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EPA Updating Its Libraries
Release Date: 12/11/2006
Contact Information: Jennifer Wood, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]
(Washington, D.C. - Dec. 11, 2006) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is providing broader access to a larger audience by making agency library materials available through its public Web site. Retrieving materials will be more efficient and easier to locate by using EPA's online collection and reference services.
"When libraries go digital, everyone benefits," said Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock. "By modernizing our libraries, EPA is bringing our cutting edge science to your fingertips, whether you live across the street, or on the other side of the world."
To date, more than 22,000 of 51,000 EPA documents are available through the agency's public Web site and all EPA unique documents will be online within two years. Documents from libraries within the network that no longer have physical space will be online as of January 2007.
EPA documents remain available via interlibrary loans during the digitization process. Regional offices will continue providing library services through EPA's library network. Materials that are not EPA unique remain available through the archive at EPA headquarters or through the interlibrary loan program.
Since 2003, EPA has been examining ways to modernize the library system. EPA is adhering to the American Library Association's guidance and criteria for reviewing our library collection.
EPA's National Framework for HQ and Regional Libraries was posted on EPA's Web site and an internal memo went out to all EPA employees regarding the library plan.
More about EPA Libraries:
View selected historical press releases from 1970 to 1998 in the EPA History website.