Atrazine Monitoring Program Data and Results
Annual AMP data sets are available for 2003 to 2019. Data collection ceased when the Agency suspended AMP requirements for the calendar year 2020, at which time the Agency solicited comments (during the 60-day comment period for the Proposed Interim Decision for atrazine) after proposing to end the requirement for the AMP based on findings that model-estimated atrazine concentrations, as well as measured concentrations for community water systems were consistently well below the drinking water level of concern (DWLOC) on an annual basis. The vast majority of atrazine samples from the AMP showed concentrations below 1 part per billion (ppb), while the highest atrazine concentration ever measured was 227 ppb, which is well below the DWLOC of 580 ppb. The Agency did not receive significant comments that illustrated a continued need for monitoring through this program and therefore the Agency discontinued the requirement for the AMP as described in the 2020 Atrazine Interim Decision. Monitoring data are also available for simazine from 2006 to 2014.
View a summary of data that was submitted by the registrant for 2003 – 2007.
Raw data are available below, and in the public docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2003-0367.