How can I obtain 3M LeadCheckTM test kits?
Answer: 3M sold the formulation and trademarks related to 3M™ LeadCheck™ Instant Lead Tests to Luxfer Magtech. EPA recognizes the Leadcheck™ test kit made and distributed by Luxfer Magtech for compliance with EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting rule when used by a trained professional. The Luxfer Magtech LeadCheck™ test kits are expected to be available at home centers and major hardware stores in early 2025. For more information on Luxfer Magtech LeadCheck™ test kits, call 800-503-4483 to speak with a customer service representative. You may continue to use 3M™ LeadCheck™ test kits you may have on hand. More information about EPA recognized lead test kits is available at
Question Number: 23002-16393
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