Test Orders Response and Status Tracking
- Status of Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) Test Orders/Data Call-Ins
- Status of other scientifically relevant information for EDSP: Submissions from recipients of EDSP orders and EPA responses
- October 21, 2009 Federal Register Notice: EPA announced initiation of EDSP Tier 1 screening for a group of 67 chemicals and issuance of test orders between October 2009 and February 2010.
How to Submit Information in Response to an EDSP Test Order/Data Call-In
If you have received a test order through the EDSP, the following steps describe how to submit information to EPA.
Submissions must include the following identification information:
Name of EPA Chemical Review Manager (CRM) followed by PRD-EDSP (e.g., John Smith, PRD-EDSP)
Consortium number and/or EDSP number(s)
Pre-assigned Master Record Identification (MRID) number
Locate the assigned CRMs in the Status of EDSP Test Orders/DCIs table. Consortium number and/or EDSP number(s) and MRIDs can be found in the MRID table.
Electronic submissions of pesticide data require user registration and are made through the Pesticide Submission Portal (PSP) accessed through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) network.