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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
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What state or federal agencies are responsible for evaluating records from the PADOH cancer registry? Are all types of cancers considered in this evaluation [including rare and/or environmentally associated cancers]?
A few important items to note regarding the Pennsylvania Cancer Registry: PADOH’s Pennsylvania Cancer Registry is a statewide data system responsible for collecting information on all new cases of cancer diagnosed or treated in Pennsylvania. It is part of the National Program of Cancer Registries administered by the Centers for…
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Are the NO Values in the MOVES Output Files Actually NO (Molecular Weight 30), or is the NO Expressed as NO2 (Molecular Weight 46)?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . The NO values in all versions of MOVES2014 (and MOVES2010b) output files are expressed as NO2 (molecular weight 46). HONO and NOx are also expressed in terms of NO2.
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Is there a Pennsylvania registry that tracks non-cancer diseases or immunological disorders?
PADOH and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services do not have a registry for multiple sclerosis (MS), MS-related diseases or immunologic disorders. Despite extensive research on the mechanisms of MS development and progress, the exact mechanism is not known and there are no definitive studies to show causation…
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Can you explain who has authority over the active mine vs the Superfund site?
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality has regulatory authority over the active mine. EPA is the lead agency for the Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Superfund Site and works in consultation with MDEQ to ensure the cleanup of the Site.
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What is the Difference Between Extended Idling and Normal Idling? Is it Possible to get Distinct Idling Emission Output for any Vehicle Type? Can this be Done in the Emission Rate Mode, or only Inventory Mode?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . Extended idling is a distinct emission process defined as the overnight idling of long-haul trucks with sleeper cabs at truck stops and other locations during federally required downtime. During such idling periods, these engines experience unusual loads (televisions, air conditioning…
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How does MOVES Classify Light-Duty Trucks?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . There are two definitions used in MOVES for light duty trucks. The source use type light duty trucks (sourceTypeID values of 31 or 32) use the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) VM-1 definition of light duty vehicles used to report vehicle…
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What is the Relationship Between Calendar Year, Model Year, and Age?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . Model year (modelYearID) corresponds to the year that a group of vehicles in the fleet was produced. Calendar year (yearID) is the analysis year as selected in the ‘Time Spans/Year’ panel of the MOVES GUI. For a given calendar year…
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Why is it difficult to establish a link between cancers or other illnesses and environmental exposures?
The complex nature of cancer makes it inherently challenging to identify, interpret, and address cancer clusters. Cancer is a term describing different diseases that share a similar characteristic: uncontrollable cell growth and division. As a group, cancers are very common. Cancers are the second leading cause of death in the…
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How do we know our drinking water has not been affected over the past 40+ years when the landfill was operating and after it closed since there were no regulations governing its operation or closure?
The Norwood community is serviced by a public drinking water source. The public water supply must meet federal and state Safe Drinking Water Act Standards. Public water systems are required to share annual reports that describe what, if anything, is found in the water supply.
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What is the Meaning of the MOVESScenarioID Field? What Conditions Must User-Defined MOVESScenarioIDs Meet?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . The MOVESScenarioID is merely text that is used to label the output rows resulting from a MOVES rates run and is defined in the Scale Panel of the MOVES GUI. You can enter any text you like, as long as…
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How are the Number of Weekdays and Weekend Days in each Month Determined in MOVES?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . For any given month, MOVES assumes that 5 out of every 7 days in the month are ‘weekdays’ and 2 out of every 7 of days in the month are ‘weekend days.’ For example, MOVES assumes that January has (5/7)*31…
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What is Vehicle Specific Power (VSP)?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . It is an estimate of the power demand on the engine during driving. It is calculated using the second-by-second speed values in a driving schedule, along with information about the type of vehicle being operated. The VSP is used by…
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How do we know that we have not been exposed to contamination from the Landfill for the past 40+ years?
EPA works closely with its partner, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in evaluating potential health exposures from waste sources. ATSDR has the ability to look at the cancer registry data to evaluate potential past exposures, while EPA’s role is to evaluate current and future exposure. ATSDR…
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Can Norwood residents be exposed to contamination if we grow and eat our own vegetables from gardens in our yards?
To date, contamination has not been found on residential properties that would pose a risk. In addition, the concentrations of the contaminants found at the Norwood Site are often found in urban communities. Studies show that exposure to contaminants via vegetable gardens is negligible. With the exception of some root…
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