Air Resources and Tools for Financing Compliance
Air quality is an important community issue. The average adult breathes over 3,000 gallons of air every day. Children breathe even more air per pound of body weight and are more susceptible to air pollution. Pollutants in the air create smog and acid rain, cause cancer or other serious health effects, diminish the protective ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, and contribute to the potential for world climate change.
The Clean Air Act requires communities to address stationary and mobile sources of air pollution. Stationary sources include:
- Municipal power plants
- Municipal solid waste landfills
- Municipal waste combustors
- Publicly owned treatment works
Mobile sources include police cars, fire engines, and buses and may require:
- Cleaner fuels
- Better inspection and maintenance programs
- More effective public transportation system
The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network has created a chart showing local government operations that are subject to the Clean Air Act requirements.
The right side toolbar contains information which may be helpful to access during the financial planning process. The tools include:
- Contacts
- Financial Providers and Resources
- Technical Providers and Resources
- Policy and Guidance
- Publications
- Small Communities
- Tribal
EPA Office and Air and Radiation Contacts
Provides an organizational chart as well as direct program contact information.
The Environmental Finance Centers (EFCs)
The EFCs provide state and local officials and small businesses with advisory services, education, publications, training, technical assistance, and analyses on financing alternatives. The nine centers have helped numerous communities implement innovative environmental financing techniques.
The Environmental Finance Center Network currently includes:
- University of Southern Maine
- Syracuse University
- University of Maryland
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Louisville
- Great Lakes EFC at Michigan Technological University
- Wichita State University
These centers have proven effective vehicles for promoting innovative environmental financing techniques.
Department of Commerce — Economic Development Administration Contacts
This site provides a list of EDA regional contacts. These contacts can provide information on EDA programs, investment policies, and funding opportunities.
Financial Providers and Resources
EPA and other entities have created numerous documents and tools to assist municipal officials as they develop a financing plan. Below are links to selected sites containing financing information. This is not an exhaustive listing of available financial information providers and resources, but it highlights some resources from the vast array of available tools.
- Environmental Finance Centers (EFCs) - The nine EFCs are located across the nation. They provide state and local officials and small businesses with advisory services, education, publications, training, technical assistance, and analyses on financing alternatives.
- EPA Office of Air and Radiation Grants and Funding - This Web page provides access to information about funding opportunities available from EPA's Office of Air and Radiation that are subject to the Agency's competition policy. The site is updated as grants and other funding opportunities become available.
- EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) Grants and Funding – Clean Diesel National Grants - Provides a list of grants available to communities and private business to help reduce diesel emissions.
- The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) - This site is a "first-stop shop" providing environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers and staff. LGEAN enables local officials to interact with their peers and others online. In an effort to reach all local governments, LGEAN also manages a toll-free telephone number.
- Compliance Assistance Centers - Contains links to various centers available to answer questions about environmental regulations based on industry type.
- Department of Commerce Economic Development Agency - Empowers distressed communities to revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure to attract new industry, encourage business expansion, diversify local economies, and generate or retain long-term, private sector jobs and investment.
- United State Census Bureau - Contains population and economic data on communities across the nation
- United States Bureau of Labor Statistics - Contains economic and statistics data on social and economic conditions across the country.
Technical Providers and Resources
EPA and other entities have developed numerous documents and tools to assist municipal officials as they devise a technical solution. Below are selected sites containing technical assistance providers and resources.
- EPA Office of Air and Radiation Tools and Technical Information - Provides links to air data and maps, emissions trading information and more.
- EPA Office of Air and Radiation Technology Transfer Network - Contains air quality monitoring information and models, economic analysis documents, prevention and control technology information and additional topics.
- State and Local Climate and Energy Program - EPA assists state and local governments in their clean energy efforts by providing technical assistance, analytical tools, and outreach support. This page contains links to tools for state and local governments; guidance documents; and partnership information.
- Truck Idling Regulations - American Transportation Research Institute maintains a free list of current idling regulations organized by state.
Policy and Guidance
EPA has published guidance documents to help communities comply with the federal Clean Air Act regulations, including:
- The Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act - Explains the health concerns associated with air pollution, the features of and programs under the Act and discusses mobile sources of pollution.
EPA has published multiple resources to assist municipal officials as they develop a financing plan to remain in or return to compliance. Below are selected links to EPA water publications.
- Office of Air and Radiation Main Publications Web Page - Provides annual reports, documents containing basic facts including risk factors, “what you can do” information, and pollutant-specific information, technical information and links to the regulations.
- Idling Reduction: State and Local Laws - Approximately 15 states and dozens of local counties have promulgated laws that restrict the amount of time that a vehicle can idle its main engine. In April 2006, EPA compiled a list of state and local anti-idling laws.
- Model State Idling Law (PDF) (15 pp, 1MB, About PDF) - EPA is not promulgating any regulation regarding vehicle idling, however EPA has drafted a model for a state idling law. This model law does not represent the views of EPA or any other Federal department or agency concerning whether any state should, or should not, adopt the model law.
- Funding Opportunities: A Directory of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Environmental Protection Programs - Provides information on financial and technical assistance opportunities available from EPA, other federal agencies, state governments, and private foundations for grant programs and projects that reduce energy costs, improve air quality and public health, and enhance economic development opportunities for businesses and consumers.
Small Communities
The following is a non-exhaustive list of free technical assistance and financial resources targeted toward small communities.
Technical Assistance Resources
- EPA Environmental Planning for Small Communities - This program offers a complete one-stop introduction to a wide range of environmental issues and decisions that affect small to medium-sized communities. It offers communities the chance to judge their own needs and preferences, and to make informed decisions on their own.
Major sections cover:- Environmental laws and regulations
- Self-assessment
- Planning and comparative risk analysis
- Financial tools and financial self-analysis
- Case studies
- Contact and information directory
- USDA Rural Information Center - The Rural Information Center provides services for rural communities, local officials, organizations, businesses and rural citizens working to maintain the vitality of America's rural areas.
Financial Resources
- EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) Program - The purpose of this grant program is to support and empower communities that are working on local solutions to local environmental and/or public health issues. The EJSG Program is designed to assist recipients in building collaborative partnerships that will help them understand and address the environmental and/or public health issues in their communities.
Technical Assistance Resources
The following is a non-exhaustive list of free technical assistance resources targeted toward tribes to help these communities protect public health and the environment.
- EPA's American Indian Environmental Office - Coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian Country, with a special emphasis on building Tribal capacity to administer their own environmental programs.
Financial Resources
The following is a non-exhaustive list of financial resources targeted toward tribes to help these communities protect public health and the environment.
Multi-media Resources
- Clean Water Tribal Resource Directory for Wastewater Treatment Assistance - This publication is intended for use by Indian tribes and tribal environmental organizations to assist in identifying financial and technical assistance programs targeted to tribes. It can also be explored by federal representatives as a reference document in answering questions on sources of funding and technical support for tribal wastewater infrastructure..
- EPA Region 10 Tribal Air Program - Provides information about Clean Air Act funding solicitations and links to other program resources.
EPA Tribal Air contacts
This page contacts contact information for EPA regional Tribal Air contacts.