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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment
Total results: 148
- Residential soil sampling and water testing Total results: 10
- About the Cleaning Process Total results: 10
- About the East Palestine Train Derailment Total results: 13
- After Cleaning Total results: 3
- Air testing Total results: 2
- Assistance with Child Care and Pets During Cleaning Total results: 2
- Chemicals of concern and associated health impacts Total results: 8
- Eligibility Total results: 7
- Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Total results: 7
- Environmental testing results Total results: 8
- Exposure to chemicals in the air, soil and water (dioxins) Total results: 18
- Formaldehyde Total results: 1
- Impacts to the environment Total results: 1
- Livestock and pet health impacts Total results: 1
- Odors and toxicity Total results: 2
- Personal Belonging During Cleaning Total results: 6
- Physical work updates, road closures, and upcoming public meetings Total results: 3
- Prior to Cleaning Total results: 3
- Purpose Total results: 6
- Relocation Assistance Total results: 2
- Taggart Street Reopening Total results: 12
- Tax-exempt Total results: 1
- Waste disposal and containment Total results: 13
- Water Management Update Total results: 9
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 92
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 19
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Active filters:
- Indoor air quality
- Residential soil sampling and water testing
- 40 CFR Part 110 Discharge of Oil Regulation
Displaying 1 - 15 of 33 results
To whom do I report an oil discharge?
A facility should report discharges to the National Response Center (NRC) at 1-800-424-8802 or 1-202-267-2675 . The NRC is the federal government's centralized reporting center, which is staffed 24 hours per day by U.S. Coast Guard personnel. If reporting directly to NRC is not practicable, reports also can be made…
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Where can I find the East Palestine City Park soil sampling results?
You can find East Palestine City Park soil sampling results at: East Palestine City Park soil sampling results
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When must I report an oil discharge to NRC?
Any person in charge of a vessel or an onshore or offshore facility must notify the National Response Center (NRC) immediately after he or she has knowledge of the discharge.
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Will an Ozone Generator protect me and my family from COVID-19?
No, do not use ozone generators in occupied spaces. When used at concentrations that do not exceed public health standards, ozone applied to indoor air does not effectively remove viruses, bacteria, mold, or other biological pollutants. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website for best practices to protect…
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What were the results from the phase 1 of soil sampling?
Phase 1 of soil sampling is complete, and we have received most of the preliminary data. The vast majority of results are within typical ranges for soil. Samples taken on private properties are all within typical soil levels, and only a few samples taken along public right-of-way (next to roads…
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What are the next steps?
The sampling data will be evaluated to determine if additional sampling or other action is necessary (additional information will be made available soon). Evaluation of results and future sampling plans will guide EPA’s future work and environmental monitoring in the East Palestine area.
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Can air cleaning devices that use bipolar ionization, including portable air cleaners and in-duct air cleaners used in HVAC systems, protect me from COVID-19?
Bipolar ionization (also called needlepoint bipolar ionization) is a technology that can be used in HVAC systems or portable air cleaners to generate positively and negatively charged particles. Provided manufacturers have data to demonstrate efficacy, manufacturers of these types of devices may market this technology to help remove viruses, including…
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Will running an evaporative cooler (sometimes known as a "swamp cooler") or whole-house fan help protect me and my family from COVID-19?
Both evaporative coolers (or "swamp coolers") and whole-house fans can help protect people indoors from airborne transmission of COVID-19 because they increase ventilation with outside air to cool indoor spaces. Evaporative coolers are used in dry climates. They use water to provide cooling and increase relative humidity indoors. When operating…
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Where can professionals who manage school, office, and commercial buildings get information on ventilation and filtration to respond to COVID-19?
Professionals who operate school, office, and commercial buildings should consult the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) guidance for information on ventilation and filtration to help reduce risks from the virus that causes COVID-19. In general, increasing ventilation and filtration is usually appropriate; however, due to the…
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What happens after a facility submits the information about an oil discharge to EPA?
The EPA Regional Administrator will review the information submitted by the facility and may require a facility to submit and amend its SPCC Plan. Facilities and equipment that qualified for the new streamlined requirements may lose eligibility for those options as determined by the Regional Administrator. A state agency may…
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Who is subject to the Discharge of Oil regulation?
Any person in charge of a vessel or of an onshore or offshore facility is subject to the reporting requirements of the Discharge of Oil regulation if it discharges a harmful quantity of oil to U.S. navigable waters, adjoining shorelines, or the contiguous zone, or in connection with activities under…
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How were soil sample locations chosen?
The study area was determined based on evacuation zones, plume modeling, field observations, and areas most likely to be impacted by the vent and burn. Event Reconstruction Plume Map
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Will an air cleaner or air purifier help protect me and my family from COVID-19 in my home?
When used properly, air purifiers can help reduce airborne contaminants including viruses in a home or confined space. However, by itself, a portable air cleaner is not enough to protect people from COVID-19. When used along with other best practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, operating…
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How can I increase ventilation at home to help protect my family from COVID-19?
Ensuring proper ventilation with outside air is a standard best practice for improving indoor air quality. However, by itself, increasing ventilation is not enough to protect people from COVID-19. When used along with other best practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, increasing ventilation can be part…
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Reporting requirements for oil discharges
What are the reporting requirements for discharges of oil? If a discharge of oil reaches waters of the United States, it is reportable to the National Response Center under 40 CFR Part 110 , which was established under the authority of the Clean Water Act. Discharges of oil must be…
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