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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
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- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
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Risk Management Program (RMP)
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- Applicability/General Duty Clause Total results: 69
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- Five-Year Accident History Total results: 16
- Offsite Consequence Analysis (OCA) Total results: 57
- Plan Preparation and Submission Total results: 49
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- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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Obtaining an RMP ID Number
How can a facility subject to the Risk Management Plan (RMP) requirements obtain its RMP ID number? The owner or operator of a regulated RMP facility that has already submitted an RMP, may obtain the facility's identification number (RMP ID Number) by contacting the RMP Reporting Center (703-227-7650). An RMP-covered…
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Does EPA have enforcement authority for the risk management program regulations?
Yes. Under §113 of the CAA, the Agency has the authority to bring administrative and judicial actions against violators. Judicial actions can be civil and criminal in nature. Section 113(a)(3) authorizes the Agency to order violators to comply with the risk management program regulations. Under section 113(b), the Agency may…
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Criteria for selecting stationary sources to audit
What criteria will be used to select stationary sources for periodic compliance audits of risk management plans (RMPs) submitted under 40 CFR Part 68, Subpart G? The implementing agency will, according to the regulations at 40 CFR §68.220(b), select stationary sources for audits based on any of the following criteria…
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Is there a citizen suit provision applicable to RMP?
Is there a citizen suit provision applicable to CAA §112 and the risk management program rule? Yes, section 304 of the CAA includes a citizen suit provision for violations of emission standards or limitations promulgated under the Act.
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How may state and local rules be more stringent?
In what ways may state and local rules be more stringent? Does this document ( General Risk Management Program Guidance ) provide guidance on state and local differences? States and localities may impose more detailed requirements, such as requiring more documentation or more frequent reporting, specifying hours of training or…
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Accessing RMP Data
Is Risk Management Plan (RMP) data available to the public and, if so, where can it be found? Risk Management Plans (RMPs) prepared and submitted pursuant to CAA section 112(r) are, by statute, available to the public. Members of the general public may obtain RMP data by visiting a designated…
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What is a site assessment and what is the difference between a site assessment and a site investigation?
The first step of the site assessment process is known as a preliminary assessment (PA). This assessment gathers historical and other readily available information on site conditions and surroundings to evaluate whether the site poses a potential threat to human health and the environment and/or whether further investigation is needed…
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Why hasn’t the Norwood Landfill Site been identified as a Superfund Site? Two nearby landfills, Folcroft and Clearview, which were established and in use at the same time as Norwood Landfill and Dump have both been designated as Superfund sites.
EPA is still conducting its investigation of the Norwood Landfill Site to determine if it should be placed on the National Priorities List (NPL), or Superfund List. Thus far, the data collected has not demonstrated that the site warrants placement on the NPL. Both the Folcroft and Clearview Landfills went…
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What sources make up the Tier 1 categories used in the emissions trends?
Tier 1 categories are assigned by source classification codes (SCCs) that are the most specific processes available in the NEI. The latest SCC list with the Tier 1 assignments can be downloaded from the EPA SCC website in Comma Separate Values (CSV) format.
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What is the cause of the large decrease in electric utility emissions, particularly sulfur dioxide, starting in 1995?
SO2 emissions reductions from utilities during this time are primarily attributed to the impacts of the acid rain program. As described on EPA’s Acid Rain Program web page, Phase 1 of this program began in 1995 and affected 263 units at 110 most coal-burning electric utility plants in 21 eastern…
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Statutory authority and regulatory source for the risk management program
What is the statutory authority and the regulatory source for the risk management program regulations that are codified in 40 CFR Part 68? The risk management program regulations were promulgated pursuant to the §112(r) accidental release prevention provisions of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990. The regulatory sources…
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RMP Information Center
If I have additional questions regarding the RMP regulations, who can I contact via telephone for further assistance? You may contact the EPCRA, RMP & Oil Information Center, a publicly accessible service that provides up-to-date information on the regulatory requirements of the RMP program, including the applicability, program levels, off-site…
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Why did EPA wait so long to begin its investigation of the Norwood Landfill and Old Norwood Dump?
In the months leading up to the preliminary assessment, EPA gathered information on the property to determine whether a site investigation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) was warranted. EPA determined to proceed with an investigation and EPA began procuring contractor services to conduct the preliminary…
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Differences between the risk management program and EPCRA
How do the Clean Air Act (CAA) risk management program requirements differ from the hazardous chemical reporting requirements under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)? The hazardous chemical reporting requirements under EPCRA §§311 and 312 (40 CFR Part 370) are separate and distinct from those under CAA §112(r)…
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What are the anticipated uses of risk management plans?
What are some of the anticipated uses for the Risk Management Plans (RMPs)? RMPs will be used by many different audiences in many different ways. Industry and trade associations will use RMPs to understand common industry practice and identify practices that could be utilized to reduce risks at facilities. The…
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