Refiners and oxygenate blenders who produce averaged reformulated gasoline must report which covered areas products have been distributed to by each facility. How are these areas to be determined?
Unless a refiner or oxygenate blender has specific and detailed information indicating otherwise, it must be assumed that products have been delivered to all covered areas serviced by the distribution system(s) used. A list of covered areas as of July 1, 1994 is attached to this document. (For a more detailed discussion of fungibility and covered areas see the responses to Survey questions in this document.)(7/1/94)
This question and answer was originally posted at Consolidated List of Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Questions and Answers: July 1, 1994 through November 10, 1997 (PDF)(333 pp, 18.17 MB, EPA420-R-03-009, July 2003, About PDF)