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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment
Total results: 148
- Purpose Total results: 6
- About the Cleaning Process Total results: 10
- About the East Palestine Train Derailment Total results: 13
- After Cleaning Total results: 3
- Air testing Total results: 2
- Assistance with Child Care and Pets During Cleaning Total results: 2
- Chemicals of concern and associated health impacts Total results: 8
- Eligibility Total results: 7
- Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Total results: 7
- Environmental testing results Total results: 8
- Exposure to chemicals in the air, soil and water (dioxins) Total results: 18
- Formaldehyde Total results: 1
- Impacts to the environment Total results: 1
- Livestock and pet health impacts Total results: 1
- Odors and toxicity Total results: 2
- Personal Belonging During Cleaning Total results: 6
- Physical work updates, road closures, and upcoming public meetings Total results: 3
- Prior to Cleaning Total results: 3
- Relocation Assistance Total results: 2
- Residential soil sampling and water testing Total results: 10
- Taggart Street Reopening Total results: 12
- Tax-exempt Total results: 1
- Waste disposal and containment Total results: 13
- Water Management Update Total results: 9
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
Fuel Program
Total results: 693
- Diesel Sulfur Program Total results: 7
- E15 comments Total results: 1
- Fuels and Fuel Additives (FFARs) Total results: 2
- Gasoline Sulfur Program Total results: 17
- Other Total results: 6
- Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Total results: 431
- Registration Total results: 9
- Registration and Reporting under 40 CFR 79 Total results: 19
- Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS1) Total results: 67
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2)
Total results: 111
- Registration Total results: 25
- Application of standards Total results: 4
- Assignment of pathways to renewable fuel Total results: 4
- Foreign producers and importers Total results: 2
- Generation of RINs Total results: 6
- Grandfathering Total results: 8
- Reinstating RINs Total results: 4
- Renewable Biomass Total results: 8
- Renewable fuel definitions Total results: 1
- Renewable volume obligations Total results: 3
- Reporting Total results: 37
- Treatment of biomass-based diesel Total results: 3
- Reporting Total results: 22
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
Risk Management Program (RMP)
Total results: 285
- Five-Year Accident History Total results: 16
- Applicability/General Duty Clause Total results: 69
- Emergency Response Total results: 6
- Offsite Consequence Analysis (OCA) Total results: 57
- Other Risk Management Programs Total results: 35
- Plan Preparation and Submission Total results: 49
- Prevention Program Total results: 30
- Program Levels Total results: 16
- RMP*Comp Total results: 7
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 1 - 15 of 47 results
Accidental releases from non-covered processes
Should the owner or operator include accidental releases from processes containing listed substances below the threshold quantity in the five-year accident history required under the hazard assessment provisions of 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart B, and in the incident investigation requirements under 40 CFR Part 68, Subparts C and D…
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Do I have to report accidents that resulted in medical treatment?
I had a release where several people were treated at the hospital and released; they attributed their symptoms to exposure. We do not believe that their symptoms were in fact the result of exposure to the released substance. Do we have to report these as offsite impacts? Yes, you should…
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What is defined as a structure (home or place of business)?
While generally defined as a building, a structure under the structural cleaning program will include only those habitable spaces where indoor occupancy is frequent and regularly occurring on a daily or near-daily basis. Examples of residential structures include primary residences and living spaces, and examples of commercial structures include offices…
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Why is cleaning of homes and places of businesses happening?
Norfolk Southern, with EPA oversight, is providing indoor cleaning to eligible occupants in response to concerns about the impact of the derailment and cleanup work on homes and places of businesses. The cleaning is to address potential dust that may have been generated as part of the train derailment and…
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Is it required that the professional engineer conducting the engineering review must be licensed in the state in which the renewable fuel facility is located?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . The licensed professional engineer should comply with the state laws where the renewable fuel facility is located to determine whether or not their license allows them to conduct business in that state.
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May records, regardless of whether they are paper or electronic, be stored off-site?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. Refiners, oxygenate blenders and importers must indicate where records will be kept on all facility registrations.(7/1/94) This question and answer was originally posted at Consolidated List of Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Questions and Answers: July 1, 1994…
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Is the licensed professional engineer conducting the engineering review required to perform the site visit in person, or can they delegate the site visit to another person who maybe assisting them in the engineering review?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Pursuant to §80.1450(b)(2), all verifications must be performed by the licensed professional engineer conducting the engineering review. This requirement includes conducting the site visits. The licensed professional engineer conducting the engineering review must perform the site visits to…
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In filing company and facility registrations, if a parent corporation has several subsidiary corporations it desires to register and report to EPA under one company ID number, would it be permissible to register all of the facilities operated by the subsi
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . In this situation the parent corporation should register for a company ID # and facilities operated by the subsidiary corporations should be registered as separate facilities but under the parent corporation's company ID #.(8/29/94) This question and answer…
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If my fuel is already registered with the Fuels and Fuel Additives program under 40 CFR Part 79, do I still need to register with the RFS2 program under 40 CFR Part 80?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. Even if your fuel or fuel additive is already registered under 40 CFR Part 79, there are additional registration requirements for parties regulated under the RFS2 program, as specified in 40 CFR 80.1450.
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What work still needs to be done at the derailment site?
Although contaminated soil has been excavated and removed from the derailment site, some additional work remains. Soil sampling continues to check all areas where cleanup operations took place. Stream assessments continue, and culvert clean out has started. Groundwater and drinking water sampling also continues. Expect these investigations and possible additional…
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What is the definition of "offsite property damage?"
I am working on the five-year accident history portion of the hazard assessment under the RMP. Section 68.42(a) tells me to include "all accidental releases from covered processes that resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage on site, or known offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage…
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When does the accident history's five-year period begin?
The hazard assessment requirements under 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart B include provision of a five-year accident history, as specified at §68.42. When does the five-year period to be reported in the accident history begin? The five-year accident history must include information on all accidental releases from covered processes meeting…
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What is the definition of injury?
Under the hazard assessment requirements of 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart B, an owner or operator must document a five-year accident history including all accidental releases from covered processes that resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage on site, or known offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property…
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Do Program Level 1 processes need to do five-year accident histories?
What is the relationship between the accident history criteria for Program 1 and the five-year accident history? If my process is eligible for Program 1, do I still need to do a five-year accident history? The five-year accident history is an information collection requirement that is designed to provide data…
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On the registration forms it seems you are forced to check only one primary activity (refiner, oxygenate blender, importer, or independent lab). Do you submit two forms if you are both a refiner and importer?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . No. The final forms have been changed to register each company once for all applicable activities. As before, each facility will be registered separately for each activity that is undertaken at the facility. Import facilities need not be…
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