CAA Title V Petition Dates in EPA Region 7 (Midwest)
A Title V petition allows anyone to raise concerns to EPA and to ask the Agency to object to the issuance of a new operating permit, or the modification or renewal of an existing permit for a facility, if the concerns with the permit were raised to the permitting authority during the notice and public comment period for the permit action. EPA will only consider issues raised in comments on the proposed permit unless the petitioner can demonstrate that it was impracticable to comment on the issue during the comment period for the permit or unless the grounds for EPA to object to the issuance of the permit arose after the comment period.
If you believe that a Title V permit issued by a state, local, or tribal permitting authority does not comply with the Clean Air Act or EPA's Title V permit implementing regulations (40 C.F.R. part 70), you may petition EPA to object to the permit. If EPA grants a petition and objects to the issuance of a permit, the permitting authority must correct or rectify any issues with the permit.
EPA has 45 days to review a Title V permit proposed by a permitting authority. If the EPA administrator does not object to a permit during that time, the public has 60 days to petition the administrator to object to the permit.
The table below lists permits in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska that are approaching or within the 60-day petition period. Note that if the ending date is on a weekend or federal holiday you have until the next workday to submit the petition. See the table in a full window.
Please contact our state coordinator if you believe that this table has an error such as a missing entry or incorrect dates.