Capacity Building Workshops Agenda Template
Each Megacities Partnership is inherently unique to the city - the local policy, scientific, and cultural context, the data available, and goals vary in each Megacity and drive the direction of the Partnership. Nonetheless, there are some basic frameworks (templates) for certain steps in the process (e.g., information collection, needs assessment, and capacity building) that are relevant to all Megacities and inform the progression of the project. The templates provide meaningful structure to the project, while still maintaining flexibility to meet each Megacity's needs.
The Capacity Building Workshop(s) gathers together mid-level technical staff and begins the training necessary to carry out the items described in the workplan. Previous Megacities Partnerships have focused on benefits analysis, preparation for drafting of the air quality management plan, and laboratory analysis techniques. The specific objectives, topics, and trainings of this workshop are city-specific and should align with local actors’ needs. Additional capacity building workshops can be conducted, if necessary, to continue developing the skills introduced in Workshop 1. Additional topics have included the drafting of the AQMP and conducting benefits analyses for alternative policy scenarios.
The Capacity Building Workshops Agenda Template is available below in English, Spanish, Russian and French.