Searchable IT Component and Project Registration Forms
The Exchange Network (EN) community strives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental management by collectively learning about successful business processes, data management and technology approaches used by participating organizations across the EN. As outlined in the annual Solicitation Notice, potential applicants are required to explicitly identify within their submitted project narrative which existing project-appropriate tools, shared services, and other IT components will be incorporated into their proposed project.
To ensure that products and services are available for EN partner use and/or collaboration, grantees are required per EN Grant Terms and Conditions to register any newly developed resources (required since 2011) and the reuse of any existing resources (required since 2018). Grantees should work with their Regional Exchange Network Coordinators (RENCs) to complete and submit an 'IT Component and Project Registration Form' at the time of grant close-out. These forms, upon review and approval from EPA HQ, will be made publicly available on this website.
PDF versions of completed 'IT Component and Project Registration Forms' can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlinked grant numbers in the table below. Users can search for specific applicant or project types by selecting one or more filters as provided in the field options. Please note that all associated records under a field will populate when no specific filters are selected.
Grantee Organization | Grant # | Award Year | Award Amount | Short Project Description | Project Goal(s) | Region | CMS File URL | Applicant Type | Partnership? (Y/N) | EN Project Opportunity |
Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Water Protection Program | 83654001 | 2016 | 147120 | In addition to NPDES data, MoCWIS also manages non-NPDES (i.e., state water pollution permit) data. MoCWIS is also fully integrated with state Geographic Information System (GIS) data, water quality standards data, and state water quality assessment data. This project allowed for that data to be available to the public through an online GIS MapIT application. The goal is for the general public to be able to search for a permit or facility and the mapper will zoom to that NPDES permit and provide links to all digital submission provided by that facility. | 1. Enhance the eReporting system for acceptance of discharge monitoring reports, programmatic reports and attachments via a bulk copy/paste feature and display that information on the web in a public facing format. | 7 | | State | No | Electronic Reporting of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Open Data, Shared CROMERR Services (SCS) |
Bishop Paiute Tribe | 83969001 | 2019 | 200000 | This project proposed to provide a digital form solution to streamline the tribal drinking water regulatory and data sharing process and develop code in R software to perform common statistical analyses on a variety of water quality data. |
Goal 1: Digital Forms - Develop a digital form solution for the process of collecting, analyzing, reporting, and sharing tribal drinking water data. Goal 2: R Code for Statistical Analysis of Water Quality Data - Develop code in R software so users can perform common statistical analyses on a variety of water quality data – Phase I Goal 3: AWQMS - Increase AWQMS graphing user capabilities for better data analytics and improved data sharing opportunities |
9 | | Tribe | No | Other |
Montana Department of Environmental Quality | 83977001 | 2019 | 200000 | The goal of CSD is to work with the public, agencies, DEQ programs, and other interests to evaluate, maintain, and improve the quality of Montana’s environment. Our intent is to implement shared services such as Shared CROMERR Services and Enterprise Identify Bridge throughout the agency. DEQ has been successful in implementing an application interface for citizen services. Multiple applications have been integrated with SSO enabling data sharing and aggregation. DEQ intends to continue to expand this effort to a data warehouse and additional permitting and licensing platforms. | (1) Implementing Shared Services and Application Interface / need description. (2) Design, develop Enterprise Identity Bridge API / need description. (3) Updates and modifications to existing applications in order to integrate with Goals 1&2 / need description | 8 | | State | No | Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
Purdue University | 84010701 | 2020 | 199468 | The purpose of this grant was to create an updated web-based L-THIA application enhanced with newer datasets and modern web technologies. Other goals were integrating water quality data into the site through a recently developed trending tool that utilized the reusable resource Substance Registry Services (SRS), and producing a REST API to increase access to web-based L-THIA's features. These three primary goals were all met. |
Goal 1: Modernizing and enhancing web-based L-THIA with latest available datasets and current web technologies/practices Goal 2: Enhance web-based L-THIA with long-term Indiana water quality trending tool and EPA's Substance Registry Services (SRS) Goal 3: Increase access to web-based L-THIA through REST API and promote its adoption by development of online training resources |
5 | | University | No | Open Data |
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy | 83968401 | 2019 | 200000 | The project's aim was to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of air quality programs based on state-of-the-art web application development, including spatially minded database architecture, Geographical Information System (GIS) functionality, 3D visualization, and object-oriented analysis. | (1) Electronic Permitting/Enable users to digitally access data from permits; (2) 3D Visual Morphology/Enable users to visualize each emission point in relation to the facility morphology; (3) Graphical Data Entry and Processing/Enable users to input and process facility data using a user-friendly, graphical interface based primarily on the morphology of the reporting facility; (4) Visual Modeling Interface/Visually display dispersion model simulation results along with any relevant monitoring data using the web interface; and (5) Object-Oriented Information Retrieval/Access and analyze contents of permits easily and rapidly via object-oriented software technology. | 5 | | State | No | Air Quality System (AQS) |
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection | 84012401 | 2020 | 200000 | The focus of this grant is 1) the development of a Water Quality biological habitat monitoring system flows and 2) the development of an Air prescribed burn e-permitting system flow. | 1. Expand WQX data flow capacity through the Exchange Network to include biological and habitat monitoring data elements and results. 2. Develop prescribed burning e-permitting and e-reporting. |
9 | | State | No | Electronic Reporting of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Emissions Inventory System (EIS) |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality | M009156192 | 2019 | 105613.8 | BECQ wishes to continue its efforts towards improving the collection, storage, retrieval and sharing of environmental data. Achieving these goals will increase BECQ's efficiency at accessing timely environmental data, allowing BECQ to focus resources on other environmental needs, and will allow for better environmental decision making as the most current information will be readily available to management. | Goal 1: Create a database for air permitting and emission data and sharing that data with EPA and the public. | 9 | | Territory | No | Emissions Inventory System (EIS) |
Klamath Tribes | BG96035304-5 | 2019 | 200000 | This grant will be used to transfer computing resources to the EPA for management of the database using Virtual Exchange Services, develop open source tools for the Tribes technical staff and federal agencies to use this powerful data source to better understand and restore water quality in the Upper Klamath Basin, and train the Tribes technical staff to annually maintain the database and use the analysis tools developed as part of the grant. | Goal 1: Convert to Virtual Exchange Service; Goal 2: Development of reusable and discoverable tools and applications for water quality analysis and visualization; Goal 3: Increase Klamath Tribes technical capabilities to implement, manage, and enhance EN datasets and tools | 10 | | Tribe | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
Yurok Tribe | 83997401 | 2019 | 146889 | YTEP seeks to, facilitate the sharing of Yurok environmental data, and streamline data exchanges to improve timeliness for decision making. | Goal 1: Increase Transparency of the Yurok Tribe data by Improve the Yurok Tribe Aquarius Map to provide real time data to the public including drinking water data. Begin to integrate the SWDIS system into the Yurok Tribe Drinking Water Division. Funding Opportunity under Priority 3: Expand Data Access and Availability, Data; Goal 2: Improve the Data Availability and Transparency of the Klamath Basin by incorporating PDF Links in the Klamath Basin Monitoring Map, incorporating fisheries data to the website, and collaborate with partners to update the website. | 9 | | Tribe | Yes | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS), Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WVDHHR) | 83986001 | 2019 | 157673 | This project will enhance the state of WV's transition to SDWlS Prime by modifying existing interfacing applications that address drinking water program requirements, but are not included with the core SDWIS Prime application. The proposed interfacing applications will be used to prepare, conduct, manage, and generate reports for sanitary surveys, as well as, producing water system reports and violation letters. The proposed interfacing applications will replace the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection with a ReST API and web service calls compatible with SDWIS Prime and CMDP. | Goal 1: Modification of SWIFT. Goal 2: Modification of SWIMR | 3 | | State | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) | 83972001 | 2019 | 200000 | This grant will provide for the transition of the ICIS-Air and RCRAInfo data flows from the TCEQ physical node implementation to the EPA's Exchange Network YES multi-tenant (shared) implementation. Transitioning to the VES will simplify future development and maintenance of these data exchanges. | Goal 1: ICIS-Air Data Flow Transition to VES. Goal 2: Transition the RCRA Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement (CM&E) data flow to use the EPA EN VES environment. | 6 | | State | No | Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS), Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) |
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | 83969901 | 2019 | 191942 | VADEQ plans to expand its electronic data collection capabilities to meet requirements of the eReporting Rule. VADEQ will integrate Shared CROMERR Services (SCS), of ID Proofing and eSignature into the agency's external portal framework and create electronic forms for NOIs and Annual Reporting for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining Permits. The complete solution will enable VADEQ to meet EPA goals and support Virginia Governor's Executive Order E06, which calls for increased data transparency of environmental data among the Commonwealth of Virginia's citizens and stakeholders. | Goal 1: Integrate CROMERR services to VADEQ External Portal for reusability across the agency to meet the eReportingRule and Executive Order 6 requirements and timelines. | 3 | | State | No | Shared CROMERR Services (SCS) |
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality | 83969101 | 2019 | 200000 | The proposed project will modernize the collection and sharing of environmental data from various Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) permittees. This will allow all facilities to obtain the required permits and also report compliance data thereby streamlining the process. | Goal 1: modernizing and streamlining the ArizonaPollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) program requirements. | 9 | | State | No | Shared CROMERR Services (SCS), Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation | 83967901 | 2019 | 200000 | The primary goals of TDEC are to support EPA's FY 2018-22 Strategic Plan and Tennessee's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule Phase 2 Implementation Plan. With this support, we are pleased to have the opportunity to apply for financial assistance to facilitate our efforts for requiring NPDES permittees and other regulated entities to submit reports electronically by December 21, 2020. TDEC has been fortunate in the past to receive funding from the Exchange Network that greatly improved our data integration, data flows and data sharing. Recent announcements of EPA's delays in providing a NeT electronic solution before the deadline give the State of Tennessee an opportunity to lead by example. TDEC has the drive and vision to develop internal solutions that can be scaled to other states and registered for reuse. TDEC has also committed internal resources including interdisciplinary technical expertise, project managers and state funding to ensure a successful and aggressive implementation of Phase 2. | Goal 1: Establish and Deploy a Fully Integrated Online Customer Portal for NPDES General Permit NOI Applications Total Goal Budget | 4 | | State | No | Shared CROMERR Services (SCS), Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
California Environmental Protection Agency | 83944101 | 2019 | 200000 | The goal of this grant request is to generate open data resources, services, and functions related to assisting the public in answering questions regarding CalEnviroScreen data, and to develop projects and/or project proposals using CalEnviroScreen data | Goal 1: Project goals are to generate open data resources, services, and functions related to CalEnviroScreen and centralizing these resources to enable user-friendly leveraging capabilities to assist the public in answering questions regarding CalEnviroScreen data, and to develop projects and/or project proposals using CalEnviroScreen data; 1) Retrieve data for at least one indicator from CalEPA node; 2) Enhanced web application that provides a wider variety of tools and services; 3) Persistent identifiers linking versioned CalEnviroScreen data; 4) Provide code and documentation on GitHub and Reusable Component Services. | 9 | | State | No | Other |
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control | 83943701 | 2018 | 172917 | This project will integrate foundational EN shared services into environmental business processes and increase the number of co-regulator data flows involved in eReporting. | Goal 1. Integrate Virtual Exchange Service (VES) in DNREC's business processes; 2. Integrate Shared CROMERR Services into DNREC business process. | 3 | | State | No | Virtual Exchange Services (VES) |
Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians | 83943401 | 2018 | 191265 | This project will further the tribe's implementation of VES by creating a FRS dataflow, integrating FRS web services, utilizing the Water Quality Portal REST services, and build upon the Water Quality Data Discovery Tool in terms of customizing data access and developing analysis capacity. Additionally, the applicant will commit to sharing its operational knowledge of the Exchange with other tribes and with the community. | Goal 1: Integrating tribal facility data into Facility Registry Service (FacID) using Virtual Exchange Services; 2. Integrate FRS data into tribal system using FRS webservices and Facility Linkage Application (FLA); 3. Expand access and availability of FRS and environmental program data through customization of the EPA's Water Quality Data Discovery Tool for desktop; 4. Expand access and availability of FRS and Tribal environmental program data through customization of the EPA's Water Quality Data Discovery Tool for desktop; 5. Augment the data and technology management capacity of potential EN partners by sharing operational knowledge of EIEN at a local level. | 9 | | Tribe | No | Facility Registry Service (FRS) |
Nevada System of Higher Education Western Nevada College | 83943101 | 2018 | 400000 | WNC plans to build, expand and share a statewide repository of environmental outcome data collected from green businesses and programs. This will automate the data collection process, because Nevada state agencies manually collect environmental outcomes and enter them into a spread sheet for state reporting purposes. This new database will facilitate sharing of environmental data through standards based shared and reusable services and streamline data collection to improve timeliness for decision making. It will increase the quality and access to environmental data so it is more useful to environmental managers and Nevada agencies. | Goal 1: Create a statewide database that imports data into the national GreenBiz Tracker database to expand data access and availability, improve environmental management processes through advanced data monitoring and transmittal processes. Goal 2: Customize a program managemnt dashboard for Nevada. Goal 3: Environmental Data collection. Goal 4: Create Resources Page to assist businesses in greener operations. Goal 5: System Administration Amount Budgeted. Goal 6: Nationwide Outreach. | 9 | | University | Yes | Other |
Nez Perce Tribe, Department of Fisheries Resources Management | 83942701 | 2018 | 199363 | The NPT DFRM proposes to augment its data and technology management by expanding our data sharing capacity to include an increased number of data flows not currently included in the initial development of the CDMS systems. | Goal 1: Reuse methods and protocols to expand the number of tribal data flows provided to the CAX and WQX. Goal 2: Expand user groups within the DFRM to include data from additional field offices and connect offsite field stations to the tribe's CDMS. This will require additional outreach within the tribe to recruit, train, and coordinate participation in the data systems. Goal 3: Continue ongoing coordination at the technical level with the CAX and WQX to add an increasing number of data flows to those networks. | 10 | | Tribe | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) | 83942401 | 2018 | 192720 | Together we propose a project that builds upon existing water quality and water monitoring expertise to ink the Iowa Water Quality Information System (IWQIS) to EPA's Currents Discovery Tool (Currents), a demonstration project under EPA's E-Enterprise Initiative designed to use open standards for sharing continuously monitored, environmental sensor data. | Goal 1: Data Specification and Exchange Protocol. Goal 2: Data Integration and Visualization Systems. | 7 | | State | Yes | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians | 83942301 | 2018 | 199067 | This project will create water quality database and map the database to the WQX schema, develop a dashboard for water quality visualization and analysis using open source tools, and build technical capacity for the Dry Creek Rancheria to manage the database and VES in the future. Visualization and analytics will allow stakeholders to assess water quality issues and develop water management solutions using data housed in the STORET Data Warehouse and available through the WQX interface. | Goal 1: Implement that technological architecture, systems, and tools necessary to efficiently acquire, manage, assure quality, share, and collaboratively analyze the water quality data for Rancheria Creek and the Russian River (Goal 1.0 Implement Virtual Exchange Service. Goal 2.0 Develop reusable and discoverable analysis and visualization tools for stream flow optimization based on habitat needs. Goal 3.0 Increase DCR's technical capabilities to implement, manage, and enhance EN datasets and tools). | 9 | | Tribe | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality | 83942101 | 2018 | 200000 | The proposed project will modernize the collection and sharing of environmental data from various Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) permittees. This will allow all facilities to obtain the required permits and also report compliance data thereby streamlining the process. Data will flow into core systems that will be shared between programs. These web services will result in enhanced compliance assurance that meets USEPA's Phase II priority. | Goal 1: Develop all applications (1. BioSolids/sewage sludge general permit (Arizona has primacy for the BioSolids program) 1.1 NOI and NOT 1.2 Land Applicator Registration 1.3 Biosolids annual report submission, 2. AZPDES Annual BioSolids and Pretreatment Report submission, 3. Pretreatment Approvals and annual report submission, 4. AZPDES Separate sewer overflow (SSO) event reporting) | 9 | | State | No | Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) | 83942001 | 2018 | 195023 | The objective of this project is to connect the KBIC Environmental Management Database (EMD) to the Virtual Exchange Services cloud (VES) and to expand the number of programs within the KBIC NRD that are on the EMD. | Goal 1: Establish outbound data flow for FacID v3 FRS from the VES; Goal 2: Establish outbound data flow for TRI from the VES; Goal 3: Establish outbound data flow for RCRA from the VES. Goal 4: Increase the number of programs using the EMD within the NRD. | 5 | | Tribe | No | Facility Registry Service (FRS), Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) |
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | 83941601 | 2018 | 199390 | This proposal will continue PA DEP's commitment to wider data accessibility by actively participating in activities within EPA's Air Quality and eEnterprise programs and projects. | Goal 1: Support the Upgrade and Enhancement of EPA Mobile Apps (incl. upgrade EPA's AirNow and UV Ratings app). Goal 2: Create a New Data Flow or Service. Goal 3: Enhanced Business Intelligence via a Business Intelligence Developers package. Goal 4: Establish Environmental Open Data Portal, Deploy ODP Data Sets. | 3 | | State | No | Shared CROMERR Services (SCS) |
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians, Environmental Protection Department | 83941101 | 2018 | 185000 | The project will protect human health and the environment through the development of streamlined data management and geospatial capabilities. The ability to easily access and analyze data will assist in Tribal resilience, the ability to detect problems impacting health and safety and to remedy them, and increased capacity to comply with granting and regulatory agency requirements. The implementation of Exchange Network technology will allow the Tribe to share environmental data more efficiently and effectively with other Tribes and government entities, to provide outreach to the community and to other Tribes. | Goal 1: The Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California proposes to investigate standard reusable component products through reusable component services and Tribal exchange resources; work with at least one of these products for reporting and data management; establish a Water Quality Exchange (WQX) and Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) data system for identifying, compiling, standardizing and submitting data; improve positional accuracy of site locations; submit data via Virtual Exchange Services (VES) Platform to Central Data Exchange (CDX); build capacity within the tribe; share operational knowledge of Exchange Network (EN) with other Tribes and work with Redwood Valley Rancheria mentor to increase our capacity; and conduct grant Management. | 9 | | Tribe | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
West Virginia University | 83940901 | 2018 | 200000 | We propose to develop water quality information portal for shale gas regions in West Virginia through data exchanges and web tools on state and federal geo-platforms. Importantly, the data exchange of information will enable users to analyze and visualize surface and groundwater quality data in relation to hotspots of shale gas development in WV. | Goal 1: Obtain and organize detailed water quality and shale gas drilling data in support of the identification of hotspot areas for shale gasdevelopment(Targets Exchange Network Priority 1E-3). Goal 2: Compileand process all synoptic and time-serieswater quality data in WQX schema and upload data to EPA's water exchange(Targets Exchange Network Priority 1E-3& 5). Goal 3: Process new and existing water quality and shale gas data for web tools(Targets Exchange Network Priority 1E-3& 5). Goal 4: Develop customized web tools /application(Targets Exchange Network Priority 1E-3 & 5). Goal 5: Create Story Map and outreach material about shale gas impact on water quality(Targets Exchange Network Priority 1E-3). Goal 6: Integrate different components of federal and local web portals (Targets Exchange Network Priority 1E-3 & 5). | 3 | | University | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
California State University Sacramento | 83923301 | 2017 | 299699 | The Energy-Water-Emissions Dashboard (EWED) will integrate three EN data sources and other federal data sources into a new web service and two web-based user interfaces that support integrated decision making and planning at the energy-water-climate nexus. The EWED user interfaces will include a near-real-time dashboard of power plant facility water demands and emissions, as well as advanced tools for users to perform detailed analyses and scenario development at different geographic and jurisdiction scales. the goal of EWED is to improve integration, accessibility, usability, and timeliness of complex environmental data. | Goal 1: The California State University, Sacramento proposes to implement the Energy-water-emissions dashboard (EWED). | 9 | | University | No | Emissions Inventory System (EIS), Facility Registry Service (FRS), Other |
Washington Department of Health | 83923201 | 2017 | 374378 | Washington DH will improve radon data flows and coordinate radon data flow to an Exchange Network (EN) node or virtual network from partner states to increase the flow of radon data through EN. | Goal 1: Energy water emissions dashboard (EWED) | 10 | | State | Yes | Radon |
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe (Fond du Lac Band) | 83923101 | 2017 | 420478 | The project will provide for enhancements to leverage and improve upon new features that Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa anticipate being added to AWQMS for implementing the Assessment TMDL Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS) EN data flow, and the use of AWQMS as a continuous water quality sensor data "appliance" via web services. The project also intends to provide improvements for continuous monitoring data capture and management, and continuous monitoring sensor metadata submission to national central catalog. In addition, the tribe propose to implement new information visualization tools in the form of "dashboards" and CIS improvements for the multitude of AWQMS tribal, state, and volunteer users. | Goal 1: Build capacity and add tribes to advance from a wild rice consortium to a broader Region 5 water quality and wetlands consortium; Including AWQMS/WQX training and AWQMS/ATTAINS training and support for new tribes and the existing consortium participants; Goal 2: Participate in the Continuous Water Quality Monitoring (Partnership Opportunity) by updating acentral catalog (being proposed by EPA), and sharing continuous sensor data via publishing services. Thought will also be given to an approach for integrating discrete (WQ)(-compatible) data with continuous data; Goal 3: Improve GIS capabilities for consortium tribal programs and enhance our web services to support tribal spatial viewers; Goal 4: Leverage the assessment capabilities In AWQMS (being developed or proposed by other AWQMS organizations in separate external projects), and implement them in our tribal consortium. | 5 | | Tribe | Yes | Continuous/Advanced Water Quality Monitoring, Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS) |
Coeur d'Alene Tribe, GIS/IT Department | 83922701 | 2017 | 262592 | The Coeur D'Alene (CDA) Tribe proposes to collecting data using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flight imagery; process/interpret/store the data; share the water quality data and maps through the Coeur d'Alene Tribe's Portal for ArcGIS website. | Goal 1: Collecting data from multiple sensors mounted on a UAS ; Goal 2: Processing and storing UAS data ; Goal 3: Publishing UAS data | 10 | | Tribe | No | Other |
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control | 83922601 | 2017 | 266000 | SC DHEC will adopt and deploy the Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP); and adopt and deploy Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Prime. | Goal 1: Adoption and deployment of CMDP; Goal 2: Adoption and deployment of SDWIS Prime | 4 | | State | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) | 83922401 | 2017 | 300000 | KSDHE proposes to develop a web based application that receives the National Pollutant Discharge System (NPDES) eReporting Rule required information (Phase 2) from NPDES permittees, in compatible with the Integrated Compliance Information System-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES) in an Extensible markup Language (XML) schema format and can upload the data via a batched system (Open Node) to EPA's ICIS; and develop a solution that facilitates the exchange of state listing and TMDL data to the EPA ATTAINS's web-based application. | Goal 1: Develop a web based application that receives the NPDES eReporting Rule required information (Phase 2) from NPDES permittees, is compatible with the ICIS-NPDES system in a XML schema format and can upload the data via a batched system (Open Node) to the EPA ICIS; Goal 2: Develop a solution that facilitates the exchange of state listing and TMDL data to the EPA ATTAINS web-based application. | 7 | | State | No | Continuous/Advanced Water Quality Monitoring, Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS) |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - School of Government - Environmental Finance Center | 83922301 | 2017 | 299991 | UNC at Chapel Hill will develop a financial reporting system for water and wastewater systems in North Carolina and to facilitate integration and visualization of water and wastewater system financial data in Financial Sustainability and Rates Dashboard. | Goal 1: Develop a Financial Reporting System for Water and Wastewater Systems in NC; Goal 2: Water and wastewater system financial data integration and visualization in a Financial Sustainability and Rates Dashboard | 4 | | University | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority - Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute | 83922101 | 2017 | 299962 | Rutgers University plans to use EPA's current continuous water monitoring exchange framework to share water quality, encode air quality data, upload data to WQX, and configure data flows and test existing XML schema to upload FRS data and location via the Virtual Exchange Services to EPA's FRS. | Goal 1: Use EPA's current continuous water monitoring exchange framework (WaterML 2.0 and SensorML formats) to share continuous water quality data and its associated metadata via our local cloud based server using the 52° North Sensor Observation Service software and develop QA/QC procedures to automatically filter raw sensor data. This work will be guided by the "Continuous Monitoring Data Sharing Strategy''5; Goal 2: Propose encoding and associated services to share continuous air quality sensor data based on the same procedures and framework established for continuous water quality data. This work will be heavily influenced by the EPA "Continuous Monitoring Data Sharing Strategy''. Outputs: encoded outputs of continues air monitoring data including the following parameters: CO2, NOx, Ozone, SO2 and CO. Computer code for filtering the continuous air quality data from erroneous readings stemming from sensor malfunction or extreme weather conditions. Outputs also include automatic metadata extractor and encoding; Goal 3: Configure data flows and test the XML schema for sharing discrete seasonal water quality data through EPA's Virtual Exchange Services to upload discrete seasonal water quality data to EPA's wax system. MERI has previously tested a manual approach to loading data to wax as this was an original priority system Data Flow. Outputs: Workflow and code to extract discreet water quality parameters from MERi's water quality databases. Metadata extraction of data subtests. Linking of QA/QC procedures and metadata to data flows. Exchange format encoding. The MERI Seasonal water quality data will be migrated to a cloud server and connected to the Virtual Exchange Services (VES) using a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection; Goal 4: Configure data flows and test existing XML schema to upload Facility Registry data and location via the Virtual Exchange Services to EPA's Facility Registry Service. FRS is one of the original priority system Data Flows. Outputs: Workflow and code to extract coordinates from building footprint centroid and their associated RTK attribute data. Metadata generator and data exchange format encoding. | 2 | | State | Yes | Facility Registry Service (FRS) |
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation | 83922001 | 2017 | 229845 | The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation proposes to add and improve tools for searching, analyzing, and displaying data in Ambient Water Quality Monitoring System (AWQMS); implement a project dashboard to provide a quick summary of data collected for a selected project; leverage the new AWQMS assessment data reporting and tracking capabilities; leverage the Water Quality Portal (WQP) Web Services from within the Alaska AWQMS instance; and streamline the flow of data from the NARS Mobile application into AWQMS. | Goal 1: Add and improve tools for searching, analyzing, and displaying data in AWQMS. Implement a project dashboard to provide a quick summary of data collected for a selected project; Goal 2: Leverage new AWQMS assessment data reporting and tracking capabilities; Goal 3: Leverage the Water Quality Portal (WQP) Web Services from within the Alaska AWQMS instance; Goal 4: Streamline the flow of data from the NARS Mobile application into AWQMS | 10 | | State | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Other, Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS) |
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) | 83921901 | 2017 | 300000 | Under this project, the Nevada DCNR will develop a system for electronic reporting of air emission data from regulated facilities to the DCNR; Adopt and deploy the Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP) for reporting of Public Water System Data; And, modify or retool their existing Drinking Water Operator management system, Safe Water Operator Certification System (SWOGS), from an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection to a system that utilizes Web Service Calls. | Goal 1: Develop electronic reporting of FRS and EIS between NDEP and regulated facilities; Goal 2: Adoption and deployment of CMDP; Goal 3: Modification of SWOCS | 9 | | State | No | Other, Emissions Inventory System (EIS), Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control | 83921801 | 2017 | 299438 | Delaware DNREC will modify five databases that currently store national Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) related data that to meet the requirements with Phase II of the NPDES e-Reporting Rule. | Goal 1: ICIS NPDES e-Reporting Phase II Updates; Goal 2: Environmental Data Accessibility | 3 | | State | No | Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
University of Iowa, State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) | 83921701 | 2017 | 299672 | The primary goal of this project is to fully automate the data transmission of drinking water test results between OpenELIS, the Laboratory Information Management system(LIMS) used for managing Safe Drinking Water Act testing at the SHL, and the cloud-based SDWIS Prime database via the Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP). | Goal 1: Automate data transmission of drinking water test results between OpenELIS and the cloud-based SDWIS Prime database via the Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP). | 7 | | University | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection | 83921301 | 2017 | 128800 | The state is creating a unified Tanks database and software system with a web interface. The project unites the data collection and data flow for four programs: The Underground Storage Tank Program, the Aboveground Storage Tank Program, the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program, and the Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank Program. A mobile inspection tool will enhance data collection and reporting, and the creation of web portals will facilitate data exchange to numerous stakeholders. | Goal 1: Centralize the Tanks-related data into a single database to improve access to environmental information uti I ized for making decisions that could affect public health and the environment; Goal 2: Develop applications/tools to streamline data entry, sharing, and accessibility through the creation of mobile inspection tools to be utilized by all Tanks related programs; Goal 3: Improve access to environmental information for environmental program staff and managers, other State Agencies, the regulated community, the public, EPA, and other stakeholders. | 3 | | State | No | Other |
Virginia Department of Health (VDH) | 83921101 | 2017 | 300000 | The Virginia Department of Health proposes to transition Safe Drinking Water Information System State to SDWIS Prime. | Goal 1: Transition to SDWIS Prime | 3 | | State | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | 83920601 | 2017 | 282584 | PA DE will upgrade two existing data flow (AQS and WQX) and create one new flow (Radon Mitigation), enhance a prior grant-developed Business Intelligence Component, and establish an open data portal for environmental data for the Commonwealth in conjunction with national on-going efforts. | Goal 1: AQS Data Flow to VES; Goal 2: Radon Test Results by Census Tract; Goal 3: WQX | 3 | | State | No | Radon, Air Quality System (AQS), Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Other |
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality [ODEQ] | 83920501 | 2018 | 300000 | OR DEQ's project will increase the state's environmental data availability for internal and external consumption. The multisensory data set is extensively used by states, interest groups, advocacy organizations, the regulated community, and the public. Thus, the dataset will reach abroad audience, including data being cataloged data with WQX. The state is committed to packaging it product(s) for distribution to organizations who also need a similar data solution. | Goal 1: Multi Sensor Data Exchange - exchange and publish | 10 | | State | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS), Other |
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services | 83920401 | 2017 | 300000 | The New Hampshire DES project will increase the quality and availability of geospatial data for resumption of flow to Facility Registry System (FRS) and for new flows to EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX). The project will also create a web service to support emergency planning, response, and recovery in the event of stream crossing failures during floods. | Goal 1: Increase the quality and availability of geospatial data for resumption of flow to FRS and for new flows to EPA's Central data Exchange (CDX); Goal 2: Web service to support emergency planning, response, and recovery in the event of stream crossing failures during floods. | 1 | | State | Yes | Facility Registry Service (FRS), Other |
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) | 83674001 | 2016 | 500000 | The Indiana Department of Environmental Management proposes to implement enhancements to the agency's enterprise information system (TEMP0360) to support Appendix A required data elements for the Integrated Compliance Information System-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES). | Goal 1: Implementation of enhancements to TEMPO360 to support Appendix A required ICIS- NPDES data elements | 5 | | State | Yes | Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | 83663001 | 2020 | 300000 | The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection proposes to modernize the New Jersey Environmental Management System (NJEMS) by adding new Appendix A data requirements and implementing the Integrated Compliance Information System-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES) data flow to the Central Data Exchange (CDX). | Goal 1: NJEMS Modernization to add new Appendix A data requirements; Goal 2: ICIS NPDES Data Flow to CDX | 2 | | State | No | Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
Washington Department of Ecology | 83661001 | 2016 | 293654 | The Washington State Department of Ecology proposes to develop and implement a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)/Nonpoint Implementation database and web map application. They will also develop and implement data flows to upload implementation data to the 2018 ATTAINS database. | Goal 1: Develop and implement a database and web mapping application; Goal 2: Develop and implement data flow to upload implementation data to ATTAINS | 10 | | State | No | Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS) |
Georgia Environmental Protection Division | 83650001 | 2016 | 300000 | The Georgia Department of Natural Resources proposes to update the Georgia EnvirOnmental Monitoring and Assessment System (GOMAS) to match the new Assessment Total Maximum Daily Load Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS) schema. They will also implement an ATTAINS data flow through the virtual node; update Georgia's Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) compliant e-Reporting system, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division Online System (GEOS), for electronic notice of intent (eNOI An information flow will be established ffrom Georgia's CROMERR compliant eReporting system (GEOS) to EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES) database through the virtual node. | Goal 1: Update GOMAS to match new ATTAINS schema; Goal 2: Impliment production ATTAINS data flow through the Virtual Node; Goal 3: Update Georgia's CROMERR compliant e-Reproting system (GEOS) for eNOI; Goal 4: Establish flow of information from Georgia's CROMERR compliance eReporting system (GEOS) to EPA's ICIS-NPDES database through the Virtual Node. | 4 | | State | No | Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS), Shared CROMERR Services (SCS) |
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | 83649001 | 2016 | 499610 | The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission proposes to build tribal capacity that will enhance environmental programs on tribal ceded lands and enhance the tribal partners' ability to electronically share critical salmon and steelhead data with Exchange Network (EN) partners. They will build internal web-based services and systems at the Nez Perce Tribe and Yakama Nation fisheries departments that deliver data to centralized data systems that can share data with other EN partners They will also expand the newly created Salmon Coordinated Assessment Data Exchange (SCADE-CAX) virtual node to include critical data from tribal partners. | Goal 1: Build tribalvcapacity that willenhance environmental programs on tribal lands and the tribal partners' ability to electronically share critical salmon and steelhead data with EN partners; Goal 2: Build internal web based services and systems at the Nez Perce Tribe and Yakama Nation fisheries departments that deliver data in standard machine readable formats to centralized data systems that have the ability to share data with other EN partners; 3) Expand the newly created SCADE-CAX virtual node to include critical data from tribal partners | 10 | | Tribe | Yes | Other |
Alaska Department of Natural Resources | 83647001 | 2016 | 299994 | The Alaska Department of Natural Resources proposes to implement a radon data flow; enable Geological Geospatial Data Exchange, and develop an online interactive application to display radon-geology data. | Goal 1: Implementation of radon data flow, Tier 1 published service; Goal 2: Enabling Geological Geospatial Data Exchange, Tier 2; 3) Development of online interactive application to display radon-geology data, Tier 1 GIS visualization | 10 | | State | No | Radon |
Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe | 83643001 | 2016 | 299999 | The Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe proposes to develop and deploy the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe's Mobile Application. | Goal 1: Develop and Deploy PGST Mobile Application | 10 | | Tribe | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
Oregon Health Authority | 83640001 | 2016 | 499540 | The Oregon Health Authority proposes to create a shared, interstate data system for reporting chemicals-in-products data by manufacturers; implement a flow of this data to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and states, and implement a public-facing searchable database. | Goal 1: Create a shared, interstate data system for reporting by manufacturers of chemicals-in-products data; Goal 2: Implementation of a flow of reported data to EPA and states; Goal 3: Implementation of public-facing, searchable database; | 10 | | State | Yes | Other |
Illinois Department of Public Health | 83610001 | 2011 | 191161 | Goal # 1 Improve Illinois NCPWS reporting of drinking water data to national data flow by enhancing laboratory reporting of data.Goal #2 Improve completeness and accuracy of Illinois NCPWS drinking water data leading to better environmental decision making.Goal #3 Enhance access to Drinking Water Data for Illinois citizens and environmental professionals. | Goal 1: Public Access Via Drinking Water Watch; Goal 2: Implementation of "Laboratory to State" reporting of drinking water data; Goal 3: Implement Electronic Data Verification (eDV) SDWIS Module. | 5 | | State | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
Washington Recreation and Conservation Office | 83585601 | 2015 | 498007 | The Washington Recreation and Conservation Office and Governor¿s Salmon Recovery Office proposes to organize project governance; identify roles and responsibilities; design data flow for the Adult Salmon Migrant Data Exchange; build new Exchange Network (EN) flow for Adult Salmon Migrant Data Exchange; build a web service to view adult salmon migrant data and analyze adjacent spatial information; deploy Adult Salmon Migrant Data Exchange; and train and mentor people using the exchange. | Goal 1: Organize project governance; identify roles and responsibilities; Goal 2: Design data flow for the Adult Salmon Migrant Data Exchange; Goal 3: Build new exchange network flow for Adult Salmon Migrant Data Exchange; Goal 4: Build a web service to view adult salmon mingrant data and analyze adjacent spatial information; Goal 5: Deploy Adult Salmon Migrant Data Exchange; train and mentor people using the exchange. | 10 | | State | Yes | Other |
Nevada System of Higher Education UNIV of NV Reno | 83585201 | 2015 | 499969 | The University of Nevada, Reno - Board of Regents proposes to implement a National Green Business (GB) database o f Green Business Programs; establish 6 state interfaces on the National GreenBizTRACK; flow data into National Environmental Information Exchange Network P2 Results (NEIN P2R) data system; implement a web-based Green Business Program user guide for partner states; create Resources Page to assist businesses in self-guiding toward greener operations; pilot the National System Administration. | Goal 1: Implement a National Green Business database of Green Business Programs; GreenBizTRACK; Goal 2: Establish 5 state interfaces on the National GreenBizTRACK; Goal 3: Flow Data into NEIN P2R; Goal 4: IMplement a web-based Green Business Program user guide for partner states; Goal 5: Create Resources Page to assist businesses in self-guiding toward greener operations;Goal 6: National System Administration. | 9 | | University | Yes | Other |
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) | 83584301 | 2015 | 300000 | The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency proposes to build web services shareable with direct entry/java environment Exchange Network (EN) partners using two or more Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) Federal Web Services and develop web services and a Java OpenNode2 plug-in reusable by EN partners to automatically provide facilities' stack test, emissions, and compliance data to United States Environmental Protection Agency¿s (U.S. EPA's) Compliance Enforcement Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). | Goal 1: RCRAInfo Web Services to consume data; Goal 2: Ohio EPA eBusiness Center Recieve and STARS2 Process and Transfer Data to CEDRI/ERT. | 5 | | State | No | Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo), Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality | 83584101 | 2015 | 300000 | The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) proposes to develop an enhanced data sharing capability of LDEQ water quality data. | Goal 1: Develop an enhanced data sharing capability of LDEQ water quality data. | 6 | | State | No | Open Data |
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) | 83584001 | 2015 | 299996 | The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality proposes to develop database schema for housing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) relevant data; transmit data via Central Data Exchange (CDX) to Integrated Compliance Information System-Permit Compliance System (ICIS-PCS); standardize data reporting and storage to ensure data quality; and develop, test and deploy web-based applications for application submittal, electronic notice of intent (eNOI), and Network Discharge Monitoring Report (NetDMR). | Goal 1: Database schema for housing IPDES relevant data; Goal 2: Transmit data via CDX to ICIS-PCS; Goal 3: Standardize data reporting and storage to ensure data quality; 4) Develop, test and deploy web-based applications for application submittal, eNOI, and NetDMR. | 10 | | State | No | Electronic Reporting of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Shared CROMERR Services (SCS), Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
Seldovia Village Tribe | 83583801 | 2018 | 285350 | The Seldovia Village Tribe (SVT) proposes to implement project initiation; develop and publish AQS data; and conduct outreach and collaboration. | Goal 1: Project Initiation, Goal 2: Development and Publishing of AQS Data, Goal 3: Outreach and Collaboration | 10 | | Tribe | No | Air Quality System (AQS) |
Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy | 83583401 | 2015 | 130000 | The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) proposes to design and implement agency data systems; develop tools/applications to assess surface water quality data against Title 117 - NE Surface Water Standards; expand NDEQ's current node to implement the ATTAINS v1.0 and Water Quality Exchange (WQX) 3.0 data flow submittal process. | Goal 1 : Perform and Implement Agency data system(s); Goal 2: Develop tools/applications to assess surface water quality data against Title 117 -NE Surface Water Standards; Goal 3: Expand NDEQ's current Node to implement the ATTAINS vl.0 and WQX 3 .0 data flow submittal process. | 7 | | State | No | Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS), Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | 83564901 | 2014 | 285000 | The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection proposes to modernize the New Jersey Environmental Management System-Safe Drinking Water Information System (NJEMS-SDWIS) Interface, modernize lab submittal system and SDWIS Interface; and modernize drinking water publishing. | Goal 1: Evaluate SDWIS Prime migration for New Jersey; Goal 2: a) Conduct JEMS-SDWIS Interface design sessions for Compliance and Enforcement data exchange, b) Develop the approved NJ EMS-SD WIS enhancements for Compliance and Enforcement data exchange, c) Test the enhanced NJEMS-SDWIS software interface, d) Deploy software in NJDEP production environments; Goal 3: a) Conduct lab submittal system-SDWIS Interface design sessions for laboratory result data exchange, b) Develop the approved lab submittal system SDWIS enhancements for laboratory result data exchange, c) Test the enhanced lab submittal system SDWIS software enhancements, d) Deploy software in NJDEP production environments; Goal 4: a) Conduct NODE plug-in design sessions publishing drinking water data on the Exchange Network; b) Develop the approved NODE plug-in enhancements for publishing drinking water data on the Exchange Network; c) Test the NODE plug-in enhancements; d) Deploy software in NJDEP production environments. | 2 | | State | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services - Office of Drinking Water | 83527201 | 2012 | 200000 | Install Lab-to-State application on a secure server. Update DPHL Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to communicate with Lab-to-State. Repair current Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) data. | Goal 1: Installation of Lab-to-State and XML sampling, Goal 2: Update Delaware Public Health Laboratory's LIMS system to allow Lab-to-State interface, Goal 3: Clean up deficiencies in SDWIS | 3 | | State | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
PA Department of Environmental Protection | 83970001 | 2019 | 198645 | EPA and PA DEP to their prospective stakeholders. -Standardized routine to regularly load Stream and Lake Assessment, Action and unassessed data to database. -Fully Automated Load and Submission of PA Streams Assessment data. -Readily available ATTAINS data for internal and public consumption. -More timely and transparent access to PA DEP assessment and total maximum daily load (TMDL) data for enhanced monitoring and decision making. -Reduced burden on PA DEP in providing access to Clean Water Act assessment and reporting process. -Readily available eManifest data for internal and public consumption. -Ability to analyze and make better decisions based on access to both historical and current data. -More timely and transparent access to PA DEP eManifest data and reduced burden on PA DEP in providing access to data. -Ability to more robustly monitor eManifest Activities. -Enhanced analytical capability for better decisions. -More timely and transparent access to PA DEP Water Quality Samples Information. -Reduced burden on PA DEP in providing access to Water samples data. -Ability to more robustly monitor Water Assessment activities. -Readily available access to Waste Management data. -Faster and more accurate changes to TMDL that would otherwise remain stagnant or require labor intensive manual updates. -Data otherwise not available to public or national system due to changed federal requirements that state does not have resources to support for both Clean Water and Waste Programs. | -Automate ATTAINS Data Flow. -Integrate and Share eManifests Data. -Enhance Water Quality Portal. -Data Publishing and System Activities | 3 | | State | No | Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS) |
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe | 99267205 | 2020 | 199096 | The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe proposes to create an electronic database/portal for all tribal members to access environmental data; and create a portal which would allow submission of environmental applications electronically. Project benefits include more streamlined business processes and decision-making; expanded data access and availability; improved environmental management through advanced data monitoring and transmittal processes; and elimination of paper reporting. This application seeks funding under Priorities 1 and 3. | Enter completed project goals from application work plan in the following format: (1) [Goal 1 Develop a Framework for an Online Portal/Through a multi-disciplinary team and a contracted software developer structure a process flow to facilitate receiving, reviewing and approving environmental permits; (2) Develop an online application process for environmental permitting/IEliminate paper reporting and expand e-reporting through a portal. | 2 | | Tribe | No | Other |
Native American Environmental Protection Coalition | 83969301 | 2019 | 400000 | Expand on previous successful grant work and add air quality data management, analysis, sharing and flow capabilities and capacity to a network of tribal environmental programs. | Goal 1: Reuse and enhance the existing continuous monitoring data features of AWQMS to implement a tribal Ambient Air Quality monitoring capability Goal 2: Add Capacity through addition of new participating NAEPC member tribes and by leveraging of new AWQMS capabilities available from other AWQMS community members | 9 | | Tribe | No | Continuous/Advanced Water Quality Monitoring, Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS), Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Air Quality System (AQS) |
Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California | 83548301 | 2013 | 251000 | Utilize WQX to flow biological and habitat monitoring parameters.. - Implement a Tribe to EPA flow of air quality data to EPA's AQS system. | 1.Utilize WQX to flow biological and habitat monitoring parameters.; 2 Implement a Tribe to EPA flow of safe drinking water quality data to EPA's SDWIS system.; 3 Implement a Tribe to EPA flow of air quality data to EPA's AQS system. | 9 | | Tribe | No | Other |
MA Executive Office of Environmental Affairs | 83941701 | 2018 | 200000 | The proposed project builds capacity among citizen monitoring groups to bring new coastal water quality data to environmental decision making | Goal 1 Improve citizen monitoring data quality for use by decision makers/Develop and introduce a wizard-like, reusable web-based tool to guide users in the development of a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). Goal 2 Incorporate quality-assured citizen monitoring data into WQX/Leverage existing WQX Web templates with hands-on training and direct assistance to citizen groups. Goal 3 Provide public access to water quality data/Produce a reporting tool that integrates data analyses and display options to serve multiple audiences. | 1 | | State | No | Other |
Rhode Island Department of Health | 84009501 | 2020 | 92282 | The Rhode Island Department of Health proposes to perform an analysis and error identification of its Beach Program Microsoft Access database to meet EPA data submission standards; rectify the Beach Program historical data set via the updated Access Database and verification of new data flow; and implement extract, transform and load (ETL) of the public notification systems with the updated Access Database. Project benefits include improved and streamlined submission mechanisms to deliver data to the EPA and the public. This application seeks funding under Priorities 2 and 3. | Goal 1: Customized Microsoft Excel and MS Access Templates for Monitoring Data Goal 2: Customized Microsoft Excel and MS Access Templates for Notification Data Goal 3: Accurate Historical Monitoring Database Data in WQX/BEACON Goal 4: Accurate Historical Notification Database Data in WQX/BEACON Goal 5: User Guide to streamline upload of data from Microsoft Excel Templates to EPA's MS Access database. Goal 6: Streamlined Real-Time Notification through the WQX. | 1 | | State | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX), eBeaches |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) | 83920201 | 2017 | 300000 | Louisiana DEQ will improve the water quality assessment process and implement the Assessment Total Maximum Daily Load Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS) dataflow. | Goal 1: Water Quality Assessment Process Improvement/ATTAINS Implementation | 6 | | State | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Assessment TMDL Tracking & ImplementatioN System (ATTAINS), Other |
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency | 83669001-4 | 2016 | 125000 | This project to build a Java Web-based Surface Water Compliance module. This will combine several standalone compliance applications and manual processed into an integrated compliance monitoring tool. We had to develop, test, and deploy the Java Compliance Module. In summary, Ohio EPA’s Division of Surface Water will be better prepared for compliance and notifications to Permittees. | (1) Goal 1 Build a Java Web-based Surface Water Compliance Module/Combines several standalone compliance applications and manual processes into an integrated compliance monitoring tool. | 5 | | State | No | Electronic Reporting of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) |
Iowa Department of Natural Resources | 83648001 | 2016 | 300000 | The project was to make several modules of the DNR WATER Container using programing into web apps. The project would also upgrade the applications to run with the new SDWIS PRIME table structure. The SDWIS project was delayed due to programing issues. A public view of the Iowa Drinking Water Data Portal was created so PWS permits, data, violations, and inventory are available. Mapping current SDWIS table structure was started to get ready for the transition to DW-STFIES. | Enter completed project goals from application work plan in the following format: (1) [Goal 1: Integration of Iowa Drinking Water Data Portal; (2) [Goal 2 : Electronic Sanitary Surveys]; and (3) [Goal 3 : DW-SFTIES transition]. | 7 | | State | No | Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) |
Shoshone Paiute Tribes | 84010601 | 2020 | 199937 | Enhance the Shoshone Paiute Tribes technical capabilities and capacity in exchanging environmental information withing organizations and the public. The project completed an interdepartmental visual database for noxious weed management within each department and water quality/quantity usage and land management. The public can see the water data being shared along with easy to fill water request forms. | (1) Implement an interdepartmental environmental asset and workflow management visual database; (2) Build informative project-based public websites to display environmental findings to tribal membership and the community | 9 | | Tribe | No | Capacity Building |
Sacramento State University | 84009601 | 2020 | 199967 | The California State University, Sacramento proposes to construct and publish a new information exchange, the Trash Rapid Assessment Data Exchange (TRADE), consisting of a crowd-sourced database, Application Programming Interface (API), and web-based dashboard. Project benefits include streamlined access to quality environmental data that will reduce burden and cost and expanded participation in data-driven environmental improvement. This application seeks funding under Priority 3. | (1) Trash Rapid Assessment Data Exchange (TRADE) | 9 | | University | No | Electronic Reporting of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) |
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality | 84010801 | 2020 | 200000 | The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)'s Air Quality Division submits this application under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Exchange Network (EN) Grant Program. ADEQ proposes to utilize the reporting system developed by the E-Enterprise Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) project. The CAER System will provide a common reporting tool for air permittees to unify separate data flows such as the National Emission Inventory (NEI) and Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). The CAER System will modernize the reporting processes by incorporating intermediate products researched and developed (R&D) by CAER, such as their improved WebFIRE emissions factor lookup service. Putting CAER data flows into production is a Priority 2 opportunity for an EN grant. | Enhance and implement the CAER System for Arizona air permittees | 9 | | State | No | E-Enterprise Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) |
Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians | 84009301 | 2020 | 200000 | This project aimed to modernize the data flows to make use of the WQX Web API Services, and add new datasets to be added into the data flow for sharing with the exchange network. The project accomplished both of these goals, a new data upload dashboard was developed with built in qa/qc and data entry capabilities, and new hydro lab data was uploaded. | (1) Update Data flows to WQX API Services. Transition away from email delivery to automated data transmission to WQX (2) Mapping of data systems to WQX Schema. Map new datasets to appropriate data schema and incorporate data flow (3) Increase Technical capabilities. Develop training material and conduct training sessions. Develop tools for resource management. | 9 | | Tribe | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX) |
Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District | 84030001 | 2021 | 97473 | The purpose of the grant was to improve efficiency for data reported to ICIS-AIR. Prior to the grant, a staff person would manually enter annual compliance certification, full compliance evaluations, and stack test data from our permit database into ICIS-AIR. The grant allowed us to work with a contractor to create a tool so our permit database data can be transformed into a format suitable to upload to ICIS-AIR. | (1) Goal 1: Select and Award Contractor; (2) Goal 2: Project Plan and Schedule Development; (3) Goal 3: ICIS-Air Data Flow Design; (4) Goal 4: Develop ICIS-Air Data Flow Extract Procedures; (5) Goal 5: User Acceptance Training; and (6) Goal 6: Put Exchange Network Node into Production. | 9 | | Other | No | Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) |
Hawaii Department of Health | 84011301 | 2020 | 200000 | The Hawaii Department of Health Environmental Health Administration (EHA) proposes to integrate the Substance Registry System (SRS) Service; use Submit Web Services to integrate data into Federal Registry System API; upgrade and implement RCRAInfo Outbound Services; and publish Geospatial data sets. Project benefits include enabling EHA to improve information quality and transparency across multiple programs by providing related substance information, efficiently update Clean Air and Clean Water Branch FRS data in real-time, improve data accessibility to Hazardous Waste program information and establish increased information availability to all stakeholders and the general public by sharing data geospatially. | 9 | | State | No | Facility Registry Service (FRS), Substance Registry Services (SRS), Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) | |
Hawaii Department of Health | 83968801 | 2019 | 300000 | The project goal involves upgrading Hawaii and Nevada's Air Systems to include electronic data collection, management and sharing features. This will enable air programs in both states to eliminate regulated industry paper application submissions and reporting, streamline data collection and management by employing electronic processes, improve data quality and availability, and expand data access capabilities to interested partners. | 9 | | State | Yes | Emissions Inventory System (EIS) | |
Owens Valley Indian Water Commission | 84011101 | 2020 | 196727 | The Owens Valley Indian Water Commission proposes to leverage two SQL-based databases for enhanced environmental data management and sharing, create environmental dashboards for elevated data sharing with partners, and generate a shared tribal CWA Water Quality Assessment Report Tool to ease reporting. Project benefits include streamlining data management, enhancing and expediting data sharing with partners, and sharing water quality reporting tools with Tribes across the United States. | 9 | | Tribe | No | Water Quality Exchange (WQX), Capacity Building, Other | |
Hawaii Department of Health | 84031001 | 2021 | 200000 | The Hawaii Department of Health proposes to increase environmental health information capacity through the utilization of Shared CROMERR, Map Viewer and Data Encryption Services. Project benefits include modernized business operations, increased quality and volume of environmental health data, streamlined data management processes, and efficient information sharing methods across multiple environmental programs. | 9 | | State | No | Open Data, Shared CROMERR Services (SCS), Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) | |
California Environmental Protection Agency | 83968901 | 2019 | 200000 | The goal of the VES Implementation and GeoServer Services grant is to move the Cal EPA exchange node from older local hardware into the US EPA's shared virtual exchange technology, move identified existing data flows to the new exchange technology, and further open government and information transparency by expanding the geospatial services available through the Cal EPA's public Regulated Site Portal. | 9 | | State | No | Virtual Exchange Services (VES), Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo), Toxic Release Inventory System (TRIS), Facility Registry Service (FRS) | |
New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority | 84030401 | 2021 | 199940 | The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority's Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute (MERI) proposes to create an open, interoperable and conveniently accessible data portal where agencies can search, view, and download drone imagery. Benefits include facilitating environmental decision making by providing timely access to high resolution ortho imagery and spatial information utilizing the ArcGIS Online platform and promoting environmental data flows within and among state and federal agencies. | 2 | | State | No | Open Data |