EPA RCRA ID: VAD046960449
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Facility Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Enforcement and Compliance
- Related Information
- Contacts for this Facility
Cleanup Status
Note: The EPA is the lead agency for managing cleanups at this facility.
The Facility currently contains two commercial operations. One is owned and operated by Babcock &Wilcox Nuclear Operations Group, Inc. and referred to as the B&W Property. The other is owned and operated by AREVA Federal Services and is referred to as the AREV A Property.
The selected remedy for the Facility was documented in the Final Decision and Response to Comments (“FDRTC”). This document contains the selected remedy and responses to comments received during the 30 day public comment period which ended on December 17, 2014. The FDRTC was signed by EPA’s Director of Land and Chemicals Division on February 26, 2015. The Final selected remedy was unchanged from the proposed remedy.
The next step is for implementation of the selected remedy with the current property owners B&W and AREVA.
On March 31, 2022, the VDEQ conducted a Long Term Stewardship assessment to assess whether the remedy was implemented and protective of human health and the environment. VDEQ determined that the remedy institutional and engineering controls have been fully implemented and no control deficiencies were identified.
Cleanup Actions or environmental indicators characterizing the entire facility are shown below. It is not intended as an extensive list of milestones/activities. This listing, and all the data on this page, come from EPA’s RCRAInfo and are refreshed nightly to this page. For this table and the Cleanup Activities Pertaining to a Portion of the Facility table that follows, a blank in the Status column could mean the action either has not occurred or has not been reported in RCRAInfo.
Cleanup Activities Pertaining to the Entire Facility
Action | Status | Date of Action |
Human Exposure Under Control Human Exposure Under Control(CA725) | ||
Groundwater Migration Under ControlGroundwater Migration Under Control (CA750) | ||
Remedy DecisionRemedy Decision (CA400) | ||
Remedy ConstructionRemedy Construction (CA550) | ||
Ready for Anticipated Use Ready for Anticipated Use (CA800) | ||
Performance Standards AttainedPerformance Standards Attained (CA900) | ||
Corrective Action Process TerminatedCorrective Action Process Terminated (CA999) |
For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.
Cleanup Activities Pertaining to a Portion of the Facility
Action | Area Name | Date of Action |
For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.
Facility Description
Link to a larger, interactive view of the map.
The Babcock &Wilcox Nuclear Operations Group (Mt. Athos site) is located near Lynchburg, Virginia on a 560-acre site adjacent to the James River in the northeast corner of Campbell County.
The B&W site is regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The B&W facility operates under an NRC license (SNM-42) for the management of its special nuclear material and a Commonwealth of Virginia agreement state license for the management of the other radioactive materials. The AREVA facility operates under a Commonwealth of Virginia Radioactive Materials License (680-515-1). NOG-L fabricates fuel-bearing precision components that serve as power units for the nuclear navy. NOG-L is the sole source supplier of these products and services in support of national security, and as such the Facility will remain in operation as long as there is a U.S. nuclear navy. NOG-L operations can be expected to continue well into the twenty-first century. AREVA supports the nation's commercial nuclear utility outage, maintenance, and inspection business. The AREV A Property was formerly owned and operated by B&W.
Contaminants at this Facility
The complete list of contaminants of concern identified in the RFI include TCE, PCE, bromoform, chloroform, methylene chloride, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, trans-1, 2-dichloroethylene, trichlorofluoromethane, and vinyl chloride. No immediate threats to human health or the environment have been identified.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
Institutional Controls include:
1. Groundwater at the Facility shall not be used for any purpose other than to conduct the operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities required by Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and/or EPA, unless it is demonstrated to EPA, that such use will not pose a threat to human health or the environment.
2. No new wells will be installed on Facility property unless it is demonstrated to EPA that such wells are necessary to implement the final remedy and EPA provides prior written approval to install such wells.
3. The Facility property shall not be used for residential purposes unless it is demonstrated to EPA that such use will not pose a threat to human health or the environment or adversely affect or interfere with the selected remedy.
4. All earth moving activities, including excavation, drilling and construction activities, in the areas at the Facility where any contaminants remain in soils above EPA Region III's shall be prohibited.
5. A vapor intrusion control system, the design of which shall be approved in advance by EPA, shall be installed in each new structure constructed above the contaminated groundwater plume or within 100-foot around the perimeter of the contaminated groundwater plume.
Institutional and Engineering Controls help ensure human exposure and groundwater migration are under control at a cleanup facility. Where control types have been reported by states and EPA in EPA’s RCRAInfo, they are shown below. Not all control types are needed at all facilities, and some facilities do not require any controls. Where there are blanks, the control types may not be needed, may not be in place, or may not be reported in RCRAInfo.
Are Controls in Place at this Facility?
Control(s) Type |
Control(s) in Place? |
Areas Subject to Control(s) |
Documents available on-line: |
Institutional ControlsNon-engineering controls used to restrict land use or land access in order to protect people and the environment from exposure to hazardous substances remaining in the site/or facility. (CA 772) |
Informational DevicesInformational Devices (ID) |
Governmental Controls (GC) |
Enforcement and Permit Tools (EP) |
Proprietary ControlsProprietary Controls (PR) | ||||
Engineering ControlsEngineering measures designed to minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by either limiting direct contact with contaminated areas or controlling migration of contaminants. (CA 770) |
Groundwater ControlGroundwater Control (GW) |
Non-Groundwater |
For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.
Enforcement and Compliance at this Facility
EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) provides detailed historical information about enforcement and compliance activities at each RCRA Corrective Action Site in their Enforcement and Compliance Historical Online (ECHO) system.
RCRA Enforcement and Compliance Reports from ECHO
Related Information
For more information about this facility, see these other EPA links:
- RCRA information in EPA’s Envirofacts database
- Information about this facility submitted to EPA under different environmental programs as reported in EPA’s Facility Registry Services
- Alternative Names for this facility as reported by EPA programs in EPA’s Facility Registry Services
- Cleanups in My Community provides an interactive map to see EPA cleanups in context with additional data, and lists for downloading data
- Search RCRA Corrective Action Sites provides a search feature for Corrective Action Sites
Documents, Photos and Graphics
Contacts for this Facility
EPA Region implements and enforces the RCRA Corrective Action program for and federally recognized tribes.
For further information on this corrective action site, use the Contact Information for Corrective Action Hazardous Waste Clean Ups listings that are accessible through Corrective Action Programs around the Nation.