Air Quality Planning
Air Quality Planning
AirNow - is your one-stop source for air quality data. Our recently redesigned site highlights air quality in your local area first, while still providing air quality information at state, national, and world views. A new interactive map even lets you zoom out to get the big picture or drill down to see data for a single air quality monitor.
AirNow Fire and Smoke Map - is designed to provide the public additional information on levels of particle pollution (PM2.5) in the air during fires. The map does this by bringing together information from permanent air quality monitors that report to AirNow, temporary monitors, information on fire locations and smoke plumes, and special smoke statements, where available. In addition, data from low-cost sensors provides information in areas where there are no official air monitoring stations.
Air Quality Flag Program - each day your organization raises a flag that corresponds to how clean or polluted the air is. The color of the flag matches EPA's Air Quality Index (AQI): green, yellow, orange, red, and purple. On unhealthy days, your organization can use this information to adjust physical activities to help reduce exposure to air pollution, while still keeping people active.
Air Sensors Toolbox - Air sensor monitors that are lower in cost, portable and generally easier to operate than regulatory-grade monitors are widely used in the United States to understand air quality conditions. This website provides the latest science on the performance, operation and use of air sensor monitoring systems for technology developers, air quality managers, citizen scientists and the public. The EPA is involved in the advancement of air sensor technology, including performance evaluations of sensor devices and best practices for effectively using sensors.
The National Emissions Inventory - (NEI) is a detailed estimate of air emissions that include criteria pollutants and hazardous air pollutants.
Emissions Inventory Development Resources - A clearinghouse for inventories and emission factors, emission assessment and estimation procedures, emissions data and projections
Emissions Inventory System - Quick Reference- Provides step-by-step instructions to generate reports in EIS for: (a) a list of counties with sector-total emissions for NOx and VOC and (b) a list of facilities and their NOx and VOC emissions for those same counties.
EnviroAtlas – EPA’s interactive web-based tool that states, communities, and citizens can use to help inform policy and planning decisions. EnviroAtlas combines maps, analysis tools, fact sheets, and downloadable data into an easy-to-use, web-based resource that allows users to understand the implications of various decisions and their potential impacts on ecosystems.
Megacities Partnership - provides national and local policy makers with a framework by which to develop and implement comprehensive action plans to address air quality and improve public health in cities.
SIP Credit and Air Quality Planning
Improving Air Quality with Economic Incentive Programs, EPA-452/R-01-001
Incorporating Emerging and Voluntary Measures in a State Implementation Plan (SIP)
Incorporating Voluntary Stationary Source Emission Reduction Programs Into SIPs
Menu of Control Measures for NAAQS Implementation: listing of potential emissions reduction measures for direct PM2.5 and precursors of ozone and PM2.5
EPA Tribal Air and Climate Resources - Provides technical assistance and program support to build tribal capacity.
EPA Burn Wise Program - Provides information to assist air agencies and the public in reducing particle pollution from residential wood smoke.
EPA's Valley Identification Tool and Valley Profile Tool - Valleys in New England are especially vulnerable to higher levels of PM2.5 from wood smoke during winter air inversions. These tools identify populated valleys throughout New England that are at risk for wood smoke pollution. They can be used to better plan air quality monitoring, outreach and mitigation.