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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
Fuel Program
Total results: 693
- Registration Total results: 9
- Diesel Sulfur Program Total results: 7
- E15 comments Total results: 1
- Fuels and Fuel Additives (FFARs) Total results: 2
- Gasoline Sulfur Program Total results: 17
- Other Total results: 6
- Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Total results: 431
- Registration and Reporting under 40 CFR 79 Total results: 19
- Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS1) Total results: 67
- Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) Total results: 111
- Reporting Total results: 22
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
Risk Management Program (RMP)
Total results: 285
- Five-Year Accident History Total results: 16
- Applicability/General Duty Clause Total results: 69
- Emergency Response Total results: 6
- Offsite Consequence Analysis (OCA) Total results: 57
- Other Risk Management Programs Total results: 35
- Plan Preparation and Submission Total results: 49
- Prevention Program Total results: 30
- Program Levels Total results: 16
- RMP*Comp Total results: 7
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 1 - 15 of 36 results
Accidental releases from non-covered processes
Should the owner or operator include accidental releases from processes containing listed substances below the threshold quantity in the five-year accident history required under the hazard assessment provisions of 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart B, and in the incident investigation requirements under 40 CFR Part 68, Subparts C and D…
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Do I have to report accidents that resulted in medical treatment?
I had a release where several people were treated at the hospital and released; they attributed their symptoms to exposure. We do not believe that their symptoms were in fact the result of exposure to the released substance. Do we have to report these as offsite impacts? Yes, you should…
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Will applicants be evaluated on whether or not they leverage funds?
Cost share and leveraging of non-federal funds is not a requirement of this Funding Opportunity, but if leveraging is proposed, applicants will be evaluated based on how they will obtain the leveraged resources, the likelihood the leveraging will materialize during grant performance (e.g., if they have letters of commitment), the…
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Is it possible to distribute the majority of project funding in Year 2 and 3?
Yes. Applicants should commit to being able to issue its first Project RFA within one year of being selected as Principal Recipient (page 9 of the RFA), however this is not a threshold eligibility requirement. There are no specific requirements as to the timing of issuing Project RFAs and funding…
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Will there be a non-federal cost share or match required of grants made by the principal recipient?
No, non-federal cost share is not required. If an applicant proposes voluntary cost share, they should carefully review section III.B on page 21, description of Supporting Materials in section IV.D on page 27, and section V.B.
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How will the budget for year six be treated in case of a continuation of sampling past 2029?
Sampling past 2029 will not be covered under this assistance agreement.
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What is the definition of "offsite property damage?"
I am working on the five-year accident history portion of the hazard assessment under the RMP. Section 68.42(a) tells me to include "all accidental releases from covered processes that resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage on site, or known offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage…
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When does the accident history's five-year period begin?
The hazard assessment requirements under 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart B include provision of a five-year accident history, as specified at §68.42. When does the five-year period to be reported in the accident history begin? The five-year accident history must include information on all accidental releases from covered processes meeting…
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What is the definition of injury?
Under the hazard assessment requirements of 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart B, an owner or operator must document a five-year accident history including all accidental releases from covered processes that resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage on site, or known offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property…
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Do Program Level 1 processes need to do five-year accident histories?
What is the relationship between the accident history criteria for Program 1 and the five-year accident history? If my process is eligible for Program 1, do I still need to do a five-year accident history? The five-year accident history is an information collection requirement that is designed to provide data…
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In a situation where an importer leases tankage from another company, e.g., from a for-hire terminal, who must register such import facility, the company that owns the terminal, the importer that leases the tankage, or both?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Under § 80.2(r), an importer is defined as "a person who imports gasoline or gasoline blending stocks or components from a foreign country into the United States...." Accordingly, it is the importer of the gasoline, and not the…
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If my fuel is already registered with the Fuels and Fuel Additives program under 40 CFR Part 79, do I still need to register with the RFS2 program under 40 CFR Part 80?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. Even if your fuel or fuel additive is already registered under 40 CFR Part 79, there are additional registration requirements for parties regulated under the RFS2 program, as specified in 40 CFR 80.1450.
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Once I register my fuel for the RFS2 program under §80.1450, do I still need to register my fuel under 40 CFR Part 79?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. Renewable fuels intended for use or used in motor vehicles are required to be registered under 40 CFR part 79 prior to any introduction into commerce. Manufacturers of renewable fuels and fuel additives not registered under part…
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Can the application also include program admin support for various coalition partners outside of the principal recipient?
Yes. Coalitions are allowable. Applicants should reflect related admin-related costs in the budget narrative. Please see Question 2 under this section for additional information.
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Five-Year Accident History for Non-Gas Releases
Pursuant to 40 CFR §68.42(a), the owner or operator of a stationary source subject to the risk management program regulations must document significant accidental releases of regulated substances from a covered process in the five years prior to the submission of an initial or updated risk management plan (RMP). For…
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