How can I run MOVES3 for the entire U.S or for an entire year?
The most accurate national MOVES runs are done for every county and hour and then averaged together in the output, but, depending on your intended use of the results, it’s also possible to pre-aggregate the MOVES inputs to run the nation as a whole at an average time.
Pre-aggregation is not acceptable for SIP or conformity purposes because more precision is necessary these state and local analyses as described in the MOVES Technical Guidance (pdf) (1 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-B-20-052). However, if a simpler run with average default inputs is appropriate for your purpose, you can select the “Year” and “State” or “Nation” from the Preaggregation Options on the “Advanced Features” panel.
Additional information on speeding up MOVES runs.
Additional help on the technical aspects of running MOVES.