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- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
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- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
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- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
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Release of a RCRA-delisted hazardous waste
If a company has had its petition to delist a specific Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste granted by an EPA-approved State RCRA program, and that company releases this waste in excess of its Reportable Quantity (RQ), is it required to notify the National Response Center (NRC)? Under…
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Release notification for disposal into RCRA-regulated facility
Would disposal of a hazardous substance into a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C permitted facility or interim status facility be reportable? No. The disposal of hazardous substances into a disposal facility in accordance with EPA regulations is not subject to CERCLA notification provisions. Where the disposal of…
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Is there a concentration cutoff below which it is not necessary to report a release?
Is there a concentration cutoff below which it is not necessary to report a release, even though a Reportable Quantity (RQ) might have been exceeded over a 24-hour period? No. There are no concentration cutoffs for the RQs (i.e., a lower-bound concentration below which reporting would not be required). Unless…
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Reporting Changes (other than source or composition) to a Continuous Release Report
Pursuant to CERCLA regulations, facilities must submit a continuous release report when they release a CERCLA hazardous substance that equals or exceeds a reportable quantity (RQ) on a continuous basis. Once a continuous release report has been sent to EPA, how does the facility report changes in information other than…
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Electronic Submission of Tier II Inventory Information
Pursuant to the Emergency Planning and Community Act (EPCRA) Section 312, facilities must submit by March 1st every year Tier II inventory information regarding any hazardous chemical present at their facility at any time during the previous calendar year in an amount equal to or in excess of its threshold…
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Does Ammonia in Ammonium Hydroxide count toward the EHS threshold for reporting under EPCRA section 312?
A facility has 9,000 pounds of ammonium hydroxide (19 percent solution) present on site at a given time. For reporting under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) section 312, must the amount of ammonia in ammonium hydroxide be counted (and aggregated) towards the reporting threshold for extremely hazardous…
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Use Federal Tier II Form When Claiming Trade Secret
40 CFR Part 350 allows facilities to withhold certain chemical information when reporting under EPCRA if the facility claims those chemicals to be a trade secret. When submitting the required trade secret claim package for Tier II reports, must a facility use the federal Tier II inventory form or can…
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Eligibility for Gasoline and Diesel Thresholds at Retail Gas Stations
If a retail gas station is not fully compliant with applicable Underground Storage (UST) regulations for an underground diesel tank, but is compliant for all gasoline USTs, can it use the 75,000 gallon gasoline UST threshold when determining if a threshold has been exceeded for EPCRA sections 311 and 312…
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How can residents communicate with EPA about activities at the Norwood Landfill site?
This EPA website ( ) is dedicated to the investigations in the Norwood community. We encourage you to use the site and submit any questions you might have through the form that appears on the website. We also welcome any feedback you might have on the webpage.
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Where can residents get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the Norwood Landfill site?
The website is the site with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding EPA’s investigations in the Norwood community.
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Determining the amount released for Ammonia and Ammonium Hydroxide for Release Notification Requirements under CERCLA section 103 and EPCRA section 304
Ammonia (CAS number 7664-41-7) is an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS), listed at 40 CFR Part 355 Appendix A and Appendix B with a reportable quantity (RQ) of 100 lbs. Both ammonia and ammonium hydroxide (CAS number 1336-21-6) are listed as Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) hazardous substances…
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Tier2 Submit software and confidential chemical location information
When using EPA’s Tier2 Submit software to comply with the annual Hazardous Chemical Inventory reporting requirement under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) §312, how can a person withhold confidential chemical location information from disclosure to the public? In order to fulfill the proper reporting under EPCRA, a…
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EPCRA Release Notification of RQ in Any 24-Hour Period
EPCRA section 304 requires notification to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) when there is a release of a reportable quantity (RQ) of either a CERCLA hazardous substance or an extremely hazardous substance (EHS). CERCLA section 103(a) and 40 CFR 302.6 require notification…
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Do states require extra Tier II information?
Do states require additional information on the Tier II report? How can I find out about the state data requirements? Some states do want additional Tier II information; contact your state Tier II administrator to learn specific details. Tier2 Submit includes fields for the additional information requested or required by…
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Ethanol added to food / beverages and Tier II reporting (i.e., EPCRA Section 312)
Is Ethanol (CAS# 64-17-5) that is added to foods or alcoholic beverages exempt from the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) section 312 chemical inventory (i.e., Tier I/II) reporting requirements? EPCRA Section 312 requires facility owners or operators to submit annual chemical inventory reports (Tier I/Tier II Forms) for…
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