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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
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Risk Management Program (RMP)
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- Plan Preparation and Submission Total results: 49
- Applicability/General Duty Clause Total results: 69
- Emergency Response Total results: 6
- Five-Year Accident History Total results: 16
- Offsite Consequence Analysis (OCA) Total results: 57
- Other Risk Management Programs Total results: 35
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- Program Levels Total results: 16
- RMP*Comp Total results: 7
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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Change of owner and RMP facility ID number
If a facility is sold to a new owner, does it keep its' original RMP Facility ID number? Yes. The facility will keep the ID number assigned by EPA.
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Facility ID number and re-registering a facility
If a facility deregisters, then reregisters, should the facility use the original RMP Facility ID or will it be assigned a new ID? The facility should use the original ID assigned by EPA.
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Resubmission of RMP for a facility that previously deregistered
A covered facility deregisters its RMP because it no longer has more than a threshold quantity of a regulated substance in a covered process. If the facility becomes subject to the CAA §112(r) risk management program regulations at a later date and submits a new RMP, should the facility submit…
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RMP Records Maintained Onsite
Pursuant to 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart G, the owner or operator of a stationary source subject to the risk management program regulations in Part 68 must develop and submit a risk management plan (RMP). Does the owner or operator have to maintain a written copy of the RMP on…
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To whom do I report an oil discharge?
A facility should report discharges to the National Response Center (NRC) at 1-800-424-8802 or 1-202-267-2675 . The NRC is the federal government's centralized reporting center, which is staffed 24 hours per day by U.S. Coast Guard personnel. If reporting directly to NRC is not practicable, reports also can be made…
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When must I report an oil discharge to NRC?
Any person in charge of a vessel or an onshore or offshore facility must notify the National Response Center (NRC) immediately after he or she has knowledge of the discharge.
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How do I Obtain the Populations for Each of the MOVES Source Types?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . To output vehicle populations, when setting up your RunSpec select the "Inventory" calculation type from the Scale panel and the "Population" activity option from the General Output panel of the MOVES GUI. The movesactivityoutput table in your MOVES output database…
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How are Counties Mapped to Fuel Regions in MOVES? How Can I Substitute Alternate Fuel Formulations?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . The RegionCounty table in the MOVES default database maps each county to a MOVES fuel region (defined by regionCodeID). If you are conducting a County or Project Scale Run, you do not need to modify this table to use alternate…
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Change of Ownership
If a facility that is subject to the risk management program regulations in 40 CFR Part 68 is sold to another owner, is the facility required to make a correction or a full update of its risk management plan (RMP)? If there are no changes in the covered operations at…
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RMP*eSubmit preparer access
How does a new Preparer get access to a Risk Management Plan (RMP) via RMP*eSubmit? First, the person must register with CDX. To register with CDX, go to and complete the registration process for a Risk Management Plan “Preparer”. Once set up as a “Preparer”, the Certifying Official needs…
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Five-year Anniversary Due Date and Time
Pursuant to the risk management program regulations in 40 CFR §68.190, the owner or operator of a stationary source shall revise and update the RMP at least once every five years from the date of initial submission. At what time on the 5-year anniversary date is the RMP due? The…
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Required Contractor Contact Information
A facility that uses a contractor to prepare its RMP must include in the registration section the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the contractor who prepared the RMP (40 CFR §68.160(b)(14)). When a contractor only prepares a portion of an RMP on behalf of a facility, does the…
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If a facility changes owners and significant changes have been made to plant operations is the facility required to update all sections of the RMP and resubmit it to EPA?
Yes. If the facility has new ownership and plant operations have changed significantly, the new facility owner/operator needs to do a resubmission. For details on how to resubmit, see the Web page for RMP*eSubmit .
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RMPs for stationary source with multiple program levels
If a stationary source comprises some covered processes that meet the eligibility requirements for one of the three programs (i.e., Program 1, 2, or 3) and some processes that are subject to a different program, must the owner or operator of the source submit multiple risk management plans (RMPs)? No…
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Certification Statement for Correction
Does the certifying official have to sign a certification statement for a correction to a Risk Management Plan? If so, does that certification apply to the entire RMP or just for the correction being made? Yes, the certifying official must sign a digital certification statement in RMP*eSubmit, and it will…
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