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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
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- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
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- 40 CFR Part 112.20 Facility Response Plans Total results: 19
- 40 CFR Part 110 Discharge of Oil Regulation Total results: 9
40 CFR Part 112 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule
Total results: 65
- 112.8 Specific Onshore Requirements (Excluding Production) Total results: 3
- 112.1 Applicability Total results: 18
- 112.2 Definitions Total results: 12
- 112.3 Requirement to Prepare an SPCC Plan Total results: 3
- 112.6 Qualified Facilities Total results: 4
- 112.7 General Requirements Total results: 17
- Miscellaneous SPCC Total results: 8
- 40 CFR Part 300 Subpart J Total results: 1
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- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
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- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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- Understanding MOVES Results
- 40 CFR Part 112.20 Facility Response Plans
- 112.8 Specific Onshore Requirements (Excluding Production)
Displaying 1 - 15 of 28 results
How often does a facility need to complete an oil spill response training under the FRP requirements?
Facilities subject to the Facility Response Plan (FRP) regulations in 40 CFR Part 112, Subpart D are required to develop a facility response training program to train those personnel involved in oil spill response activities (§112.21(b)). How often does a facility need to complete an oil spill response training under…
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What is a significant and substantial harm facility?
Some substantial harm facilities may meet the criteria for a significant and substantial harm facility. After you have prepared and submitted your FRP, the RA may determine that your facility has the potential, not just for substantial harm, but for significant and substantial harm. If the RA makes that determination…
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How do the changes in the 2006 Amendments apply to mobile refuelers?
Mobile refuelers are now exempt from the following sized secondary containment provisions that still apply to all other bulk storage containers and mobile/portable bulk storage containers: • Sections 112.8(c)(2) and (11) for petroleum oils • Sections 112.12(c)(2) and (11) for animal fats and vegetable oils These provisions previously required sized…
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Why Doesn't my Output Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Match my Input VMT?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . This problem usually occurs when the run specification does not include all possible vehicle and fuel types. MOVES internally allocates the input VMT to each of the source types and fuel types and only reports the VMT for the fuel…
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What does MOVES Assume for Future Year Fleet Fuel Efficiency and Emissions?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . MOVES reflects all fuel economy and emissions standards that were final as of the model release date. For a list of recent regulations accounted for in the most recent MOVES version, see the see the Overview of EPA’s Motor Vehicle…
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SPCC Rule schedules for inspections, tests, and evaluations
The SPCC rule requires inspections, tests, and evaluations of above ground containers (40 CFR §112.8(c)(6)). Does the rule set schedules for how often these need to be conducted? The SPCC Rule does not prescribe a specific frequency or methodology for performing the required inspections, evaluations, and tests for aboveground containers…
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PE certification for an FRP if an SPCC impracticability determination is made
If the owner or operator of a facility subject to the SPCC regulations determines that the installation of any of the specified secondary containment structures or equipment is not practicable and accordingly provides in the facility’s SPCC Plan an oil spill contingency plan following the provisions of 40 CFR Part…
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Elements to include in Facility Response Plan
What key elements should I include in my Facility Response Plan? As you prepare your FRP, be sure that your plan includes the following elements: Emergency Response Action Plan (an easily accessible stand-alone section of the overall plan) including the identity of a qualified individual with the authority to implement…
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Are mobile refuelers exempt from integrity testing requirements?
Pursuant to 40 CFR §112.8(c)(2), mobile refuelers are exempt from the secondary containment requirements for bulk storage containers. Are mobile refuelers also exempt from the requirements for integrity testing in §112.8(c)(6)? Since mobile refuelers are mobile or portable bulk storage containers, the other provisions of §112.8(c) still apply. Therefore, mobile…
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What are the FRP recordkeeping requirements?
What FRP recordkeeping requirements must I satisfy? You must maintain the response plan at your facility, along with plan updates reflecting material changes. You must also keep a log of response training drills and exercises. Records of inspections of response equipment must be kept for five years. If you determine…
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Under FRP, what is the definition of a qualified individual?
The FRP regulations require facilities to prepare an emergency response action plan and identify a qualified individual that has full authority, including contracting authority, to implement removal actions (40 CFR §112.20(h)(i)). What is the definition of a qualified individual? The relevant statute, CWA 311(j)(5)(C)(ii) requires that the plan identify the…
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Why Are There No Emissions for the Early and Late Hours of the Day for Certain Source Types?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . MOVES has no start emissions for the certain source types in certain hours of the day. While we know that a non-zero number of these source types do start late at night, our activity data on these trucks and buses…
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How does MOVES Calculate CO2 and CO2 Equivalent Emissions?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . MOVES calculates the energy it takes to operate an onroad vehicle based on energy consumption rates as explained in the technical reports Greenhouse Gas and Energy Consumption Rates for Onroad Vehicles MOVES3 (pdf) (November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-015) and Exhaust Emission Rates…
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What is a Facility Response Plan?
According to the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended by the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), certain facilities that store and use oil are required to prepare and submit plans to respond to a worst case discharge of oil and to a substantial threat of such a discharge. EPA has established…
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What are the requirements of EPA's Facility Response Plan Rule?
According to OPA, an owner or operator of a “substantial harm” facility must develop and implement an FRP. A “substantial harm” facility is a facility that, because of its location, could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on navigable waters or…
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