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- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
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What is the definition of “overburdened community” that is relevant for EPA Actions and Promising Practices?
EPA Actions and Promising Practices apply the description of overburdened communities articulated in EPA’s Plan EJ 2014. The term is used to describe the minority, low‐income, tribal and indigenous populations or communities in the United States that potentially experience disproportionate environmental harms and risks due to exposures or cumulative impacts…
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Why hasn’t the Norwood Landfill Site been identified as a Superfund Site? Two nearby landfills, Folcroft and Clearview, which were established and in use at the same time as Norwood Landfill and Dump have both been designated as Superfund sites.
EPA is still conducting its investigation of the Norwood Landfill Site to determine if it should be placed on the National Priorities List (NPL), or Superfund List. Thus far, the data collected has not demonstrated that the site warrants placement on the NPL. Both the Folcroft and Clearview Landfills went…
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What is a site assessment and what is the difference between a site assessment and a site investigation?
The first step of the site assessment process is known as a preliminary assessment (PA). This assessment gathers historical and other readily available information on site conditions and surroundings to evaluate whether the site poses a potential threat to human health and the environment and/or whether further investigation is needed…
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Are permit applicants required to adopt the Promising Practices?
EPA is not requiring permit applicants to adopt the Promising Practices. Promising Practices are simply that: good ideas in the form of suggestions to permit applicants. Permit applicants may benefit from applying these Promising Practices. EPA hopes that when permit applicants practice early and meaningful dialogue with the community, they…
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EPA Actions does not require EPA regional offices to prioritize the same types of permits and adopt the same outreach activities. Why doesn’t EPA require regional offices to always prioritize certain permits and always do certain outreach activities?
EPA Actions strikes an important balance between national consistency and regional flexibility. The Agency‐wide guidelines establish national consistency by providing EPA’s expectations for the regional implementation plans. At the same time, EPA recognizes that the regional offices need the flexibility to take actions suited to the types of permits and…
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Does EPA Actions apply to permits that are jointly issued by EPA and a state, tribal, or local permitting authority with partially delegated permitting authority?
EPA regional offices will decide whether a permit that EPA jointly issues with a state, tribal, or local permitting authority should be considered for prioritization for enhanced outreach as described in EPA Actions on a case‐by‐case basis. EPA will take into account its role and authority in issuing the specific…
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Why doesn’t EPA do enhanced outreach for every permit?
Robust public outreach and engagement can consume a substantial amount of resources from all stakeholders in a permitting process and would not be warranted for every permit action. EPA recognizes that its regional offices cannot enhance engagement for every EPA‐issued permit and that overburdened communities might be overwhelmed with process…
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How will an EPA regional office determine whether a permitted activity may have significant public health or environmental impacts?
Permit applications provide information on the proposed project consistent with the requirements of particular statutes and regulations. EPA may also do its own assessment of the environmental and public health impacts of a proposed project, using modeling and monitoring data for example. Such information would inform an EPA regional office’s…
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How will EPA Actions apply to EPA‐permitted activities that may impact multiple EPA regions?
A permitted activity could potentially impact an area that straddles two or more EPA regions. The EPA region where the permitted activity is located usually has the lead for issuing the permit. EPA regions with the lead for issuing the permit routinely engage other regions impacted by the permitted activity…
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Why did EPA wait so long to begin its investigation of the Norwood Landfill and Old Norwood Dump?
In the months leading up to the preliminary assessment, EPA gathered information on the property to determine whether a site investigation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) was warranted. EPA determined to proceed with an investigation and EPA began procuring contractor services to conduct the preliminary…
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When will construction begin in the Silver-Bow Creek Corridor?
Construction in the Silver Bow Creek corridor began in 2024 with the Grove Gulch Project.
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Will EPA provide incentives to permit applicants who adopt Promising Practices, like an expedited permit process?
EPA is not providing incentives to permit applicants who adopt the Promising Practices, such as an expedited permit process. Nevertheless, permit applicants should be aware of the many benefits that can accrue to them if they adopt the Promising Practices to create a constructive dialogue with the community in which…
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What is the key question EPA tries to answer through a site investigation?
Findings of the site investigation determine what hazardous substances may be present, whether they may be released to the environment, and any potential threat to human health. Information about the site that is collected in the preliminary assessment and site investigation phase helps EPA to evaluate the risks posed by…
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If a permit is prioritized for enhanced outreach, does this mean that EPA will require stricter emission or discharge limits, or deny a permit?
An EPA regional’ office’s decisions on whether to issue a permit and, if so, the conditions to impose within a permit are distinct from the EPA regional office’s decisions about the outreach EPA may perform during the permitting process. EPA’s decisions on whether to issue a permit and what permit…
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How will waste from the Further Remedial Elements project (Silver Bow Creek Corridor) areas be handled?
Each Further Remedial Element project area has its own specific requirements regarding waste. For example, at Northside Tailings and Diggings East, all materials within the project area that exceed the Waste Identification Criteria will be disposed of offsite in a repository. At Buffalo Gulch all materials below the basin(s) that…
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