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- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
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What questions was EPA trying to find answers to during its first round of sampling at the Norwood Landfill site?
The main question that EPA seeks to answer is whether the identified waste areas warrant consideration for placement of the Site on the National Priorities List (NPL) or Superfund List. In the first round of sampling, EPA collected surface soil samples (0-2 feet) from the landfill property, and surface water…
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What does it mean when EPA finds contamination that “exceeds screening levels?”
Screening levels are not the same as cleanup or action levels. An exceedance of a screening level indicates the need for additional evaluation, potentially including a site-specific risk assessment.
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If EPA finds any contamination associated with the Norwood Landfill site that “exceeds” what is considered safe, will EPA clean up that contamination - even if the Agency cannot find any “pathways” for that contamination to reach humans or sensitive environments?
If the sampling data shows an exceedance of a screening level, EPA will consult with the site Toxicologist and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to conduct a human health risk screening assessment to determine any potential threat to human health. EPA will also consult with the…
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How do you know you are not missing some areas that might be contaminated?
EPA uses all credible information available, including community input, regarding the boundaries and geographic areas of waste that may have been deposited or where contaminated soil may have been placed. The team selects its sampling locations based on those areas and consults historic aerial images that help depict those boundaries.
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Will EPA sample the Glenolden Laboratory property?
The former Glenolden Laboratory property located on South Avenue is a separate site. The previous owners conducted a voluntary cleanup pursuant to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (PADEP) Environmental Cleanup Program, known as Act 2. Concerns regarding remedial actions conducted under Act 2 should be directed to PADEP as…
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Do settlement communications, such as past “agreements in principle,” impact the implementation of the final Consent Decrees?
The parties are bound by the terms of the various final, publicly available consent decrees. These consent decrees were made available for public comment before they were finalized and entered by the Court. Past settlement communications and documents created in the course of settlement discussions have been incorporated (or not)…
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What is the Confidentiality Order?
The Confidentiality Order (Order) is a court order entered by the Federal District Court for the District of Montana (Court) on August 8, 2002, and amended by the Court on December 31, 2003, that applies to Superfund settlement negotiations in the Clark Fork River Basin, including the following sites: Silver…
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How does EPA ensure that the potentially responsible parties complete their work?
All cleanup activities performed by the PRPs are subject to enforcement instruments (i.e., consent decrees or administrative orders) that provide for EPA approval of all deliverables and oversight of all work performed by the PRPs.
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How does the Safe Drinking Water Act limit lead in pipes, plumbing fittings, fixtures, faucets, solder and flux?
Answer: Section 1417 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) establishes the definition for “lead free” as a weighted average of 0.25% lead calculated across the wetted surfaces of a pipe, pipe fitting, plumbing fitting, and fixture and 0.2% lead for solder and flux. The Act also provides a methodology…
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Is exposure to lead contaminated drinking water from absorption through skin a health threat?
Answer: Human skin does not absorb lead in water. For more information visit our website: . Question (23002-32377) Find a printable PDF copy of all frequent questions pertaining to lead .
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Are non-transient, non-community water systems (NTNCWSs) required to monitor for lead and copper?
Answer: All community water systems (CWSs) and NTNCWSs must collect lead and copper tap samples. The frequency of the monitoring and number of samples to be collected and analyzed is based primarily on the number of people served and tap water monitoring results. For an outline of monitoring requirements (e.g…
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Is there anything else I can do beyond flushing my tap or buying bottled water?
Answer: Yes, find “Important Steps You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water” if you are concerned about lead in their drinking water. The list is not intended to be exhaustive or to imply that all actions equally reduce lead from drinking water. EPA recommends you also contact your…
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My neighbors got their water tested and found lead. Is my water safe?
Answer: Lead usually gets into drinking water through contact with plumbing materials such as lead pipes or lead solder, or faucets, valves, and fixtures made of brass (brass contains some lead). Since each home has different plumbing pipes and materials, test results are likely to be different for each home…
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Can one still sell lead solder under the Lead Ban?
Answer: Section 1417(a)(3) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) prohibits the sale of solder and flux that is not lead-free unless the solder or flux bears a prominent label stating that it is illegal to use the solder or flux in the installation or repair of any plumbing providing…
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Why do water systems add phosphate to drinking water? What are the health effects of drinking water containing phosphates?
Answer: Public water systems (PWSs) commonly add phosphates to drinking water to prevent the release of metals in drinking water. Orthophosphate is most commonly used for lead and copper control. Polyphosphates sequester iron and manganese to prevent discolored water but are not effective to control lead and copper. Blended phosphates…
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