Find an Indoor AirPlus Builder or Verifier
Take the first step to protect your family from poor indoor air quality. Find a builder who can deliver an Indoor AirPlus certified home or apartment in your area.
Looking for a Builder?
If you're planning to build a home or you're searching for a new apartment, look for an Indoor AirPlus builder/developer partner in your area using the ENERGY STAR Partner Locator. No Indoor AirPlus builders listed near you? Most ENERGY STAR builder partners can quickly learn how to meet the Indoor AirPlus program requirements with the help of an Indoor AirPlus Verifier (or home energy rater). Contact a builder on the Partner Locator and ask them for the Indoor AirPlus certification on your next home or apartment!
Looking for a Verifier?
Are you a homebuilder looking for a trusted professional to review your plans and provide verification inspections for Indoor AirPlus certified homes? Look for an Indoor AirPlus Verifier partner on the ENERGY STAR Partner Locator. If your current rater is not yet an Indoor AirPlus partner, they can quickly and easily sign the Indoor AirPlus partnership agreement and incorporate Indoor AirPlus inspections into their other verification services for code compliance, ENERGY STAR, and/or other home certifications.