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East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment
Total results: 148
- About the Cleaning Process Total results: 10
- About the East Palestine Train Derailment Total results: 13
- After Cleaning Total results: 3
- Air testing Total results: 2
- Assistance with Child Care and Pets During Cleaning Total results: 2
- Chemicals of concern and associated health impacts Total results: 8
- Eligibility Total results: 7
- Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Total results: 7
- Environmental testing results Total results: 8
- Exposure to chemicals in the air, soil and water (dioxins) Total results: 18
- Formaldehyde Total results: 1
- Impacts to the environment Total results: 1
- Livestock and pet health impacts Total results: 1
- Odors and toxicity Total results: 2
- Personal Belonging During Cleaning Total results: 6
- Physical work updates, road closures, and upcoming public meetings Total results: 3
- Prior to Cleaning Total results: 3
- Purpose Total results: 6
- Relocation Assistance Total results: 2
- Residential soil sampling and water testing Total results: 10
- Taggart Street Reopening Total results: 12
- Tax-exempt Total results: 1
- Waste disposal and containment Total results: 13
- Water Management Update Total results: 9
- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
Total results: 141
- Asbestos and School Buildings Total results: 94
- Asbestos-Contaminated Vermiculite Insulation Total results: 4
- Information for Owners and Managers of Buildings that Contain Asbestos Total results: 31
- Learn About Asbestos Total results: 2
- Protect Your Family from Exposures to Asbestos Total results: 9
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 92
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 19
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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Remove all filtersDisplaying 16 - 30 of 242 results
Is our East Palestine City Park safe for activities?
Yes. Results show that levels of dioxin and semi-volatile organic compounds are well below any levels that we would consider restricting activities, and all are either at or below typical background levels for soil in the United States. In addition, the village has cleaned all recreational equipment, including the pool…
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Under AHERA, does picking up nonfriable asbestos-containing floor tiles for the purposes of disposal constitute "disturbance" of asbestos-containing building material (ACBM) and therefore would require 14-hour training?
Yes. Custodial and maintenance staff who conduct any activity that results in the disturbance of ACBM must receive the 14-hour training in addition to the 2-hour awareness training. (40 CFR part 763.92(a)(2)). Only custodial or maintenance staff that have had 16 total hours of training can pick-up and dispose of…
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My child's school has asbestos in it. Why aren't they taking it out?
Local education agencies (e.g., school districts) are required under the asbestos-containing materials in schools rule, pursuant to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) to inspect for and manage asbestos containing materials properly through the development and implementation of an asbestos management plan. The local education agency can safely and…
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Are persons who conduct the asbestos portion of an environmental assessment required to be certified under the Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) if they do not collect asbestos samples?
Yes. If a person is conducting an environmental assessment that includes the identification and assessment of asbestos containing building materials either in a regulated school or public or commercial building, AHERA requires that such a person be properly trained and accredited as an inspector, regardless of whether or not the…
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How many samples do you have to take for friable miscellaneous material under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)?
40 CFR part 763.86(c) says that “an accredited inspector shall collect bulk samples [plural] from each homogeneous area of friable miscellaneous material that is not assumed to be asbestos containing material.” Therefore, at least two samples must be taken. Other Frequent Questions about Asbestos Learn About Asbestos Asbestos and School…
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Under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA),what criteria must be applied to determine when a non-friable asbestos containing material is made friable?
Non-friable asbestos-containing material is made friable if, when dry, it may be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Other Frequent Questions about Asbestos Learn About Asbestos Asbestos and School Buildings Information for Owners and Managers of Buildings that Contain Asbestos Protect Your Family from Exposures to Asbestos…
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Is a nursery/daycare center subject to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)?
Generally no. Nursery/daycare centers are generally not subject to AHERA because they generally do not fall within the definition of “school” under AHERA or the asbestos in schools rule. However, if a nursery/daycare center did fall within the definition of “school” (based on how a school is defined under state…
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Does this management plan have to be updated periodically?
Yes. The asbestos management plan must be updated with information collected during periodic surveillance every 6 months, re-inspections every 3 years, and every time a response action is taken within the school. Also, records of annual notifications to parents, teachers, and staff concerning the availability of the school’s asbestos management…
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Under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), can a building inspector use his/her own lab to analyze the bulk samples or air samples taken?
Yes, but only if the lab is currently accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), formerly known as the National Bureau of Standards. (40 CFR part 763.87(a) and 40 CFR part 763.90 (i)(2)(ii)) Other Frequent Questions about Asbestos…
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Under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), can a group of local education agencies (LEAs) share a Designated Person?
Yes. There is nothing in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) or the asbestos in schools rule that prohibits this. Other Frequent Questions about Asbestos Learn About Asbestos Asbestos and School Buildings Information for Owners and Managers of Buildings that Contain Asbestos Protect Your Family from Exposures to Asbestos…
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What is being done to control dust?
Norfolk Southern contractors use engineering controls to reduce dust generated from cleanup activities and disturbed soil surfaces. All contaminated material leaving the derailment site is secured and tarped, and all contaminated material on site is tarped nightly. Trucks are decontaminated before they leave the site, and large water trucks are…
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What is EPA’s role in sampling?
EPA is part of the Unified Command consisting of different agencies to review, approve and direct Norfolk Southern’s workplans and site activities. Surface water sampling is performed by Norfolk Southern contractors, with EPA and Ohio EPA oversight. Soil sampling is performed both by Norfolk Southern contractors and EPA contractors. Air…
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What happens after the track work is completed?
The track work has been the highest priority to remove most contamination as early as possible. This, plus preventing the spread of contamination by capturing water from the site and constructing a bypass of Sulphur Run around the site will continue into June. While track work and water management continue…
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What are the health agencies doing?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) are analyzing their Assessment of Chemical Exposure (ACE) survey results to assess the health impacts of the train derailment. CDC and ATSDR continue to support the Ohio and Pennsylvania health departments and will be…
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Is anybody sampling State Line Lake and the pond near the derailment site?
Norfolk Southern collects daily samples from the surface water near the derailment site, north of the tracks. State Line Lake flows through a wetland area and into the surface water area where the samples are taken. The agencies are reviewing all surface water results and Norfolk’s proposed plan for characterizing…
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