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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 92
Total results: 401
- Lead in Drinking Water Total results: 25
- Applying for Certification or Accreditation Total results: 22
- EPA/HUD Real Estate Notification & Disclosure Rule Total results: 27
- General Information About Lead Total results: 9
- Lead-Based Paint Program Fees Total results: 9
- Lead Abatement, Risk Assessment and Inspection Total results: 49
- Lead at Superfund Sites Total results: 3
- Lead in Products Total results: 1
- Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Total results: 237
- Testing for Lead Total results: 19
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 19
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 16 - 30 of 44 results
What are the FRP recordkeeping requirements?
What FRP recordkeeping requirements must I satisfy? You must maintain the response plan at your facility, along with plan updates reflecting material changes. You must also keep a log of response training drills and exercises. Records of inspections of response equipment must be kept for five years. If you determine…
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Under FRP, what is the definition of a qualified individual?
The FRP regulations require facilities to prepare an emergency response action plan and identify a qualified individual that has full authority, including contracting authority, to implement removal actions (40 CFR §112.20(h)(i)). What is the definition of a qualified individual? The relevant statute, CWA 311(j)(5)(C)(ii) requires that the plan identify the…
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Will my filter remove lead?
Answer: Some filters can remove lead from drinking water. If you use a filter, be sure to get one that is tested and certified by an independent third party. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s directions to learn how to properly install and use your filter and when to replace…
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Where can I get more information on lead in drinking water?
Answer: For more information, visit or contact us online at . You may also contact by email at [email protected] . Your state or local public health department will also be able to provide information about lead. Question (23002-32409) Find a printable PDF copy of all frequent questions pertaining…
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What home treatment devices are used to control lead in drinking water?
Answer: EPA has developed a consumer tool to identify point-of-use drinking water filters certified to reduce lead at: . Question (23002-32406) Find a printable PDF copy of all frequent questions pertaining to lead .
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FRP Site Plans with Varying Storage Contents
The Facility Response Plan regulations require subject facilities to prepare and maintain a site plan diagram that includes, among other things, the contents of bulk oil storage tanks, drum oil storage areas, and surface impoundments ( 40 CFR Part 112 Appendix F ). When the contents of these storage units…
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SPCC Qualified Facilities Substantial Harm Criteria Certification
Are SPCC qualified facilities required to complete and maintain a copy of the Certification of the Applicability of the Substantial Harm Criteria form located in Appendix C of 40 CFR Part 112? Yes, all SPCC regulated facilities, including qualified facilities, that do not meet the criteria of a substantial harm…
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What is a Facility Response Plan?
According to the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended by the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), certain facilities that store and use oil are required to prepare and submit plans to respond to a worst case discharge of oil and to a substantial threat of such a discharge. EPA has established…
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What are the requirements of EPA's Facility Response Plan Rule?
According to OPA, an owner or operator of a “substantial harm” facility must develop and implement an FRP. A “substantial harm” facility is a facility that, because of its location, could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on navigable waters or…
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What is the purpose of a Facility Response Plan?
The FRP helps an owner or operator develop a response organization and ensure the availability of response resources (i.e., response equipment, trained personnel) needed to respond to an oil discharge. The FRP should also demonstrate that the response resources are available in a timely manner, thereby reducing a discharge’s impact…
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Criteria for significant and substantial harm facility designation
How do I know if my facility is a significant and substantial harm facility? Your facility may be a significant and substantial harm facility if it meets the over water transfer criterion, has a total oil storage capacity of one million gallons or more, and meets one or more of…
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How might determining impracticability under §112.7(d) affect a facility's FRP requirements under Part 112 Subpart D?
Pursuant to 40 CFR §112.7(d), if a facility owner or operator finds that secondary containment methods are not practicable, the SPCC Rule allows for alternative modes of protection to prevent and contain oil discharges if additional requirements are met. How might determining impracticability under §112.7(d) affect a facility’s FRP requirements…
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FRP Availability
Are Facility Response Plans (FRPs) available to the public? FRPs are submitted to the appropriate EPA Region dependent on the location of the facility. Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) and State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) may request a copy of the FRP from an owner or operator. FRPs are generally…
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Why can’t I use hot water from the tap for drinking, cooking, or making baby formula?
Answer: Hot water dissolves lead more quickly than cold water and is therefore more likely to contain greater amounts of lead. Never use water from the hot water tap for drinking, cooking, or making baby formula. Question (23002-32380) Find a printable PDF copy of all frequent questions pertaining to lead…
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I am looking at a water report for my public water system. Under the contaminant heading for lead and copper there is a column heading titled 90th percentile. What does this column mean?
Answer: The Consumer Confidence Report must include the 90 th percentile concentration of the most recent round(s) of sampling for lead and copper. If the “90 th percentile” level is above the action level, this is called an action level exceedance. The action level is the concentration of a contaminant…
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