FY 2021 RFA for GLRI Nonpoint Source Runoff & Nutrient Reduction Projects
- Overview
- Categories
- Who can apply
- Documents (RFA, questions and answers)
EPA is calling for grant applications to fund projects in the Great Lakes basin aimed at addressing stormwater runoff which carries pollution from the land into water bodies. These projects include innovative ways to reduce nutrients from agricultural runoff and a special consideration for underserved communities. EPA will award approximately $9 million in total for roughly 24 projects in three categories.
The Request for Applications (RFA) is posted on this page with instructions for applicants to submit their projects. Applications are due August 20, 2021.
The funding is made possible by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative which was launched in 2010 as a non-regulatory program to accelerate efforts to protect and restore the largest system of fresh surface water in the world. The RFA will be EPA’s major competitive grant funding opportunity under GLRI Focus Area 3: Nonpoint Source Impacts to Nearshore Health for FY 2021.
We will post our responses to questions in the documents section of this webpage and update them regularly.
EPA will request applications for projects in these three categories; each one has a separate Funding Opportunity Number and will be posted separately on www.grants.gov. Applicants must apply for the specific funding opportunity they are interested in.
Funding Opportunity Number appears in parentheses after each category. More details below this list.
- I.A. Riparian Restoration to Reduce Runoff (EPA-R5-GL2021-RRR) Approximately $3 million available for 5 to 10 projects
- I.B. Addressing Legacy Phosphorus in Agricultural Settings (EPA-R5-GL2021-ALP) Approximately $3 million available for 5 to 10 projects
- I.C. Green Infrastructure in Shoreline Communities (EPA-R5-GL2021-GIS) Approximately $3 million available for 5 to 10 projects
I.A. Riparian Restoration to Reduce Runoff (EPA-R5-GL2021-RRR)
Approximately $3 million available for 5 to 10 projects
For this funding opportunity, we seek to restore riparian areas in agricultural, rural, urban, and suburban areas through the implementation of streamside conservation practices that promote infiltration, stabilize streamflows, and increase the capacity of the watershed to assimilate nutrients.
- Approximately $3,000,000 available for 5 to 10 projects
- Eligible activities may include vegetated buffers, constructed wetlands, saturated buffers, and two-stage ditches.
- Riparian Restoration RFA on Grants.gov
I.B. Addressing Legacy Phosphorus in Agricultural Settings (EPA-R5-GL2021-ALP)
Approximately $3 million available for 5 to 10 projects
For this funding opportunity we seek to address chronic sources of high phosphorus loading with engineered or natural hydrologic structures, such as wetlands, floodplains and two stage ditches.
- Approximately $3,000,000 available for 5 to 10 projects
- Projects must be designed to intercept and filter agricultural runoff with high legacy phosphorus levels.
- Use of Phosphorus Removal Structures is encouraged.
- Legacy Phosphorus RFA on Grants.gov
I.C. Green Infrastructure in Shoreline Communities (EPA-R5-GL2021-GIS)
Approximately $3 million available for 5 to 10 projects
This funding opportunity solicits green infrastructure projects that will capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff in a Great Lakes shoreline community. EPA is particularly interested in projects that will benefit underserved communities.
- Approximately $3,000,000 available for 5 to 10 projects
- As a minimum for consideration, projects must infiltrate or capture at least 100,000 gallons stormwater.
- Eligible projects must be in communities that are adjacent to a Great Lake or connecting channel.
- Projects that protect public health by improving water quality at recreational beaches are encouraged.
Who can apply
Eligible | Not Eligible |
Documents: RFA, questions and answers
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan III
- Questions and Answers about Nonpoint Source Runoff and Nutrient Reduction Projects FY21 RFA (pdf) - Updated Aug. 19, 2021
- 2021 RFA for Nonpoint Source Runoff and Nutrient Reduction Projects - Modification 1 (pdf)
- RFA Modification Notice - June 22, 2021 (pdf)
- 2021 GLRI Request for Applications for Nonpoint Source Runoff and Nutrient Reduction Projects (pdf)
- Helpful tips in advance of the 2021 GLRI RFA (pdf)