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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
Fuel Program
Total results: 693
- Diesel Sulfur Program Total results: 7
- E15 comments Total results: 1
- Fuels and Fuel Additives (FFARs) Total results: 2
- Gasoline Sulfur Program Total results: 17
- Other Total results: 6
- Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Total results: 431
- Registration Total results: 9
- Registration and Reporting under 40 CFR 79 Total results: 19
- Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS1) Total results: 67
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2)
Total results: 111
- Grandfathering Total results: 8
- Application of standards Total results: 4
- Assignment of pathways to renewable fuel Total results: 4
- Foreign producers and importers Total results: 2
- Generation of RINs Total results: 6
- Registration Total results: 25
- Reinstating RINs Total results: 4
- Renewable Biomass Total results: 8
- Renewable fuel definitions Total results: 1
- Renewable volume obligations Total results: 3
- Reporting Total results: 37
- Treatment of biomass-based diesel Total results: 3
- Reporting Total results: 22
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
Oil Regulations
Total results: 96
- 40 CFR Part 110 Discharge of Oil Regulation Total results: 9
40 CFR Part 112 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule
Total results: 65
- 112.2 Definitions Total results: 12
- 112.1 Applicability Total results: 18
- 112.3 Requirement to Prepare an SPCC Plan Total results: 3
- 112.6 Qualified Facilities Total results: 4
- 112.7 General Requirements Total results: 17
- 112.8 Specific Onshore Requirements (Excluding Production) Total results: 3
- Miscellaneous SPCC Total results: 8
- 40 CFR Part 112.20 Facility Response Plans Total results: 19
- 40 CFR Part 300 Subpart J Total results: 1
- Miscellaneous Oil Total results: 2
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 1 - 15 of 31 results
What is a farm for purposes of the SPCC Rule?
In the December 2006 amendments to the SPCC Rule, EPA defined a farm as "a facility on a tract of land devoted to the production of crops or raising of animals, including fish, which produced and sold, or normally would have produced and sold, 1,000 or more of agricultural products…
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Examples of an agent of a Professional Engineer
Except as provided in 40 CFR §112.6 for qualified facilities, a Professional Engineer (PE) or an agent of the PE must visit and examine the facility before the PE certifies an SPCC Plan (40 CFR §112.3(d)). What are some examples of an agent of a PE? An agent of a…
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What is considered bulk oil storage capacity?
The revised rule recognizes that oil is sometimes stored in bulk and sometimes used operationally. A bulk storage container is any container storing oil at a facility. Bulk oil storage containers may include, but are not limited to tanks, containers, drums, and mobile or portable totes. Operational use includes oil-filled…
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How will the volume of corn ethanol produced above the grandfathering threshold be treated?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . For grandfathered facilities, only the baseline volumes are exempt from the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement Thus, RINs may be generated for baseline volumes of fuel regardless of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions performance. Volumes of fuel produced above…
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Do grandfathered facilities have an additional 6 months to submit their engineering reviews to EPA?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. In the preamble to the final RFS2 regulations at 75 Fed. Regs. 14709 (March 26, 2010), EPA stated that, in an effort to reduce demand on engineering resources in the interim between promulgation of the rule and…
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What is meant by "grandfathered" fuel?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Under the RFS2 regulations, renewable fuel produced from facilities that commenced construction before December 19, 2007 and which completed construction within 36 months without an 18 month hiatus in construction and thereby exempt from the minimum 20% GHG…
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How long will the grandfathering provision be effective? Once a grandfathered producer registers and completes their engineering review, will their baseline volume ever need to meet the 20% GHG reduction requirement?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . If a facility meets the requirements for exemption from the 20% GHG reduction requirement pursuant to 40 CFR 80.1403(c ) or (d), then the baseline volume of renewable fuel produced by that facility is exempt from the 20%…
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Will applicants be evaluated on whether or not they leverage funds?
Cost share and leveraging of non-federal funds is not a requirement of this Funding Opportunity, but if leveraging is proposed, applicants will be evaluated based on how they will obtain the leveraged resources, the likelihood the leveraging will materialize during grant performance (e.g., if they have letters of commitment), the…
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Is it possible to distribute the majority of project funding in Year 2 and 3?
Yes. Applicants should commit to being able to issue its first Project RFA within one year of being selected as Principal Recipient (page 9 of the RFA), however this is not a threshold eligibility requirement. There are no specific requirements as to the timing of issuing Project RFAs and funding…
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Will there be a non-federal cost share or match required of grants made by the principal recipient?
No, non-federal cost share is not required. If an applicant proposes voluntary cost share, they should carefully review section III.B on page 21, description of Supporting Materials in section IV.D on page 27, and section V.B.
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Mobile fuel tanker as a facility
Is a non-transportation related mobile fuel tanker with more than 55 gallons located near a 55 gallon drum storage area considered a facility? Perhaps. "Facility" is defined in Part 112 to mean "any mobile or fixed, onshore or offshore building, structure, installation, equipment, pipe, or pipeline (other than a vessel…
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How will the budget for year six be treated in case of a continuation of sampling past 2029?
Sampling past 2029 will not be covered under this assistance agreement.
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What is a field-constructed container?
What are the types of containers or equipment containing oil reservoirs that would be considered field-constructed containers and thus subject to the brittle fracture evaluation of 40 CFR §112.7(i)? As found in the Preamble language provided on page 47112 of the July 17, 2002 SPCC final rule, EPA provides a…
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What is oil-filled operational equipment?
Oil-filled operational equipment is equipment that includes an oil storage container (or multiple containers and associated piping intrinsic to the operation of the equipment) in which the oil is present solely to support the function of the apparatus or the device. It is not considered a bulk storage container, and…
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How does a foreign grandfathered renewable fuel production facility processing a mixture of feedstocks with different D codes or no D codes classify its production into D code categories so RINs can be generated when the product is imported into the U.S.?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . If the importer is generating the RINs, the importer must obtain all the required information for registration from the foreign producer of the renewable fuel pursuant to 80.1426(a)(2) and 80.1450. In the case of a foreign producer using…
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