Resilience Directory
This Resource Directory introduces and describes key EPA water programs or initiatives that our partners can explore as they work to make their own program operations, communities, water resources, and infrastructure more resilient to the changing climate. This Directory also highlights synergies between the EPA’s programs and other federal agencies or non-governmental efforts, so that program partners can capitalize on the multiple benefits often afforded by water management activities. While state, Tribal, and local water program managers are the primary audience for this resource, other government entities, nonprofit organizations, private companies, and those generally interested in advancing resilience-building activities across the country may find this Catalogue to be a helpful overview of the types of assistance that the National Water Program offers.
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Program Name | Description | Available Assistance | Statute | Program Type |
Chesapeake Bay Program | Unique regional partnership that has led and directed the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay since 1983. | Financial, Technical | Clean Water Act | Geographic |
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program | Funding a variety of projects and activities that help states and communities address the most pressing water quality needs and build system resilience. | Financial, Technical | Clean Water Act | Financial, Regulatory, Voluntary |
Climate Ready Estuaries Program | Working with the National Estuary Programs and the coastal management community to assess climate change vulnerabilities, develop and implement adaptation strategies, and engage and educate stakeholders. | Technical, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act | Voluntary |
Coastal Wetlands Initiative | Addressing coastal wetland loss, protection, and restoration by bringing together seven federal agencies with programs and authorities that manage coastal wetlands. | Technical, Convening | Clean Water Act | Non-regulatory |
Community-Based Water Resiliency Initiative | Providing communities with the tools and resources to effectively and resiliently plan or respond to emergencies. | Technical, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act | Non-regulatory |
Creating Resilient Water Utilities Initiative | Providing drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities with the practical tools, training, and technical assistance needed to increase their resilience. | Technical, Convening, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act | Non-regulatory |
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program | A federal-state partnership providing financial support to public water systems and state drinking water programs since 1997. | Financial, Technical, Outreach and Education | Safe Drinking Water Act | Financial, Regulatory, Voluntary |
Drought and Water Scarcity Initiatives | Working across the National Water Program and with our federal partners to help combat water scarcity and build long-term drought resilience in partnership with states, tribes, and local communities. | Collaboration, Coordination | Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative | Accelerating efforts to protect and restore the largest system of fresh surface water in the world. | Financial | Clean Water Act | Geographic |
Green Infrastructure Program | As different parts of the country become drier, wetter, or hotter, green infrastructure can help improve community resilience today and into the future. | Technical, Outreach and Education, Financial | Clean Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Healthy Watersheds Program | A healthy watershed has mostly natural land cover, especially near its waters; good water quality, quantity, and flow; and habitats with diverse aquatic life. Together, these components support long-term, sustainable benefits to people and the environment. | Technical Convening, Financial, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act | Non-regulatory |
Hydrologic and Water Quality System: A Modeling Tool for Evaluating Effects to Water Quantity and Quality | A web-based interactive water quantity and water quality modeling system that can assist federal agencies, states, local governments, and others with water quality protection decision-making and policy evaluation in the contiguous United States. | Technical, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Long Island Sound Study | A partnership to restore and protect the Sound. | Financial, Convening, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act | Regulatory |
National Estuary Program | A collaborative, efficient, and adaptable ecosystem-based network of organizations that protects and restores 28 estuaries of national significance. | Financial, Technical (to the 28 National Estuary Program grantees) | Clean Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program | Helping permittees and permit writers protect water quality under changing conditions through the methods, tools, and information used to develop and implement NPDES permits and programs. | Technical | Clean Water Act | Regulatory |
National Water Reuse Action Plan and Program | Improving the resiliency, security, and sustainability of the nation's water resources through collaborative partnerships for water reuse. | Coordination, Facilitation | Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Nonpoint Source Program | Helping states, territories, and tribes perform a wide variety of activities to prevent nonpoint source pollution from degrading water quality. | Financial, Technical, Planning, Coordination, Facilitation | Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act | Non-regulatory |
Prevention and Restoration of Hydrologically Altered Waters | Working across all CWA programmatic lines to identify and restore hydrologically altered waters, as well as preventing future alterations. | Technical, Convening, Outreach and Education, Financial | Clean Water Act | Regulatory, Non-regulatory |
Resilience of Water and Wastewater Utilities Through Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation | Building utility resilience before incidents occur through preparedness and mitigation. | Technical, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act | Non-regulatory |
Resilience of Water and Wastewater Utilities Through Disaster Response and Recovery | Helping water utilities across the country effectively respond to emergencies that can impact drinking water and wastewater services. | Financial, Technical, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act | Non-regulatory |
Restoration and Watershed Planning Program | Identifying polluted waters and developing plans to restore them. | Technical, Convening, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act | Regulatory |
Source Water Protection Program | Supporting a wide variety of actions and activities aimed at safeguarding, maintaining, or improving the quality and quantity of sources of drinking water and their contributing areas. | Financial, Technical, Planning, Outreach and Education, Coordination, Facilitation | Safe Water Drinking Act | Voluntary |
Urban Waters Federal Partnership Program | Through our partnership, we will revitalize urban waters and the communities that surround them, transforming overlooked assets into treasured centerpieces and drivers of urban revival. | Technical, Financial, Convening, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center | Helping communities make informed decisions around drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure to protect human health and the environment. | Technical, Outreach and Education, Advisory, Coordination | Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act | Regulatory, Voluntary |
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program | Accelerating investment in our nation's water infrastructure by providing long-term, low-cost supplemental loans for regionally and nationally significant projects. | Financial | Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act | Financial, Non-regulatory |
Water Laboratory Alliance | Supporting a nationwide network of laboratories with responding to contamination incidents using lab resources. | Technical, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
WaterSense Program | Transforming the marketplace for products and services that use water and promoting a nationwide ethic of water efficiency to help Americans reduce their water use at home, at work, and outdoors. | Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Water Quality Monitoring Program | Exploring and tracking climate signals in water resources. | Financial, Technical | Clean Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Water Quality Surveillance and Response System Program | Offering drinking water systems a framework designed to support the monitoring and management of distribution system water quality, including utility response to emergencies. | Technical, Planning | Safe Drinking Water Act | Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Water and Wastewater Systems Sector Cybersecurity | Helping water and wastewater entities build resilience to cyber threats and hazards by providing information and resources that water and wastewater utilities can leverage to enhance their cybersecurity posture. | Technical, Outreach and Education | Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act | Regulatory, Voluntary, Non-regulatory |
Wetland Program and Wetland Program Development Grants | Increasing the quantity and quality of wetlands, streams, and other waters through regulatory and non-regulatory approaches. | Financial, Technical, Outreach and Education, Convening | Clean Water Act | Financial, Regulatory, Non-regulatory |