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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 92
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 19
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 16 - 30 of 36 results
Are projects in Illinois communities within the Little Calumet watershed would be eligible to be regranted under this program?
Communities within the Little Calumet are a part of the historic Great Lakes Basin. From page 8 of the RFA: Proposed GLEJGPs must be implemented within the historic Great Lakes Basin, including projects impacting connecting waterways such as the U.S. portions of the St. Mary’s River, Lake St. Clair and…
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The principal recipient is the grant administrator and it's not executing the programs projects on the ground. However, can the principal recipient be a partner with the Sub-awardees’ organizations and execution of projects or programs?
The principal recipient will run the grants program with the primary role to fund project subrecipients, though the RFA is clear that that the principal recipient may be asked to provide technical assistance. GLNPO anticipates this to be a collaborative process between the PR and EPA. The primary function of…
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How will underserved communities know what principal recipient (PR) organization serve their community? How will EPA cover all geographics if there are gaps in the coverage areas of the PRs?
The PR is running the program and is responsible for community engagement. Please refer to RFA Section I.D., as well as the review criteria established under Programmatic Capability in Environmental Justice, for additional guidance. Please note that this is a pilot project. GLPNO can't guarantee that all areas within the…
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Is EPA planning on taking samples from the basements in the homes you are sampling in the Norwood community? If not, why not?
EPA is not planning to collect samples from residential basements or crawl spaces at this time. EPA installed six groundwater wells within the Old Norwood Dump, Norwood Lower Park, and the Winona Homes neighborhood. Groundwater wells will not be placed on private residential properties. The wells will be used to…
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How are EPA’s sampling results verified for accuracy?
Samples were sent to an EPA certified laboratory for analysis. After the samples are analyzed, the data will be validated independently by chemists to verify the accuracy of the results.
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Will EPA sample the Norwood school?
EPA continues to work closely with the Interboro School District, but there are no plans to sample the Norwood school at this time. For site investigations, sampling activities must be based upon the identification of a potential source of contamination. Based upon research and historic images, EPA has not seen…
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Would participation in the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Programs weaken our application?
Receiving funds from another federal award does not preclude the organization from receiving funding under this opportunity. However, activities funded under the respective agreements must be distinct and severable, and the organization must have the ability to accurately track their expenses under each agreement and charge them accordingly.
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Are projects located in the St. Louis River Estuary near Superior, WI and Duluth, MN eligible for funding?
Communities within these areas are within the historic Great Lakes Basin and thus are eligible. From the RFA: Proposed GLEJGPs must be implemented within the historic Great Lakes Basin, including projects impacting connecting waterways such as the U.S. portions of the St. Mary’s River, Lake St. Clair and the St…
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Do we need to submit an Adaptive Management Strategy and Performance Measurement Plan?
These are not required for an application to meet eligibility requirements of this RFA. Review Section III.C. for more information on threshold eligibility criteria. An applicant may choose to submit these documents and/or other supporting materials with their application. Or an applicant may choose to include the development of an…
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Is there a set timeline for these grant programs? How long are the programs expected to last?
The anticipated timeline is for a 6-year period, which translates to a cooperative agreement for a 6-year period to the principal recipient. To give an estimate of what a timeline might look like, the PR may take six months to a year to initial establish the project RFA and then…
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So, the principal recipient can only manage the sub-recipient projects, they cannot do the project themselves?
The PR will not complete on-the-ground project work. PRs are responsible for the project RFA and administration of awards made under the project RFA throughout the lifecycle of the award(s).
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Do sub recipients need to be 501c3?
No, subrecipients do not need to be 501C3. Potential applicants should carefully review Section 7 of EPA's Subaward Policy for a full description of entities eligible for subawards. Potential applicants should also review Appendix A: Distinction Between Subrecipients and Contractors. Grants Policy Issuance (GPI) 16-01: EPA Subaward Policy for EPA…
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How does EPA develop a “sampling plan” for a site like the Norwood Landfill Site?
EPA uses the information available, including community input, regarding the boundaries and geographic areas of waste that may have been deposited or where contaminated soil may have been placed. The team selects its soil sampling locations based on those areas and consults historic aerial images that help depict those boundaries…
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Is there any reason a specific municipality or county could not submit as a principal recipient?
A municipality could apply to be a principal recipient provided the program they describe meets all the eligibility criteria: namely, that they are setting up an open and fair grant competition for their community or set of communities.
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What exactly is EPA looking for when it takes samples from the soil around residential homes?
Typically, a person’s primary exposure to soil occurs within the top two feet – working or playing in the yard, gardening, tracking soil into the home, etc. EPA collected samples from the top two feet of soil during the site investigation, focusing the evaluation in the area of the highest…
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