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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
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- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 92
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- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 19
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 16 - 27 of 27 results
Do we need to submit an Adaptive Management Strategy and Performance Measurement Plan?
These are not required for an application to meet eligibility requirements of this RFA. Review Section III.C. for more information on threshold eligibility criteria. An applicant may choose to submit these documents and/or other supporting materials with their application. Or an applicant may choose to include the development of an…
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Is there a set timeline for these grant programs? How long are the programs expected to last?
The anticipated timeline is for a 6-year period, which translates to a cooperative agreement for a 6-year period to the principal recipient. To give an estimate of what a timeline might look like, the PR may take six months to a year to initial establish the project RFA and then…
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So, the principal recipient can only manage the sub-recipient projects, they cannot do the project themselves?
The PR will not complete on-the-ground project work. PRs are responsible for the project RFA and administration of awards made under the project RFA throughout the lifecycle of the award(s).
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Do sub recipients need to be 501c3?
No, subrecipients do not need to be 501C3. Potential applicants should carefully review Section 7 of EPA's Subaward Policy for a full description of entities eligible for subawards. Potential applicants should also review Appendix A: Distinction Between Subrecipients and Contractors. Grants Policy Issuance (GPI) 16-01: EPA Subaward Policy for EPA…
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How do I get access to the Emissions Inventory System?
Access to the Emissions Inventory System (EIS) is available to state, local, tribal agencies, their representatives (such as contractors), to multijurisdictional organizations (MJOs), and to EPA staff. The EIS is not available to the public. Instructions for access to the EIS is available in the Emissions Inventory System (EIS) User’s…
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Is there any reason a specific municipality or county could not submit as a principal recipient?
A municipality could apply to be a principal recipient provided the program they describe meets all the eligibility criteria: namely, that they are setting up an open and fair grant competition for their community or set of communities.
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Can a City apply to provide service in an EJ community through its own programs and not via pass-through subawards?
An applicant to the NOFO would be either a Principal Recipient or a coalition member, and not eligible for funding for on-the-ground GLRI-funded projects. Principal Recipients or coalition members would use RFA funding to develop the Project RFA, manage Project subawards, and provide technical and administrative support to Project Subrecipients…
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Can you provide the approximate boundaries of the Chicago River watershed?
Full question: Can you provide the approximate boundaries of the Chicago River watershed? Do projects have to be adjacent to the Chicago River to qualify for funding? Do municipalities that have rivers tributary to the Chicago River qualify under this grant? Answer: If a project is otherwise eligible for funding…
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It appears that your NOFO is ONLY for pass-through to sub-recipients. Can a City apply to provide service in an EJ community through its own programs and not subcontract?
An applicant to the NOFO would be either a Principal Recipient or a coalition member, and not eligible for funding for on-the-ground GLRI-funded projects. Principal Recipients or coalition members would use RFA funding to develop the Project RFA, manage Project subawards, and provide technical and administrative support to Project Subrecipients…
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Can you provide the approximate boundaries of the Chicago River watershed?
Full Question: Can you provide the approximate boundaries of the Chicago River watershed? Do projects have to be adjacent to the Chicago River to qualify for funding? Do municipalities that have rivers tributary to the Chicago River qualify under this grant? Answer: If a project is otherwise eligible for funding…
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Is it okay if a Project RFA accepts proposals only for green infrastructure and NPS (non-point source) pollution reduction projects? What NPS projects are eligible?
This type of Project RFA is allowable, as long as other threshold criteria are met. Please review RFA Section I.D. and Section III.C. for additional guidance.
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How do I reset my password for the Emissions Inventory System?
Instructions for resetting your password are available in the Emissions Inventory System (EIS) User’s Manual and How To’s section on “How Do I Update My Password?” Follow the instructions to reset your password.
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