Industrial Laundries Wastewater Discharges
- the cost to remove the small amount of pollutants required by the proposal would not have been affordable by the industry
- POTWs were generally not experiencing problems from industrial laundry discharges
- to the extent that isolated problem discharges occur, existing pretreatment authority allows local POTWs to respond to problems effectively (see Pretreatment Program).
The Technical Development Document, published concurrently with the withdrawal notice, provides technology performance data that can be used by control authorities to develop local limitsSpecific discharge limits developed and enforced by POTWs upon industrial or commercial facilities (IUs) to implement the general and specific discharge prohibitions listed in 40 CFR 403.5(a)(1) and (b). [40 CFR 403.5(c)] for individual laundry facilities on a best professional judgement (BPJ) basis.
Federal Register Notices
- Notice; Withdrawal of Proposal (August 18, 1999)
- Proposed Rule (December 17, 1997)