Compendium of Potential Alternative Technologies to Open Burning and Open Detonation of Hazardous Waste Explosives
The "Compendium of Potential Alternative Technologies to Open Burning and Open Detonation of Hazardous Waste Explosives" identifies alternative treatment technologies that potentially can be used in place of open burning and open detonation of certain hazardous waste explosives.
This compendium is intended for use by open burning/open detonation (OB/OD) facility owners and operators and others as a starting point in their literature search for potential alternatives. This is not an all-inclusive list of potentially available technologies, nor does it substitute for an alternative technology evaluation for a specific waste stream. There are other technologies that may be considered during the initial literature gathering phase. Additionally, users of this compendium must recognize that alternative technologies are site- and waste stream-specific and there are several criteria, data, and studies that are assessed and considered when determining if an alternative technology is safe and available for a specific waste stream. While a technology may have been implemented for a particular waste stream at one facility, it may not be determined to be safe or available (e.g., at a larger scale) for another facility with a similar or the same waste stream. This compendium includes technologies that have been implemented as well as those that have been identified but not implemented.
EPA anticipates updating this compendium periodically, as needed, to incorporate new information related to identified and implemented alternative technologies for certain explosive waste streams. If you would like to submit information or feedback for EPA’s consideration, please email [email protected].