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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 92
Total results: 401
Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting
Total results: 237
- Authorized State and Tribal Programs Total results: 3
- Enforcement and Inspections Total results: 5
- Firm Certification Total results: 26
- General Information about the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule Total results: 18
- Information for Do-It-Yourselfers Total results: 1
- Lead-Safe Certified Firm Logo Total results: 8
- Pre-Renovation Education Total results: 26
- Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Total results: 6
- Renovations Covered by the RRP Rule Total results: 84
- Renovator Certification and Training Total results: 12
- Training Provider Accreditation Total results: 7
- Work Practice Standards Total results: 41
- Applying for Certification or Accreditation Total results: 22
- EPA/HUD Real Estate Notification & Disclosure Rule Total results: 27
- General Information About Lead Total results: 9
- Lead-Based Paint Program Fees Total results: 9
- Lead Abatement, Risk Assessment and Inspection Total results: 49
- Lead at Superfund Sites Total results: 3
- Lead in Drinking Water Total results: 25
- Lead in Products Total results: 1
- Testing for Lead Total results: 19
Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting
Total results: 237
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 19
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 151 - 165 of 257 results
When waste from renovations has been removed from the work area and placed in on-site storage, may the waste be stored in a covered waste container or must it all be bagged for disposal?
Properly implemented, either option can meet the requirements of the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule . At the conclusion of each work day and at the conclusion of the renovation, waste that has been collected from renovation activities must be stored under containment, in an enclosure, or behind…
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When testing a property for the presence of lead prior to beginning a renovation using an EPA-recognized lead test kit, must I test every component affected by the renovation?
Answer: Yes. Because certified renovator training does not cover sampling protocols, certified renovators using EPA-recognized lead test kits or performing paint chip sampling to determine the applicability of the RRP Rule must test each and every component that will be affected in order to determine that the RRP Rule does…
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Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to EPA Programs
EPA implements a number of regulatory programs that use specific chemical lists as part of the process to determine reporting applicability. Is there a consolidated list of chemicals that are subject to EPA programs? The Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), Comprehensive…
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Does the RRP Rule apply to renovations in mobile homes?
Answer: Yes, if the mobile home meets the definition of target housing. “Target housing” is any housing constructed before 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities or any 0-bedroom dwelling (unless any child who is less than six years of age resides or is expected to reside…
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What do you need to do to become a certified firm?
Answer: Firm certification is easy and straightforward – you only submit an application and fee to EPA online through EPA’s CDX system, the EPA’s electronic reporting system: . Certified firms will be able to advertise that they are certified by EPA under the RRP program, and will also be…
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What is a child-occupied facility?
Answer: A child-occupied facility is a building, or a portion of a building, constructed prior to 1978, visited regularly by the same child, under six years of age, on at least two different days within any week (Sunday through Saturday period), provided that each day's visit lasts at least three…
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Public access of Title III documents
Section 324 of EPCRA addressing the public availability of documents, states that the emergency response plan, material safety data sheet or list submission, Tier I/II, Form R and Section 304 written follow-up notice are to be made available to the public by "the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), or Local…
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What is meant by "molten" and "in solution" when describing extremely hazardous substances?
To assist state and local officials in the development of emergency response plans, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requires the owner or operator of each facility at which an extremely hazardous substance (EHS) is present in an amount equal to or exceeding its threshold planning quantity (TPQ)…
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Designating a facility subject to emergency planning requirements
A natural gas distribution facility consists of a series of pipelines and breakout storage tanks. The substances stored at the facility are exempt from all applicable provisions of EPCRA (except Section 304) under the transportation exemption at Section 327. Can such a facility be designated (under the authority of Section…
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Call Center Support for EPCRA Regulations
If I have additional questions regarding the EPCRA regulations, who can I contact via telephone for further assistance? You may contact the EPCRA, RMP & Oil Information Center, a publicly accessible service that provides up-to-date information on the regulatory requirements of EPCRA, including the emergency planning, emergency release notification, and…
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How should lead-containing wastes from RRP renovations be handled and disposed?
While at the work site, wastes must be collected at the conclusion of each work day and at the conclusion of the renovation and stored under containment, in an enclosure, or behind a barrier that prevents release of dust and debris out of the work area and prevents access to…
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How can a firm comply with the pre-renovation education requirements if the owner desires that the renovation begin immediately?
Answer: If the renovation is taking place in an owner-occupied dwelling unit, a firm must simply provide the owner with a copy of the pamphlet, and either (1) obtain, from the owner, a written acknowledgement that the owner has received the pamphlet, or (2) obtain a certificate of mailing at…
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What is the purpose of the Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule?
The purpose of the Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule is to minimize exposure from lead-based paint dust during renovation, repair, or painting activities. This is a key effort in reducing the prevalence of childhood lead poisoning, particularly lead poisoning caused by housing contaminated by renovation activities. This will also…
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I have hired a firm to renovate my home, but now I am concerned about whether the firm is a lead-safe certified firm. How can I find out?
Answer: EPA has a searchable database to help you locate lead-safe certified firms near you at: . It is possible that your firm is not yet listed on EPA's web site, but is certified. If you do not find your firm on EPA's web site, you should call EPA's…
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Does the Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule apply to states and local governments?
Answer: The RRP Rule requires that renovators are trained in the use of lead safe work practices, that renovators and firms be certified, that providers of renovation training be accredited, and that renovators follow specific work practice standards. After April 22, 2010 contractors (including renovation, repair and painting workers, plumbers…
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