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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
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- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
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- Other Risk Management Programs Total results: 35
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Displaying 1 - 15 of 39 results
How do I Create Scripts to run MOVES3 from the Command Line?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . While the easiest way to interact with MOVES3 is via its graphical user interface (GUI), it is sometimes useful to process MOVES RunSpecs in batches via the Windows command line. To this end, MOVES3 has a set of commands that…
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Redoing calculations if RMP*Comp is updated
Will RMP*Comp be updated? If so, would I have to redo calculations I might already have made with an earlier version? No, you do not have to redo your work if you have already completed your consequence analyses. RMP*Comp is based on the EPA's Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance (OCA Guidance)…
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Different distances to toxic endpoints with different versions of RMP*Comp
I've noticed that for certain chemicals, RMP*Comp gives substantially different distances to the toxic endpoint than previous versions. Why? In the current version of RMP*Comp, we have incorporated new chemical-specific distance tables for ammonia, chlorine, and sulfur dioxide. The generic tables are still used for other chemicals (you can see…
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Distance to endpoint calculations used by RMP*Comp
Does RMP*Comp perform some math or modelling in order to arrive at an endpoint distance, or is it simply interpolating from the tables in the EPA's Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance (OCA Guidance)? RMP*Comp follows the procedures set out in the OCA Guidance . This means that for some scenarios, the…
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How much flexibility do applicants have in refining the Outcomes and Outcomes over time using an adaptive management approach?
Full Question How much flexibility do applicants have in refining the Outcomes and Outputs identified in their application over time using an adaptive management approach? Answer EPA recognizes that “adaptive management” can be an effective tool in getting the best results. Adjustments to outputs and outcomes based on the adaptive…
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Do we have to pair hands-on, place-based Great Lakes enviro education with one of the other GLRI actions/related MOP?
Full Question Do we have to pair hands-on, place-based Great Lakes enviro education (i.e., GLRI Measure of Progress, GLRI MOP 5.1.1 youth impacted through education and stewardship projects) with one of the other GLRI actions/related MOP? Answer Projects that relate to 5.1.1 are not required to connect to another specific…
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Should applications include Outputs and Outcomes related to Project Subrecipient evaluation criteria?
EPA cannot provide a recommendation on this question. Applicants must decide whether or not they develop outputs and outcomes based on Project Subrecipient evaluation criteria for themselves. Please see section I.F. for information on Outcomes, Outputs, and Performance Metrics which includes information on performance measurement and evaluation plans.
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How do applicants reflect the 6th year of funding on the SF424A form, as there is only room for 5 years?
We realize this is a limitation of the form and expect applicants to provide information to the best of their ability. Applicants should also provide sufficient information in the budget narrative section of their application.
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Is There Any Documentation Available for Installing MOVES on Linux?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . MOVES is designed for the Windows operating system and the EPA MOVES Team only tests and supports MOVES in Windows environments. However, users have reported successfully installing and running MOVES in Linux. The instructions for Running MOVES from the Windows…
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Can I Install MOVES on a Server so More than One User Can Access It?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . No, MOVES is not a multi-user product. MOVES is primarily intended for use on a Windows10 64-bit personal computer. In addition, we have run MOVES2014a, MOVES2014b and MOVES3 on Windows Server 2012 R2 very successfully for years as a single…
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Can letters of support be emailed directly to EPA?
Only materials submitted as part of the grant application submitted on will be considered. If supporters wish to send letters directly to EPA, they may email ( [email protected] ). However, for them to be considered with the application, the applicant organization should be copied on those email messages with…
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Is it better to not include letters of support from orgs given that they will ultimately be subject to have to apply in a competitive process?
Full Question: The RFA mentions that contractors and subawards must be awarded competitively, however in our niche field and in many of these underserved communities (especially in less urban environments) there may only be 1 or 2 sub-awardees/contractors to work with at all. Should we apply with support listed from…
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Would it be possible at all to share the list of webinar attendees for coalition-building purposes?
While we encourage applications from coalitions, unfortunately we are not able to facilitate these relationships. EPA will announce the winners of the competition so you would be able to reach out to those winners at that time for subaward or partnership opportunities.
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How do I automate MOVES installation (for example, with Microsoft Endpoint Manager)?
The MOVES installer typically requires user interaction to make various selections. However, if the default installation options are acceptable for your needs, the installer can be run without user interaction on the command line using the /VERYSILENT flag. If this is a first time installation you will need to create…
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What are the Computer Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing and Running MOVES?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . MOVES is designed to run on a single personal computer with a Windows 10 or 11 operating system. The recommended minimum hardware for a desktop or laptop computer running MOVES are: 64-bit CPU with 4 or more cores: Intel i7…
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