e-GGRT News
Below, you’ll find the most recent news and announcements concerning GHGRP reporting and the e-GGRT data reporting system. Most recent items are listed at top.
RY2024 e-GGRT Maintenance Window scheduled for February 8th, 2025. EPA plans to temporarily disable e-GGRT's GHGRP (Part 98) reporting functionality for approximately one week beginning February 8th, 2025 in preparation for the 2024 Reporting Year. Account holders using the HAWK and LMOP workflows may continue to do work during this temporary outage.
As of August 16, 2024, e-GGRT requires multi-factor authentication through Login.gov.
As of August 16, 2024, ALL e-GGRT users will need to use Login.gov credentials to access e-GGRT. This is being implemented agency-wide for all CDX-based logins, including e-GGRT.
If you already have a Login.gov account, please make sure it is working and up to date.
The first time you log-in to e-GGRT after August 16, 2024, you will need to undergo a one-time "migration" by logging into e-GGRT and having e-GGRT connect your account to your Login.gov account. If you do not have a Login.gov account you may create one before or during the migration process. Once you have completed this one-time migration process, the e-GGRT system will rely on the Login.gov multi-factor authentication process to grant access to e-GGRT.
EPA strongly encourages you to complete this migration before the start of the next reporting year season. This ensures you have time to resolve any problems through our GHGRP Help Desk. It will also be easier to complete the migration if your e-GGRT password is current and has not expired.
Note: If you use your e-GGRT log-in credentials for e-GGRT and other EPA CDX applications and have already completed this step in CDX, no further action is needed.
- The deadline for submitting your facility's 2023 annual GHG report was April 1, 2024.
- EPA is actively verifying annual reports. Please look out for and respond to messages posted to your facility's Correspondence Folder, under the e-GGRT Facility Management tab.
- If you have not logged into e-GGRT recently, please note that your e-GGRT password expires every ninety days. Review a FAQ on how to reset your password. Assistance is available at the GHGRP Help Desk.
- e-GGRT Data Reporting System. More information »
- Reporter registration is a necessary first step in meeting your GHG reporting obligations. The e-GGRT registration module is available at ghgreporting.epa.gov.