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- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
Oil Regulations
Total results: 96
- 40 CFR Part 110 Discharge of Oil Regulation Total results: 9
40 CFR Part 112 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule
Total results: 65
- 112.6 Qualified Facilities Total results: 4
- 112.1 Applicability Total results: 18
- 112.2 Definitions Total results: 12
- 112.3 Requirement to Prepare an SPCC Plan Total results: 3
- 112.7 General Requirements Total results: 17
- 112.8 Specific Onshore Requirements (Excluding Production) Total results: 3
- Miscellaneous SPCC Total results: 8
- 40 CFR Part 112.20 Facility Response Plans Total results: 19
- 40 CFR Part 300 Subpart J Total results: 1
- Miscellaneous Oil Total results: 2
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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Release notification requirements for releases of aqueous film forming foam
Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), a substance commonly used by firefighters, contains ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy) which is categorized as a glycol ether. Glycol ethers meet the definition of hazardous substance in CERCLA 101(14) because they are hazardous air pollutants pursuant to 112(b) of the Clean Air Act. In 1990, the Clean…
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Who must be notified when a release occurs?
In the event that a listed Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) hazardous substance or extremely hazardous substance is released in an amount equal to, or exceeding the reportable quantity (RQ) for that substance, the following parties must be notified: Community emergency coordinator for the local or tribal…
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Multiple Releases During 24-Hour Period
CERCLA release notification requirements state that any person in charge of a vessel or an offshore or an onshore facility shall, as soon as he has knowledge of the release of a hazardous substance in a quantity equal to or exceeding the reportable quantity (RQ), immediately notify the National Response…
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Tier2 Submit validation error due to incorrect CAS number
What do I do if I get a validation error in Tier2 Submit due to an incorrect Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number? Your CAS number should be typed exactly as it appears on the substance's SDS. Review your safety data sheet (SDS) to see if the CAS number was typed…
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Tier II reporting for agricultural dusts and agricultural products handled in powdered form (i.e. combustible dust)
EPCRA Section 312 requires facility owners or operators to submit annual chemical inventory reports (Tier I/Tier II Forms) for any OSHA defined hazardous chemical subject to OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard ( 29 CFR section 1910.1200 ) when present at a facility above threshold amounts at any one time during the…
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Are government products unavailable to the public exempt?
Executive Order 12856 required federal facilities to comply with all aspects of EPCRA ( 58 FR 41981; August 6, 1993 ). Prior to this action, EPCRA did not apply to federal facilities. Consequently, interpretive language previously issued as guidance for non-federal facilities often does not address issues specific to federal…
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Is household heating fuel exempt from the Sections 311 and 312 requirements?
Section 311(e)(3) exempts, "any substance to the extent it is used for personal, family or household purposes, or is present in the same form and concentration as a product packaged for distribution and use by the general public." This household product exemption does not apply to the use of household…
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Consumer product exemption and batteries
Sections 311 and 312 apply to owners or operators of any facility that is required to prepare or have available a material safety data sheet (MSDS) for an OSHA defined hazardous chemical present at the facility at any one time in amounts equal to or greater than established thresholds. Facility…
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Can a lease agreement exempt a facility owner from Tier II reporting?
An owner leases a facility to another person. The lease agreement states that "in its use and occupancy of the facility and in its use of the leased equipment, the lessee shall abide by and comply with all governmental laws, regulations and requirements." Does this contractual language exempt the owner…
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Are there any exemptions under Sections 311 and 312?
There are five exemptions under Sections 311 and 312. These exemptions are provided in Section 311(e) in the following order: Any food, food additive, color additive, drug, or cosmetic regulated by the Food and Drug Administration; Any substance present as a solid in any manufactured item to the extent exposure…
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Is FDA regulated flour bleaching exempt?
A facility owner/operator uses chlorine to bleach flour at his/her facility. Would this facility owner/operator be exempt from reporting the chlorine used to bleach flour under EPCRA Section 311/312? EPCRA Section 311 (e)(1) exempts any food, food additive, drug, or cosmetic regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). EPA…
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Forklift batteries
EPCRA section 311(e)(3) exempts from the definition of hazardous chemical any substance to the extent is used for personal, family, or household purposes, or is present in the same form and concentration as a product packaged for distribution and use by the general public ( 40 CFR 370.13(c)(1) ). Does…
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Is an animal refuge exempt from 311 and 312?
An animal refuge sprays herbicides and pesticides on its grounds to better the quality of the area for the animal inhabitants. Is the spraying of these pesticides exempt from the requirements of Sections 311 and 312 of Title III under the exception to the definition of "hazardous chemical" for any…
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Reporting radionuclide mixtures if composition is known
How are mixtures of radionuclides reported if the composition of the mixture is known? The requirements for reporting mixtures of radionuclides depend on whether the composition of the mixture is known or unknown. If the identity and quantity (in curies) of each radionuclide involved in a release is known, the…
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MSDS requirements for mixtures made on-site and not distributed into commerce
A facility owner/operator brings on-site two components that he blends into a mixture for on-site use. Since the mixture is not distributed to commerce, the facility owner/operator claims that Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not require him to develop a new Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the…
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