watershed and Nonpoint Source Management Section
- Water Quality and Wetlands Protection Section
- Water Permits Branch
- Municipal and Industrial Permits Section
- Stormwater Permits Section
Programs we administer:
- Beach Program
- Coastal and ocean resources
- Drinking water
- Groundwater protection
- Water infrastructure
- National Estuary Program (including Long Island Sound)
- Lake Champlain Basin Program
- Southeast New England Program
- Non-point source pollution
- NPDES permits
- Dredged material management/ocean disposal
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
- Water quality standards
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
- Wastewater and stormwater permitting
- Watershed restoration
- Wetlands
- Vessel no discharge zones