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To whom do I report an oil discharge?
A facility should report discharges to the National Response Center (NRC) at 1-800-424-8802 or 1-202-267-2675 . The NRC is the federal government's centralized reporting center, which is staffed 24 hours per day by U.S. Coast Guard personnel. If reporting directly to NRC is not practicable, reports also can be made…
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When must I report an oil discharge to NRC?
Any person in charge of a vessel or an onshore or offshore facility must notify the National Response Center (NRC) immediately after he or she has knowledge of the discharge.
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What happens after a facility submits the information about an oil discharge to EPA?
The EPA Regional Administrator will review the information submitted by the facility and may require a facility to submit and amend its SPCC Plan. Facilities and equipment that qualified for the new streamlined requirements may lose eligibility for those options as determined by the Regional Administrator. A state agency may…
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Who is subject to the Discharge of Oil regulation?
Any person in charge of a vessel or of an onshore or offshore facility is subject to the reporting requirements of the Discharge of Oil regulation if it discharges a harmful quantity of oil to U.S. navigable waters, adjoining shorelines, or the contiguous zone, or in connection with activities under…
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In a situation where an importer leases tankage from another company, e.g., from a for-hire terminal, who must register such import facility, the company that owns the terminal, the importer that leases the tankage, or both?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Under § 80.2(r), an importer is defined as "a person who imports gasoline or gasoline blending stocks or components from a foreign country into the United States...." Accordingly, it is the importer of the gasoline, and not the…
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If my fuel is already registered with the Fuels and Fuel Additives program under 40 CFR Part 79, do I still need to register with the RFS2 program under 40 CFR Part 80?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. Even if your fuel or fuel additive is already registered under 40 CFR Part 79, there are additional registration requirements for parties regulated under the RFS2 program, as specified in 40 CFR 80.1450.
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Once I register my fuel for the RFS2 program under §80.1450, do I still need to register my fuel under 40 CFR Part 79?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. Renewable fuels intended for use or used in motor vehicles are required to be registered under 40 CFR part 79 prior to any introduction into commerce. Manufacturers of renewable fuels and fuel additives not registered under part…
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Does EPA have a minimum threshold/definition for the Regional scale program? In other words, what does Regional mean or is it open to applicants to determine at any scale?
GLNPO wants to be extremely flexible and encourage PRs to think about which regions they could expect to effectively cover when creating their application. There are no additional criteria from EPA on how big or small the Project RFA should be.
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Reporting requirements for oil discharges
What are the reporting requirements for discharges of oil? If a discharge of oil reaches waters of the United States, it is reportable to the National Response Center under 40 CFR Part 110 , which was established under the authority of the Clean Water Act. Discharges of oil must be…
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Does EPA consider it a conflict of interest for a third-party company to assist a group of renewable fuel producers and importers of renewable fuel to help meet the requirements of the re-registration and engineering review pursuant to section 80.1450?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . EPA does not restrict a renewable fuel producer or an importer of renewable fuel from seeking a third-party company to assist them in meeting the re-registration and engineering review requirements pursuant to section 80.1450. The renewable fuel producer…
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Will common carriers be required to register their transport trucks as oxygenate blending facilities?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Normally, only the owner of the gasoline produced at an oxygenate blending operation must register as an oxygenate blender. If a common carrier blends gas in trucks that it owns it must meet all of the requirements for…
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Is the licensed professional engineer conducting the engineering review required to perform the site visit in person, or can they delegate the site visit to another person who maybe assisting them in the engineering review?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Pursuant to §80.1450(b)(2), all verifications must be performed by the licensed professional engineer conducting the engineering review. This requirement includes conducting the site visits. The licensed professional engineer conducting the engineering review must perform the site visits to…
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What do I need to submit to EPA if I have an oil discharge?
The owner/operator must provide the following: Name and location of the facility Owner/operator name Maximum storage/handling capacity of the facility and normal daily throughput Corrective actions and countermeasures taken, including descriptions of equipment repairs and replacements Adequate description of the facility, including maps, flow diagrams, and topographical maps, as necessary…
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What information do I need to report for an oil discharge?
The National Response Center (NRC) will ask a caller to provide as much information about the incident as possible including: • Name, organization, and telephone number • Name and address of the party responsible for the incident • Date and time of the incident • Location of the incident •…
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If an importer registers in a PADD, may the importer use a starting point other than zero, within the range of valid batch numbers, for generating the sequential batch numbers at each of its import facilities?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Yes. As long as no batches are assigned duplicate numbers this would be acceptable.(7/1/94) This question and answer was posted at Consolidated List of Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Questions and Answers: July 1, 1994 through November 10, 1997…
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