Louisiana LAC 33:III Ch. 21 Section 2133 - Control of Emissions from Gasoline Bulk Plants, SIP effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34)
Regulatory Text:
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Part III Air (LAC 33:III)
Chapter 21. Control of Emission of Organic Compounds
Subchapter F. Gasoline Handling
Section 2133. Gasoline Bulk Plants
Adopted in the Louisiana Register June 20, 1995 (LR 21:0552 to 0553, AQ111) and revision
to paragraph D.2 adopted in Louisiana Register December 20, 1996 (LR 22:1212p12, AQ145),
Approved by EPA July 5, 2011 (76 FR 38977) SIP effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34) LA021,
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0924
AQ111 §2133.A to A.2.b;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0552(6/20/1995)
A. Applicability
1. This Section applies to all unloading, loading, and storage operations at bulk gasoline plants and to any gasoline tank truck delivering or receiving gasoline at a bulk gasoline plant.
2. The following are subject only to the requirements of Subsections C.3.g-i, E, and E.l of this Section and are exempt from the requirements of LAC 33:III.2131:
a. any stationary storage tank of 550 gallons (2,082 liters) capacity or less, notwithstanding LAC 33:III.2107; and
b. any bulk gasoline plant with an average daily throughput of gasoline of less than 4,000 gallons (15,000 liters) on a 30-day rolling average, provided that records are maintained according to the requirements in Subsection E.1 of this Section. Any facility that becomes or is currently subject to all of the provisions of this Section by exceeding this applicability threshold will remain subject to these provisions even if its throughput later falls below the applicability threshold. Any facility that is currently subject to a state or federal rule promulgated pursuant to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 by exceeding an applicability threshold is and will remain subject to these provisions, even if its throughput or emissions have fallen or later fall below the applicability threshold.
AQ111 §2133.B;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0552(6/20/1995)
B. Definitions. As used in this Section, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Act or in LAC 33:III.lll.
AQ111 §2133.C to C.4;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0552-0553(6/20/1995)
C. Standards
1. Each bulk gasoline plant subject to this Section shall be equipped with a vapor balance system between the gasoline storage tank and the incoming gasoline tank truck designed to capture and transfer vapors displaced during filling of the gasoline storage tank. These lines shall be equipped with fittings that are vapor-tight and that automatically and immediately close upon disconnection.
2. Each bulk gasoline plant subject to this Section shall be equipped with a vapor balance system between the gasoline storage tank and the outgoing gasoline tank truck designed to capture and transfer vapors displaced during the loading of the gasoline tank truck. The vapor balance system shall be designed to prevent any vapors collected at one loading rack from passing to another loading rack.
3. Each owner or operator of a bulk gasoline plant subject to this Section shall act to ensure that the procedures in Subsection C.3.a-i of this Section are followed during all loading, unloading, and storage operations:
a. the vapor balance system required by Subsection C.1 and 2 of this Section shall be connected between the tank truck and storage tank during all gasoline transfer operations;
b. all storage tank openings, including inspection hatches and gauging and sampling devices, shall be vapor-tight when not in use;
c. the gasoline tank truck compartment hatch covers shall not be opened during product transfer;
d. all vapor balance systems shall be designed and
operated at all times to prevent gauge pressure in the gasoline
tank truck from exceeding 18 inches (450 millimeters) of
water and vacuum from exceeding 5.9 inches (150
millimeters) of water during product transfers;
e. no pressure vacuum relief valve in the bulk gasoline plant vapor balance system shall begin to open at a system pressure of less than-18 inches (450 millimeters) of water or at a vacuum of less than 5.9 inches (150 millimeters) of water;
f. all product transfers involving gasoline tank trucks at bulk gasoline plants subject to this Section shall be limited to vapor-tight gasoline tank trucks;
g. filling of storage tanks shall be restricted to submerged fill;
h. loading of outgoing gasoline tank trucks shall be limited to submerged fill; and
i. owners or operators of bulk gasoline plants or owners or operators of tank trucks shall observe all parts of the transfer and shall discontinue transfer if any liquid leaks are observed or vapor leaks are observed from lines, hoses, or connectors.
4. Each calendar month, the vapor balance systems described in Subsection C.1 and 2 of this Section and each loading rack that loads gasoline tank trucks shall be inspected for liquid or vapor leaks during product transfer operations. For purposes of this Section, detection methods incorporating sight, sound, or smell are acceptable. Each leak that is detected shall be repaired within 15 calendar days after it is detected.
AQ111 §2133.D;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0553(6/20/1995)
D. Compliance. Compliance with this Section shall be determined by applying the following test methods, as appropriate:
AQ111 §2133.D.1;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0553(6/20/1995)
1. Leak tests for monitoring during loading, EPA, Appendix B, Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Collection Systems (EPA 450/2-78-51);
AQ145 §2133.D.2;LAd34;LA021.02;AQ145;LR22:1212p12(12/20/1996)
2. Test Method 21 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as incorporated by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) for determination of volatile organic compound leaks;
AQ111 §2133.D.3;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0553(6/20/1995)
3. Monitoring Requirements. Inspection for visible liquid leaks, visible fumes, or odors resulting from gasoline dispensing operations shall be conducted by the owner or the operator of the bulk plant or the owner or the operator of the tank truck. Gasoline loading or unloading through the affected transfer lines shall be discontinued immediately when a leak is observed and shall not be resumed until the observed leak is repaired.
AQ111 §2133.E to E.5;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0553(6/20/1995)
E. Recordkeeping. The owner/operator of any gasoline bulk plant shall maintain records to verify compliance with or exemption from this Section. The records will be maintained for at least five years and will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. purchase and sales receipts including delivery dates, quantities, and comments;
2. equipment operation schedules and maintenance records;
3. data to document compliance with LAC 33:III.2133.D;
4. visual inspection to address the installation of the vapor return line, odor testing for leaks during transfer operations and suggested use of check-off sheets; and
5. the dates and times the vapor collection facility was inspected and whether it passed the requirements specified in LAC 33:III.2137.B.1.
FYI: NOT in SIP -- NOT listed in LAd34 amendatory language:
AQ111 §2133.F;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ111;LR21:0553(6/20/1995)
F. Reporting. The owner or operator of any facility containing sources subject to this Section shall comply with the requirements of LAC 33:III.927 for the reporting of excess emissions.
***End Louisiana LAC 33:III Ch. 21 Section 2133 - Control of Emissions from Gasoline Bulk Plants, SIP effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34)***