BenMAP Overview and Organizer Template
Each Megacities Partnership is inherently unique to the city - the local policy, scientific, and cultural context, the data available, and goals vary in each Megacity and drive the direction of the Partnership. Nonetheless, there are some basic frameworks (templates) for certain steps in the process (e.g., information collection, needs assessment, and capacity building) that are relevant to all Megacities and inform the progression of the project. The templates provide meaningful structure to the project, while still maintaining flexibility to meet each Megacity's needs.
The BenMAP Overview and Organizer Template is a helpful resource for teams interested in or planning to use BenMAP-CE—an air quality benefits analysis software—to quantify health impacts from air pollution within the Megacity. These documents introduce BenMAP-CE, the data necessary to run BenMAP-CE, resources to get started, and example analyses previous Megacity Partners performed using the software. BenMAP-CE’s installer and resources can be found at:
The BenMAP Overview and Organizer Template is available below in English, Spanish, Russian and French.