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Fairmont Awarded for Excellent Sewer Plant Operations
Release Date: 9/7/2000
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith, (215) 814-5543
Bonnie Smith, 215-814-5543
FAIRMONT, W. Va. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented Fairmont’s Sanitary Sewer Board with an award for excellence in operations and maintenance. This award recognizes local officials for their commitment to protecting their community’s environment.
“Over the past 25 years, many significant improvements in our nation’s water quality can be attributed to better wastewater treatment. This award recognizes the outstanding job that the people at the Fairmont facility are doing to protect West Virginia’s environment,” said Bradley Campbell, mid-Atlantic regional administrator.
Fairmont was chosen from the 2,059 municipal wastewater facilities in the mid-Atlantic region, which includes West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.
EPA reviews mountains of data to determine the winners of this award. Award recipients are selected for their performance in complying with wastewater discharge permits, maintenance management, laboratory practices, personnel training, and public awareness needs.
In addition to first-rate operation day-to-day, Fairmont staff and management has been active in community outreach, helping a neighboring sanitary district, Greater Paw Paw, with free technical assistance. Fairmont is also sought out for training. The West Virginia Department of Education’s Environmental Training Center sponsors training courses at Fairmont for wastewater staff and management from throughout the state.
In addition to EPA’s award, Fairmont has been recognized with state and national awards for safety. The Mayor is proclaiming today, Wastewater Treatment Day in Fairmont. In the near future, the Fairmont facility will also be awarded the West Virginia Environmental Award from Governor Underwood .
View selected historical press releases from 1970 to 1998 in the EPA History website.