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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
Oil Regulations
Total results: 96
- 40 CFR Part 112.20 Facility Response Plans Total results: 19
- 40 CFR Part 110 Discharge of Oil Regulation Total results: 9
40 CFR Part 112 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule
Total results: 65
- 112.6 Qualified Facilities Total results: 4
- 112.1 Applicability Total results: 18
- 112.2 Definitions Total results: 12
- 112.3 Requirement to Prepare an SPCC Plan Total results: 3
- 112.7 General Requirements Total results: 17
- 112.8 Specific Onshore Requirements (Excluding Production) Total results: 3
- Miscellaneous SPCC Total results: 8
- 40 CFR Part 300 Subpart J Total results: 1
- Miscellaneous Oil Total results: 2
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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- National Emissions Inventory Process
- 40 CFR Part 112.20 Facility Response Plans
- 112.6 Qualified Facilities
Displaying 1 - 15 of 33 results
How often does a facility need to complete an oil spill response training under the FRP requirements?
Facilities subject to the Facility Response Plan (FRP) regulations in 40 CFR Part 112, Subpart D are required to develop a facility response training program to train those personnel involved in oil spill response activities (§112.21(b)). How often does a facility need to complete an oil spill response training under…
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What is a significant and substantial harm facility?
Some substantial harm facilities may meet the criteria for a significant and substantial harm facility. After you have prepared and submitted your FRP, the RA may determine that your facility has the potential, not just for substantial harm, but for significant and substantial harm. If the RA makes that determination…
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Visit and examination requirements for SPCC self-certification
Pursuant to 40 CFR §112.6, the owner or operator of a facility that meets the criteria in §112.3(g) for either a Tier I or Tier II qualified facility may self-certify the facility's SPCC Plan. As part of the self-certification, the owner or operator must certify that he or she has…
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Where can I download hourly emissions data from continuous monitoring?
Hourly emissions data files are available from the Clean Air Markets Division of EPA, collected as part of 40 CFR Part 75. The download location has changed in February, 2023. The new location is . Once on this new site, use the menu (at the left) and the Keyword…
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Availability of electronic SPCC Plan template
Part 112, Appendix G to prepare an SPCC Plan. Is the Tier I qualified facility SPCC Plan template available in an electronic version? EPA has made available electronic versions of the Tier I qualified facility Plan template to help the owner or operator of a Tier I qualified facility develop…
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PE certification for an FRP if an SPCC impracticability determination is made
If the owner or operator of a facility subject to the SPCC regulations determines that the installation of any of the specified secondary containment structures or equipment is not practicable and accordingly provides in the facility’s SPCC Plan an oil spill contingency plan following the provisions of 40 CFR Part…
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How complete are the data in the National Emissions Inventory?
While the goal of the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) program is to include all emissions data, there are always challenges meeting this goal. The answer about completeness of coverage of sources depends on the emissions sector and pollutant. In general, the criteria air pollutants and precursors (CAPs) are expected to…
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Where is more information available about emissions estimation methods used by the EPA?
For criteria air pollutants and precursors as well as for hazardous air pollutants, the methods are described in the technical support document (TSD) for the latest National Emissions Inventory (NEI) available from the main NEI page . For greenhouse gas emissions, you can find greenhouse gas inventory methods from the…
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Elements to include in Facility Response Plan
What key elements should I include in my Facility Response Plan? As you prepare your FRP, be sure that your plan includes the following elements: Emergency Response Action Plan (an easily accessible stand-alone section of the overall plan) including the identity of a qualified individual with the authority to implement…
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What are the FRP recordkeeping requirements?
What FRP recordkeeping requirements must I satisfy? You must maintain the response plan at your facility, along with plan updates reflecting material changes. You must also keep a log of response training drills and exercises. Records of inspections of response equipment must be kept for five years. If you determine…
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Under FRP, what is the definition of a qualified individual?
The FRP regulations require facilities to prepare an emergency response action plan and identify a qualified individual that has full authority, including contracting authority, to implement removal actions (40 CFR §112.20(h)(i)). What is the definition of a qualified individual? The relevant statute, CWA 311(j)(5)(C)(ii) requires that the plan identify the…
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How are emissions trends compiled?
For criteria air pollutants and precursors, the emissions trends are based on the triennial National Emissions Inventory data, with some interim year data included for non-triennial years. The methods and interim-year approaches are described on the “Development of Data” tab included with the data provided on the Air Pollutant Emissions…
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How do I determine what SCCs have changed between inventory years?
These are available in the EIS (Reporting Code table) or public website: Filter on “last inventory year” to remove SCCs no longer active. If this column has a date in it, then the SCC has been retired as of that date. The “last updated date” (column J) indicates when…
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Where are the NAICS/ SIC and SCC codes changes that have been implemented for the 2017NEI?
Please refer to the NEI webpage for 2017 documentation , and follow the link for Appendix 2 - 2017 NEI Plan Code Changes. That Excel file describes anticipated changes for the SCCs and NAICS and includes a helpful read me. I'll just note in the next NEI/EIS email that SCC…
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What is a Facility Response Plan?
According to the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended by the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), certain facilities that store and use oil are required to prepare and submit plans to respond to a worst case discharge of oil and to a substantial threat of such a discharge. EPA has established…
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