Using R for Parametric Regression
How to Fit Parametric Regressions
Each model is stored within a single list of models.
# Create storage list for models
modlist.glm <- as.list(rep(NA, times = length(taxa.names)))
for (i in 1:length(taxa.names)) {
# Create a logical vector is true if taxon is present and false if
# taxon is absent.
resp <- dfmerge[,taxa.names[i]] > 0
modlist.glm[[i]] <- glm(resp ~ poly(temp,2), data = dfmerge,
family = "binomial")
# Fit the regression model and store the results in a list.
# Here, poly(temp,2) specifies that the
# model is fitting using a second order polynomial of the
# explanatory variable. glm calls the function that fits
# Generalized Linear Models. We specify in this case that
# the response variable is distributed binomially.
To plot the model results (similar to those shown on the Parametric Regression page, Figure 5) run the following script.
# Specify 3 plots per page
par(mfrow = c(1,3), pty = "s")
for (i in 1:length(taxa.names)) {
# Compute mean predicted probability of occurrence
# and standard errors about this predicted probability.
predres <- predict(modlist.glm[[i]], type= "link", = T)
# Compute approximate upper and lower 90% confidence limits <- predres$fit + 1.65*predres$ <- predres$fit - 1.65*predres$ <- predres$fit
# Convert from logit transformed values to probability.
up.bound <- exp(
low.bound <- exp(
mean.resp <- exp(
# Sort the environmental variable.
iord <- order(dfmerge$temp)
# Define bins to summarize observational data as
# probabilities of occurrence
nbin <- 20
# Define bin boundaries so each bin has approximately the same
# number of observations.
cutp <- quantile(dfmerge$temp,
probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 20))
# Compute the midpoint of each bin
cutm <- 0.5*(cutp[-1] + cutp[-nbin])
# Assign a factor to each bin
cutf <- cut(dfmerge$temp, cutp, include.lowest = T)
# Compute the mean of the presence/absence data within each bin.
vals <- tapply(dfmerge[, taxa.names[i]] > 0, cutf, mean)
# Now generate the plot
# Plot binned observational data as symbols.
plot(cutm, vals, xlab = "Temperature",
ylab = "Probability of occurrence", ylim = c(0,1),
main = taxa.names[i])
# Plot mean fit as a solid line.
lines(dfmerge$temp[iord], mean.resp[iord])
# Plot confidence limits as dotted lines.
lines(dfmerge$temp[iord], up.bound[iord], lty = "dotted")
lines(dfmerge$temp[iord], low.bound[iord], lty = "dotted")