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- 112.2 Definitions Total results: 12
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- Miscellaneous SPCC Total results: 8
- 40 CFR Part 112.20 Facility Response Plans Total results: 19
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- Miscellaneous Oil Total results: 2
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
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- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
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Secondary containment for oil-filled operation equipment under SPCC
On December 26, 2006, EPA provided an optional alternative to the general secondary containment requirements in 40 CFR §112.7(c) for qualified oil-filled operational equipment ( 71 FR 77266 ). Because the alternative is optional, an owner or operator could choose to comply with the existing SPCC requirements to provide general…
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What is the Tier 2 Vehicle & Gasoline Sulfur Program?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . The Tier 2 Vehicle and Gasoline Sulfur Program is a landmark program, begun in January 2004, that affects every new passenger vehicle and every gallon of gasoline sold in the U.S. By designing cleaner cars that run on…
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Can a gallon of ethanol generate more than 1.0 RIN in RFS2?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . The number of RINs that can be generated for each gallon of renewable fuel are determined by the Equivalence Values. See 80.1415 and 80.1426(f)(2)-(6). Equivalence Values are based on energy content in the renewable fuel in comparison to…
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If I produce biodiesel using waste vegetable oil, can I generate more RINs per gallon than if I use virgin soy oil? Would the use of solar panels as a heat source for our process help with our RIN number per gallon?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . The number of RINs that can be generated for each gallon of renewable fuel is determined by the Equivalence Values. See regulations at 80.1415(b) and 8.1426(f)(2)(i), for example. Equivalence Values are based on energy content in the renewable…
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SPCC requirements for transfer areas associated with exempt USTs
Gas stations typically are not subject to the SPCC Rule because completely buried storage tanks subject to 40 CFR Part 280 or 281 are exempt per §112.1(d)(4). However, a gas station would be subject to the SPCC Rule if it has more than 1,320 gallons of oil in aggregate above…
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Do the changes in the 2006 Amendments apply to oil-filled manufacturing equipment?
No. The amendment does not change any requirements for oil-filled manufacturing equipment. Oil-filled manufacturing equipment remains subject to the SPCC requirements (including those for containment), but an owner/operator may determine that secondary containment is impracticable and comply with the alternative measures in section 112.7(d).
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What is an oil spill contingency plan?
Instead of providing secondary containment for qualified oil-filled operational equipment, an owner or operator may prepare an oil spill contingency plan and a written commitment of manpower, equipment, and materials to quickly control and remove discharged oil. He/she must also have an inspection or monitoring program for the equipment to…
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Secondary containment requirements for mobile refuelers
What secondary containment requirements apply to mobile refuelers? General secondary containment requirements in §112.7(c) still apply to mobile refuelers at SPCC regulated facilities. General secondary containment should be designed to address the most likely discharge from the container and from oil transfers into or from the mobile refueler. The general…
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Can a refiner or importer use gasoline sulfur test methods other than ASTM D 2622-98, especially for sulfur levels of 10 ppm and less?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . The rule designates ASTM D 2622 as the benchmark test method by which compliance will be determined, and that is the test that the Agency typically will use in establishing compliance. However, the rule does permit alternative test…
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There is significant difference between "refiner" and "refinery". Portions of the regulations use "refiner" where "refinery" is the appropriate term. While it may be clear from the context that "refinery" is meant, text should be changed to avoid any poss
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . We agree with the comment and intend to make these clarifications in a future rulemaking. These clarifications would not affect the regulatory requirements in the current final rule.
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What is the operational tolerance for denaturant in ethanol to meet the definition of Renewable Fuel? The RFS2 definition calls for a maximum of 2% denaturant. What if the lab results come back higher or lower than 2%? For example, what if the lab results
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . The definition of renewable fuel in 80.1401 specifies that the maximum amount of denaturant in ethanol that can be treated as renewable fuel is 2 volume percent. If lab results indicate that the concentration of denaturant is higher…
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Eligibility for qualified oil-filled operational equipment in event of a discharge
Does a facility automatically lose eligibility for the option for qualified oil-filled operational equipment if the equipment has an oil discharge? No. Facilities that choose this alternative and later have a reportable oil discharge from qualified oil-filled operational equipment do not automatically lose eligibility. However, the spill reporting requirements would…
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Can qualified facilities also use the alternative requirements for qualified oil-filled operational equipment?
Yes. Facilities that meet the criteria for qualified facilities and qualified oil-filled operational equipment may benefit from both of the alternative approaches. Since an impracticability determination is not necessary for qualified oil-filled operational equipment, the owner/operator can self-certify the SPCC Plan and is not required to have a PE develop…
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Must a refinery that produces both California gasoline and federal RFG designate each batch produced as either federal RFG or California gasoline, and maintain segregation of both products, even though the gasoline meets the requirements of both programs?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Section 80.375(c) requires that each batch of California gasoline be designated as such by the refiner or importer, and that California gasoline be segregated from gasoline that is not California gasoline at all points in the distribution system…
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Truckers may obtain both premium gasoline and regular gasoline from a terminal in order to supply a retail outlet with midgrade gasoline. In such cases, if a truck obtains a load of gasoline from a terminal that consists of a mixture of gasoline from a te
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . The regulation specifically exempts gasoline in trucks from the testing requirement for S-RGAS, and instead allows truckers to rely on the test result of the terminal supplying the truck carrier. See § 80.210(d)(4). Where a tanker truck receives…
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