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Blog Question of the Week: What have you done to protect your home against radon?
Release Date: 1/12/2009
Contact Information: Media Contact (for media only; please leave responses as comments on the blog instead of sending email): Jeffrey Levy, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]
(1/12/09) Ever wanted to tell EPA what you thought on an environmental topic? Each week, you have your chance in the EPA blog, Greenversations. Each question is an open-ended blog entry; please share your thoughts as comments.
This week’s question:
What have you done to protect your home against radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, but it can build up inside homes and cause lung cancer (it's number 2, after smoking). You can buy radon test kits to check for radon, improve home ventilation, and other things. January is National Radon Action Month.
¿Qué ha hecho usted para protejer su hogar del radón?
El radón es un gas radiactivo que se encuentra en la naturaleza. Este se puede concentrar en el interior de los hogares y causar cáncer del pulmón (es la segunda causa de cáncer despúes de fumar). Usted puede comprar kits para la detección del radón, aumentar la ventilación de la casa, entre otros. Enero es el mes de consientización sobre radón.
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