Public Notice: Washington County Lead District National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites, Washington County, Missouri
Administrative Record Available for Time-Critical Removal Action
Contaminated Soils at Residential Yards and Child High-Use Areas
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 has compiled the Administrative Record (AR) file for a Time-Critical Removal Action in Washington County, Missouri, at the Washington County Lead District National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites to clean up lead-contaminated, priority residential properties.
The sites at Furnace Creek, Old Mines, and Potosi are located within the Old Lead Belt, where hundreds of years of mining and smelting caused widespread contamination. Detailed site information, including Administrative Records (ARs), are available at Information Repositories at the three links above.
ARs are official site files that contain technical documents about EPA’s response actions. EPA developed this AR to provide a clear understanding of the site actions. To view, please visit the three links above (see Site Documents & Data, Administrative Records, and “Removal AR for Washington County Lead District - Furnace Creek/Old Mines/Potosi”).
If you do not have internet access, you can view these documents online at a local library, such as the following location:
Washington County Library
235 E. High St.
Potosi, MO 63664
Lead is the main contaminant of concern at this site. It is a toxic metal that is harmful if inhaled or ingested and can pose serious health risks, particularly to children under 7 years old, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. Learn more about how to protect your family from lead hazards.
Annual Childhood Lead Testing: EPA encourages parents and caregivers to have children under 7 years old tested for elevated blood lead levels annually. The only way to know if your child has an elevated blood lead level is to have his or her blood tested; lead-poisoned children do not always look or act sick.
Talk to your pediatrician, general physician, Washington County Health Department (520 Purcell Dr., Potosi, MO 63664; 573-438-2164), or other health care professionals about testing your child and to arrange for blood lead screening.
Contact EPA: If you have questions about this Time-Critical Removal Action, please contact On-Scene Coordinator Joe Krauska at [email protected] or 913-551-7249; or Community Involvement Coordinator Tanya Young at [email protected] or 913-551-7803.
U.S. EPA Region 7
11201 Renner Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219
Toll-free: 1-800-223-0425