Process EPA Uses to Develop Core Maps for Pesticide Use Limitation Areas
- Core map development process summary
- Species check out process
- Identification of species for core map development and how to check out species to develop core maps
- Table with priority species
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies geographically specific mitigations to protect federally listed endangered and threatened (“listed”) species and/or designated critical habitat from the use of a pesticide (or group of pesticides) and communicates those mitigations and where they apply using a web-based system called Bulletins Live! Two (BLT). The locations where those mitigations apply are called Pesticide Use Limitations Areas (PULAs). Thus, the purpose of a PULA is to identify areas where pesticide mitigations apply to conserve one or more listed species and/or designated critical habitat (if designated). PULAs focus on areas where pesticide exposures are likely to impact the continued existence of a listed species, which may include a reduction in survival or recovery of the species. Thus, PULAs are intended to focus mitigations to where they are needed to protect populations of listed species.
PULAs are based on “core maps” for a species. A core map identifies areas that are important to a species, which could be its range or its critical habitat, which are both areas defined by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Sometimes, species ranges are broad and may include areas that are not likely to currently contain a species, as well as areas that do. In those cases, the process EPA uses to develop core maps is intended to identify those portions within a species range that need to be conserved for a listed species and/or designated critical habitat and are relevant to pesticide mitigations (and exclude areas that do not). When developing a PULA, areas next to the core map can then be added to account for pesticide movement from a use site into the core map area and/or impacts to prey, pollination, habitat and/or dispersal that reduce necessary elements for species survival/recovery.
Depending on the location and type of mitigation, a single PULA may include one or more species. EPA has developed a systematic process it plans to use when creating core maps based on the best available data for a species. The process is briefly summarized below and is described more in the core map process document (pdf) . The purpose of this approach is to create a transparent framework that developers can use that considers different types of available species data to develop a reasonable core map, resulting in PULAs based on the best information available for a species.
Core Map Development Process Summary
The process for developing a core map involves compiling available information, determining what type of information is most appropriate on which to base a core map, developing the map, and preparing documentation. These steps are briefly summarized below and are described further in EPA’s core map process document (pdf) .
- Compile available information for a species: This step involves compiling information on a species that can be used to identify how best to develop a core map. Information for a species should be predominantly based on recent FWS documents available on the Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS) website. This step also includes compiling known locations/occurrences of the species from FWS documentation and acquiring spatial data for species range and critical habitat (CH) from ECOS or EPA’s species and critical habitat data services.
- Identify the most appropriate type of core map: This step involves identifying the type of core map most appropriate to represent areas necessary to conserve the species based on the information collected in Step 1. Core maps described in the mapping process document can be based on defined areas that FWS has already identified for a species, such as critical habitat or range. Core maps can also be based on biological information for a species (i.e., its preferred habitat, elevation, soil type, foraging range, etc.). A core map can be based only on a species’ range, critical habitat, or biological/location information, or a combination of these areas. For example, a critical habitat core map may be supplemented with additional areas that may be identified in FWS’ documentation or by occurrence data.
- Develop the core map: This step involves developing a map to represent locations important to the conservation of a species based on the type of map identified in Step 2 using GIS software and spatial data. This step could be very simple if, for example, a species core map is based solely on a species’ range or critical habitat. This step could also be quite complicated in cases where core maps are based on species habitats, occurrence data, or other biological information. A more detailed process on developing a core map can be found in EPA’s core map mapping process document, available at the link below.
- Documentation: The final step involves creating documentation that describes the development and supporting data of the core map. Documentation will ensure the transparency of the decision process and data used to generate the core map and will be used for the quality check review.
These steps are described in detail in the core map process document (pdf) .
Species Check Out Process
EPA is developing core maps and also recognizes that non-governmental entities may wish to develop core maps using EPA’s process. EPA has identified species needing core maps to support PULA development related to its Endangered Species Act Strategies and regulatory actions. EPA intends to develop core maps for all species that may need PULAs, but recognizes that developing maps for hundreds of species will take time. Therefore, EPA is prioritizing species with respect to timing of core map development with highest priority species identified as needing mitigations through a new active ingredient registration process and species included in Herbicide Strategy PULAs followed by species in Insecticide and Rodenticide Strategy PULAs. These priorities are only related to PULA development, and do not imply that any particular species is more or less of a priority to protect.
Species that are included in these priority areas are listed below. Individuals wanting to follow the approach described in the core map process document (pdf) can identify their species of interest by completing the information on the “Contact EPA PULA Core Maps Team” page. Please note that you will need the species Entity ID number from the species list below. To prevent multiple individuals from working on the same species, the requestor will receive a confirmation email from [email protected] that the species have been checked out from the list and development can begin. After finishing the core map, the GIS data, documentation, and other supporting materials can be uploaded to EPA’s GeoPlatform. EPA will create an EPA GeoPlatform account on behalf of the developer the first time a species is checked out and the developer will receive an email from [email protected] with their username and password. Additional details on how to upload materials to the GeoPlatform can be found in the core map process document (pdf) . The developer will receive an email two months after checking out species to confirm core map development is in progress. Three months after checking-out a species, those species will be automatically checked back in and made available again for a different individual to check-out. After sending materials for checked out species, an additional species may be selected using the same process.
The table with the species list will be updated routinely to add species as needed and reflect changes in the status (available, checked out, under review, interim, and final). Once a core map has gone through a quality assurance/quality control review and considered reasonable by EPA, the core map will be added to the available core map GIS layer.
Identification of Species for Core Map Development and How to Check Out Species to Develop Core Maps
- Identify your species of interest from the table below (one at a time).
- Contact us with your species selections by including information on the “Contact EPA PULA Core Maps Team” page.
- Wait for the confirmation email from EPA PULA Core Maps Team. The email will come from [email protected] email address.
- Finish your core map and share the information (GIS data, documentation, and other supporting materials) through GeoPlatform account on behalf of the developer the first time a species is checked out.
Table With Priority Species
Definition of status terms:
- Available: available for check out.
- Checked Out: assigned to a developer.
- Under review: QA/QC review by EPA.
- Interim: QA/QC of the core map is complete and deemed sufficient for use in PULAs but has not been review by FWS species experts.
- Final: core map has been reviewed by FWS species experts.
EntityID | Common Name | Scientific Name | EPA Species Group | ESA Workplan Group | Status | Documentation for Completed species |
528 | Purple amole | Chlorogalum purpureum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
546 | Lompoc yerba santa | Eriodictyon capitatum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
556 | Showy stickseed | Hackelia venusta | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
624 | South Texas ambrosia | Ambrosia cheiranthifolia | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
677 | Cumberland rosemary | Conradina verticillata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
716 | No common name | Geocarpon minimum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
723 | Harper's beauty | Harperocallis flava | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
835 | Short's goldenrod | Solidago shortii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
870 | Texas wild-rice | Zizania texana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
876 | Sandplain gerardia | Agalinis acuta | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
3 | Columbian white-tailed deer | Odocoileus virginianus leucurus | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
5 | Black-footed ferret | Mustela nigripes | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
10383 | Rusty patched bumble bee | Bombus affinis | Terrestrial Invertebrates | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Rusty patched bumble bee Documentation 1-17-2025 (pdf) |
6 | San Joaquin kit fox | Vulpes macrotis mutica | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
8 | Florida panther | Puma (=Felis) concolor coryi | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
9 | Sonoran pronghorn | Antilocapra americana sonoriensis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
16 | Morro Bay kangaroo rat | Dipodomys heermanni morroensis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
17 | Salt marsh harvest mouse | Reithrodontomys raviventris | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
28 | Amargosa vole | Microtus californicus scirpensis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
30 | Ocelot | Leopardus (=Felis) pardalis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
328 | Winged Mapleleaf | Quadrula fragosa | Aquatic Invertebrates | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Winged Mapleleaf Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
1150 | Leedy's roseroot | Rhodiola integrifolia ssp.leedyi | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Leedys roseroot Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
34 | Choctawhatchee beach mouse | Peromyscus polionotus allophrys | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
35 | Perdido Key beach mouse | Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
37 | Fresno kangaroo rat | Dipodomys nitratoides exilis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
38 | Giant kangaroo rat | Dipodomys ingens | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
39 | Stephens' kangaroo rat | Dipodomys stephensi (incl. D. cascus) | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
40 | Tipton kangaroo rat | Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
41 | Alabama beach mouse | Peromyscus polionotus ammobates | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
49 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
50 | Anastasia Island beach mouse | Peromyscus polionotus phasma | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
51 | Pacific pocket mouse | Perognathus longimembris pacificus | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
52 | Preble's meadow jumping mouse | Zapus hudsonius preblei | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
53 | Southeastern beach mouse | Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
54 | St. Andrew beach mouse | Peromyscus polionotus peninsularis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
55 | Riparian brush rabbit | Sylvilagus bachmani riparius | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
58 | Buena Vista Lake ornate Shrew | Sorex ornatus relictus | Mammals | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Buena Vista Lake ornate Shrew Documentation (pdf) |
59 | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Urocitellus brunneus | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
60 | Florida salt marsh vole | Microtus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelli | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
62 | Riparian woodrat (=San Joaquin Valley) | Neotoma fuscipes riparia | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
63 | San Bernardino Merriam's kangaroo rat | Dipodomys merriami parvus | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
66 | California condor | Gymnogyps californianus | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
68 | Hawaiian crow | Corvus hawaiiensis | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
69 | Hawaiian duck | Anas wyvilliana | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
73 | Hawaiian goose | Branta (=Nesochen) sandvicensis | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
76 | Hawaiian common gallinule | Gallinula galeata sandvicensis | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
85 | Cape Sable seaside sparrow | Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
87 | Micronesian megapode | Megapodius laperouse | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
89 | Masked bobwhite (quail) | Colinus virginianus ridgwayi | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
101 | Puerto Rican plain Pigeon | Columba inornata wetmorei | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
108 | Hawaiian coot | Fulica alai | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
111 | Puerto Rican nightjar | Antrostomus noctitherus | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
115 | San Clemente loggerhead shrike | Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
121 | Guam rail | Rallus owstoni | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
125 | Crested caracara (Audubon''s) [FL DPS] | Polyborus plancus audubonii | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
129 | Mexican spotted owl | Strix occidentalis lucida | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
140 | Florida scrub-jay | Aphelocoma coerulescens | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
142 | Northern spotted owl | Strix occidentalis caurina | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
156 | Puerto Rican boa | Chilabothrus inornatus | Reptiles | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
166 | New Mexican ridge-nosed rattlesnake | Crotalus willardi obscurus | Reptiles | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
202 | Wyoming Toad | Anaxyrus baxteri | Amphibians | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Wyoming Toad Documentation (pdf) |
260 | Ozark cavefish | Amblyopsis rosae | Fish | Vulnerable Species | Checked Out | |
325 | Higgins eye (pearlymussel) | Lampsilis higginsii | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
328 | Winged Mapleleaf | Quadrula fragosa | Aquatic Invertebrates | Vulnerable Species | Checked Out | |
331 | Pink mucket (pearlymussel) | Lampsilis abrupta | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
333 | Curtis pearlymussel | Epioblasma florentina curtisii | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
338 | Rough pigtoe | Pleurobema plenum | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
340 | Orangefoot pimpleback (pearlymussel) | Plethobasus cooperianus | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
342 | Fat pocketbook | Potamilus capax | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
343 | Ouachita rock pocketbook | Arcidens wheeleri | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
345 | Scaleshell mussel | Leptodea leptodon | Aquatic Invertebrates | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Scaleshell mussel Documentation (pdf) |
351 | Tar River spinymussel | Parvaspina steinstansana | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
352 | Clubshell | Pleurobema clava | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
363 | Dwarf wedgemussel | Alasmidonta heterodon | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
366 | Purple bankclimber (mussel) | Elliptoideus sloatianus | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
368 | Fanshell | Cyprogenia stegaria | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
371 | Oval pigtoe | Pleurobema pyriforme | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
10147 | Poweshiek skipperling | Oarisma poweshiek | Terrestrial Invertebrates | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Poweshiek bkipperling Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
373 | Shinyrayed pocketbook | Hamiota subangulata | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
374 | Northern riffleshell | Epioblasma rangiana | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
375 | Fat threeridge (mussel) | Amblema neislerii | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
385 | Ochlockonee moccasinshell | Medionidus simpsonianus | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
386 | Chipola slabshell | Elliptio chipolaensis | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
440 | American burying beetle | Nicrophorus americanus | Terrestrial Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
476 | Madison Cave isopod | Antrolana lira | Aquatic Invertebrates | Vulnerable Species | Checked Out | |
508 | Clara Hunt's milk-vetch | Astragalus clarianus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
513 | Star cactus | Astrophytum asterias | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
521 | White sedge | Carex albida | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
531 | La Graciosa thistle | Cirsium loncholepis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Interim | La Graciosa thistle Documentation (pdf) |
532 | Vine Hill clarkia | Clarkia imbricata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
539 | Baker's larkspur | Delphinium bakeri | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
543 | Santa Cruz Island dudleya | Dudleya nesiotica | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
551 | Gentner's Fritillary | Fritillaria gentneri | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
558 | Pecos (=puzzle, =paradox) sunflower | Helianthus paradoxus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
562 | Santa Cruz tarplant | Holocarpha macradenia | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
566 | Contra Costa goldfields | Lasthenia conjugens | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
568 | Spring Creek bladderpod | Lesquerella perforata | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Spring Creek bladderpod Documentation (pdf) |
569 | Zapata bladderpod | Physaria thamnophila | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
570 | Pitkin Marsh lily | Lilium pardalinum ssp. pitkinense | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
573 | Nipomo Mesa lupine | Lupinus nipomensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Checked Out | |
578 | Few-flowered navarretia | Navarretia leucocephala ssp. pauciflora (=N. pauciflora) | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
579 | Many-flowered navarretia | Navarretia leucocephala ssp. plieantha | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
580 | Colusa grass | Neostapfia colusana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
582 | Hairy Orcutt grass | Orcuttia pilosa | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
583 | Slender Orcutt grass | Orcuttia tenuis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
592 | rough popcornflower | Plagiobothrys hirtus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
593 | Calistoga allocarya | Plagiobothrys strictus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
595 | Napa bluegrass | Poa napensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
599 | Hartweg's golden sunburst | Pseudobahia bahiifolia | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
600 | San Joaquin adobe sunburst | Pseudobahia peirsonii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
615 | Ashy dogweed | Thymophylla tephroleuca | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
628 | Price''s potato-bean | Apios priceana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
631 | Dwarf Bear-poppy | Arctomecon humilis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
636 | Mead's milkweed | Asclepias meadii | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Mead's milkweed Documentation (pdf) |
637 | Four-petal pawpaw | Asimina tetramera | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
642 | Jesup's milk-vetch | Astragalus robbinsii var. jesupii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Interim | Jesup's milk-vetch Documentation (pdf) |
643 | Hairy rattleweed | Baptisia arachnifera | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
644 | Virginia round-leaf birch | Betula uber | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
647 | Sonoma sunshine | Blennosperma bakeri | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
651 | Texas poppy-mallow | Callirhoe scabriuscula | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Checked Out | |
653 | Brooksville bellflower | Campanula robinsiae | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
663 | Garber's spurge | Chamaesyce garberi | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
666 | Sonoma spineflower | Chorizanthe valida | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
670 | Pismo clarkia | Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
675 | Short-leaved rosemary | Conradina brevifolia | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
678 | Salt marsh bird's-beak | Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
679 | Palmate-bracted bird's beak | Cordylanthus palmatus | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Palmate-bracted bird's beak Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
682 | Lee pincushion cactus | Coryphantha sneedii var. leei | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
683 | Sneed pincushion cactus | Coryphantha sneedii var. sneedii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
695 | Scrub mint | Dicerandra frutescens | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
709 | Gypsum wild-buckwheat | Eriogonum gypsophilum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
712 | Contra Costa wallflower | Erysimum capitatum var. angustatum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
740 | Highlands scrub hypericum | Hypericum cumulicola | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
744 | Cooley's water-willow | Justicia cooleyi | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
752 | Scrub blazingstar | Liatris ohlingerae | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
754 | Sebastopol meadowfoam | Limnanthes vinculans | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
761 | White birds-in-a-nest | Macbridea alba | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
764 | Mohr's Barbara's buttons | Marshallia mohrii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
777 | MacFarlane's four-o'clock | Mirabilis macfarlanei | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
784 | Antioch Dunes evening-primrose | Oenothera deltoides ssp. howellii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
785 | California Orcutt grass | Orcuttia californica | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
786 | San Joaquin Valley Orcutt grass | Orcuttia inaequalis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
787 | Sacramento Orcutt grass | Orcuttia viscida | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
789 | Papery whitlow-wort | Paronychia chartacea | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
803 | Lewton's polygala | Polygala lewtonii | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
804 | Wireweed | Polygonella basiramia | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
805 | Sandlace | Polygonella myriophylla | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
809 | Scrub plum | Prunus geniculata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
816 | Chapman rhododendron | Rhododendron chapmanii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
818 | Bunched arrowhead | Sagittaria fasciculata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
824 | Colorado hookless Cactus | Sclerocactus glaucus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
825 | Mesa Verde cactus | Sclerocactus mesae-verdae | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
837 | Navasota ladies-tresses | Spiranthes parksii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
858 | Greene's tuctoria | Tuctoria greenei | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
859 | Solano grass | Tuctoria mucronata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
872 | Large-fruited sand-verbena | Abronia macrocarpa | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
881 | Marsh Sandwort | Arenaria paludicola | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
885 | Applegate's milk-vetch | Astragalus applegatei | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
892 | Florida bonamia | Bonamia grandiflora | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
901 | Pygmy fringe-tree | Chionanthus pygmaeus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
904 | Florida golden aster | Chrysopsis floridana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
907 | Pigeon wings | Clitoria fragrans | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
920 | Leafy prairie-clover | Dalea foliosa | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
922 | Beautiful pawpaw | Deeringothamnus pulchellus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
923 | Rugel's pawpaw | Deeringothamnus rugelii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
924 | Smooth coneflower | Echinacea laevigata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
929 | Scrub buckwheat | Eriogonum longifolium var. gnaphalifolium | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
930 | Clay-Loving wild buckwheat | Eriogonum pelinophilum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
932 | Snakeroot | Eryngium cuneifolium | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
940 | Monterey gilia | Gilia tenuiflora ssp. arenaria | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
945 | Schweinitz's sunflower | Helianthus schweinitzii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
949 | Peter's Mountain mallow | Iliamna corei | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
950 | Dwarf lake iris | Iris lacustris | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
969 | Michigan monkey-flower | Mimulus michiganensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
972 | Spreading navarretia | Navarretia fossalis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
974 | Britton's beargrass | Nolina brittoniana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
978 | Blowout penstemon | Penstemon haydenii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
982 | Godfrey's butterwort | Pinguicula ionantha | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
989 | Tiny polygala | Polygala smallii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
992 | Michaux's sumac | Rhus michauxii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
994 | Alabama canebrake pitcher-plant | Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
995 | Mountain sweet pitcher-plant | Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
996 | American chaffseed | Schwalbea americana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
997 | Florida skullcap | Scutellaria floridana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
998 | Large-flowered skullcap | Scutellaria montana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1003 | Houghton's goldenrod | Solidago houghtonii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1015 | Carter's mustard | Warea carteri | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
1017 | Tennessee yellow-eyed grass | Xyris tennesseensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1019 | Seabeach amaranth | Amaranthus pumilus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1020 | Holmgren milk-vetch | Astragalus holmgreniorum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1022 | Springville clarkia | Clarkia springvillensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1023 | Pennell's bird's-beak | Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. capillaris | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1024 | Longspurred mint | Dicerandra cornutissima | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1026 | Steamboat buckwheat | Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1028 | Virginia sneezeweed | Helenium virginicum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Checked Out | |
1030 | Huachuca water-umbel | Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1031 | Scrub lupine | Lupinus aridorum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1036 | Ruth's golden aster | Pityopsis ruthii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1039 | Virginia spiraea | Spiraea virginiana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1043 | Crenulate lead-plant | Amorpha crenulata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1044 | Small's milkpea | Galactia smallii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1045 | Texas prairie dawn-flower | Hymenoxys texana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1046 | Garrett's mint | Dicerandra christmanii | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
1048 | Alabama leather flower | Clematis socialis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1055 | Kern mallow | Eremalche kernensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1058 | Mountain golden heather | Hudsonia montana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1064 | Kral's water-plantain | Sagittaria secundifolia | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1073 | Ute ladies'-tresses | Spiranthes diluvialis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1076 | Shale barren rock cress | Boechera serotina | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1078 | California jewelflower | Caulanthus californicus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1081 | Butte County meadowfoam | Limnanthes floccosa ssp. californica | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1082 | Bakersfield cactus | Opuntia treleasei | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1087 | Guthrie's (=Pyne's) ground-plum | Astragalus bibullatus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1088 | Shivwits milk-vetch | Astragalus ampullarioides | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1090 | San Jacinto Valley crownscale | Atriplex coronata var. notatior | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1119 | Gaviota Tarplant | Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1123 | San Joaquin wooly-threads | Monolopia (=Lembertia) congdonii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1145 | Gambel's watercress | Rorippa gambellii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1153 | White irisette | Sisyrinchium dichotomum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1165 | Etonia rosemary | Conradina etonia | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1219 | Florida perforate cladonia | Cladonia perforata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1222 | Nightingale reed warbler (old world warbler) | Acrocephalus luscinia | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
1228 | Knieskern's Beaked-rush | Rhynchospora knieskernii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1229 | Deltoid spurge | Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. deltoidea | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1234 | Florida ziziphus | Ziziphus celata | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
1235 | Avon Park harebells | Crotalaria avonensis | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Lake Wales Ridge Plants Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
1240 | Pygmy Rabbit | Brachylagus idahoensis | Mammals | Herbicide Strategy | Checked Out | |
1262 | Large-flowered woolly meadowfoam | Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1263 | Cook's lomatium | Lomatium cookii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1369 | Fuzzy pigtoe | Pleurobema strodeanum | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
1378 | Scotts Valley spineflower | Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1415 | White fringeless orchid | Platanthera integrilabia | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1525 | Florida semaphore Cactus | Consolea corallicola | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1535 | Sand flax | Linum arenicola | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1678 | Bracted twistflower | Streptanthus bracteatus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1710 | Fleshy-fruit gladecress | Leavenworthia crassa | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
1881 | Whorled Sunflower | Helianthus verticillatus | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | Whorled Sunflower Documentation (pdf) |
2211 | Aboriginal Prickly-apple | Harrisia (=Cereus) aboriginum (=gracilis) | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
3194 | Roy Prairie pocket gopher | Thomomys mazama glacialis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
3645 | Rabbitsfoot | Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
3722 | Louisiana pinesnake | Pituophis ruthveni | Reptiles | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
4042 | Choctaw bean | Obovaria choctawensis | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
4074 | Yellow lance | Elliptio lanceolata | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
4228 | Penasco least chipmunk | Tamias minimus atristriatus | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
4237 | Elfin-woods warbler | Setophaga angelae | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
4253 | Pineland sandmat | Chamaesyce deltoidea pinetorum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
4296 | Streaked Horned lark | Eremophila alpestris strigata | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
4395 | Everglades bully | Sideroxylon reclinatum ssp. austrofloridense | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
4490 | Spectaclecase (mussel) | Cumberlandia monodonta | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
4565 | White Bluffs bladderpod | Physaria douglasii ssp. tuplashensis | Plants | Vulnerable Species | Interim | White Bluffs bladderpod Documentation 1-17-25 (pdf) |
4712 | Florida pineland crabgrass | Digitaria pauciflora | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
5170 | Friendly Ground-Dove | Gallicolumba stairi | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
5210 | New Mexico meadow jumping mouse | Zapus hudsonius luteus | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
5233 | Blodgett's silverbush | Argythamnia blodgettii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
5273 | Florida prairie-clover | Dalea carthagenensis floridana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
5281 | Snuffbox mussel | Epioblasma triquetra | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
5358 | Tiehm's buckwheat | Eriogonum tiehmii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
6062 | Rayed Bean | Villosa fabalis | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
6097 | Black pinesnake | Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi | Reptiles | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
6490 | Umtanum desert buckwheat | Eriogonum codium | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
6617 | Neches River rose-mallow | Hibiscus dasycalyx | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
6672 | Georgia rockcress | Arabis georgiana | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
6841 | Slabside Pearlymussel | Pleuronaia dolabelloides | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
7167 | Kentucky glade cress | Leavenworthia exigua laciniata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
7220 | DeBeque phacelia | Phacelia submutica | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
7349 | Southern Sandshell | Hamiota australis | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
7816 | Sheepnose Mussel | Plethobasus cyphyus | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Checked Out | |
7949 | Southern kidneyshell | Ptychobranchus jonesi | Aquatic Invertebrates | Insecticide Strategy | Available | |
8336 | Cape Sable Thoroughwort | Chromolaena frustrata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
8392 | Missouri bladderpod | Physaria filiformis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Checked Out | |
8683 | Olympia pocket gopher | Thomomys mazama pugetensis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
8684 | Tenino pocket gopher | Thomomys mazama tumuli | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
8685 | Yelm pocket gopher | Thomomys mazama yelmensis | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
9337 | Greater sage-grouse | Centrocercus urophasianus | Birds | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
9338 | Pariette cactus | Sclerocactus brevispinus | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
9721 | Florida bristle fern | Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
9929 | Gierisch mallow | Sphaeralcea gierischii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
9965 | Wright's marsh thistle | Cirsium wrightii | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
10078 | Pacific Marten, Coastal Distinct Population Segment | Martes caurina | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
10582 | Mao (= maomao) (honeyeater) | Gymnomyza samoensis | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
11016 | South Llano Springs moss | Donrichardsia macroneuron | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
11017 | Navasota False Foxglove | Agalinis navasotensis | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
11023 | swale paintbrush | Castilleja ornata | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
11260 | Sierra Nevada red fox | Vulpes vulpes necator | Mammals | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
11513 | Arizona eryngo | Eryngium sparganophyllum | Plants | Herbicide Strategy | Available | |
11674 | Lesser prairie-chicken | Tympanuchus pallidicinctus | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
11675 | Lesser prairie-chicken | Tympanuchus pallidicinctus | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
11729 | California spotted Owl | Strix occidentalis occidentalis | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available | |
11730 | California spotted Owl | Strix occidentalis occidentalis | Birds | Rodenticide Strategy | Available |