Federal Infrastructure Investment Programs related to Brownfields
Under the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Congress provided major funding outside the regular appropriations process to federal programs in support of planning, construction, and operation of various public infrastructure improvements. These laws include new and existing federal programs that could be relevant and valuable for brownfield and community revitalization projects.
New Programs
Department of Agriculture
Department of Transportation
- National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Megaprojects)
- Carbon Reduction Program
- Reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant Program
- Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program
- Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants
- Neighborhood Access and Equity Grants
Department of Commerce
- Broadband and Digital Equity, Access, and Deployment Programs
- State Digital Equity Planning and Capacity Grants
Department Of Energy
- Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block & Competitive Grants (EECBG)
- Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Grants
- Clean Energy Demonstration Programs on Current and Former Mine Lands
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Existing Programs
For additional information, please visit the 2023 Brownfields Federal Programs Guide.
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Surface Mine Reclamation and Enforcement
- Mine Reclamation Funding: $11.3B
Water Infrastructure/Water Protection
Environmental Protection Agency
- Office of Water Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds: $23B
- Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: $1B
Coastal Protection and Resilience
Department of Commerce
Broadband Infrastructure
Department Of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Transportation Infrastructure
Department of Transportation
- RAISE Grants: $7.5B
- INFRA Grants: $8B
- TIFIA Credit Authority: $1.25B
- Surface Transportation Block Grants: $76B
- CMAQ Program: $13.2B
- Transit-Oriented Development Pilot Program: $68.9M
- Urbanized Area Formula Funding Program: $36.69B
- FTA Formula Grants for Rural Areas: $4.695B
- FTA Capital Grants: $8B
- FTA Bus and Bus facilities Formula and Competitive Grants: $5B
- FTA State of Good Repair Formula Grants: $21B
- Transportation Planning: $967M