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Ground-Level Ozone Progress to Continue
Release Date: 07/27/2005
Contact Information:
Contact: John Millett, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]
(7/27/05) To continue progress toward meeting a stronger 8-hour ozone standard, EPA is taking final action to revoke the prior, less stringent 1-hour standard. In the same action, EPA is making exceptions for 14 "Early Action Compact" areas, which will still be covered by the 1-hour standard as they work to meet the 8-hour standard ahead of schedule. Due to the terms of the compact, these areas must keep certain 1-hour ozone controls in place until they meet the more protective 8-hour ozone standard. In exchange for a deferred effective date of their 8-hour ozone designation, Early Action Compact areas have agreed to take action to achieve clean air earlier than required under the 8-hour standard -- no later than Dec. 31, 2007. In light of the revocation of the 1-hour ozone standard, minor technical changes were also made to the Code of Federal Regulations to accommodate the areas that are technically still covered by the old standard. To learn more about this action, visit:
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